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D&D General How many hours of D&D would you say you have played in your entire life?


Very much an estimate - table time below. So I’d say about 7,500 hours. This counts some dabbling in pathfinder (as it was pretty similar to 3.5e) and some heavily Homebrewed d&d that was not so heavily homebrewed that I couldn’t just use the monster manuals etc. but doesn’t count other RPGs
1979: High school: First introduced to the game borrowed from a friend, got my own set of basic for Christmas: maybe 10 hours
1980: High school: met new d&d friends at school, introduced to other games including board games, started getting AD&D books when available, played often at lunch & on weekend sleepovers: 120 hours
1981: High School: started My first 15+ year campaign (homebrew), started spending a week away with high school friends a couple of times a year during which we played about 16 hours a day: 500 hours
1981:High school: as above: 500 hours
1982: High School: Final year, less time to play due to study and increased other social activities, still had the week away: 300 hours
1983-1987: University: more free time than school but time spent on other social activities. Played a lot of other rpgs like Bushido, Traveller, CoC, Runequest, V&V so D&D took a hit, but we still were playing the high school campaign regularly and other D&D games and having our week away maybe once a year- so probably down to an average of about 200 hours a year: 1000 hours
1988-1994 started work, D&D took a hit, reduced to just my ongoing campaign a few times a year and maybe a couple of other games, ran a multi year Runequest campaign around this time that also took time away from D&D, also regular players had reduced availability- so maybe average just 80 hours a year: 480 hours
1995 - 1999: married, kids, house, mortgage. My high school campaign petered out as most of the group moved away. I started what was to become my second 15+ year campaign (Greyhawk) with my soon to be wife and some ex University friends but it was less regular. In the late 90’s I also caught up with 2 high school friends for a fortnightly game for a while. Probably averaging 100 hours a year. 500 hours
2000-2005: when 3e came out I got together a group to try it out, started a 6 year campaign (Night Below converted). I was running both it and the Greyhawk campaign fortnightly for maybe 4-6 hour sessions so about 200 hours a year during this period: 1200 hours
2006-2008: played in a 3 year campaign nearly fortnightly while running Greyhawk less frequently, and started to organise roleplaying weekends away. Started out as annual. again probably 200 hours a year: 600 hours
2009-2014: greyhawk game petered out due to personnel reasons, started to switch from 3.5e to pathfinder then back to heavily homebrewed hybrid. Roleplaying weekends became tri annual but little else regularly. About 150 hours a year counting pathfinder as D&D: 900 hours
2015-2017 : switched to 5e, started weekly then fortnightly then weekly rpg, these sessions last 3-5 hours but have been D&D about 70% of the time. Ran a savage worlds game for a bit, and played in one so part of the frequent gaming wasn’t D&D but the weekends became 3/year and were D&D (started a new campaign in 2015 - currently 8th level). So about 150 hours a year: 450 hours
2018- present as above but add in some roll20 online gaming session to bring it up to about 200 hours a year: 800 hours

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Holy crap! I've played, on average, 4 hours every week since 2000, for a total of 4,264. Before that, I spent a LOT more time, probably averaging about 20 hours a week, going back to 1991 gives a total of 19,760. This gives a grand average of just over 24,000 hours. Needless to say, I'm an addict :geek:


I have been playing D&D since 1975. Let's say twice a month for a six hour minimum time slot each. That's 12 hours a month, 144 hours a year, for 46 years is 6,624. That does not include pick-up games, convention games, D&D encounters/Living Forgotten Realms, etc. More fun to consider that I have probably spent at least $30,000 on D&D stuff over those 46 years. That works out to about $4.53 an hour. Great return on my money, not to mention the great people I've met and the great adventures I've had.


I play what I think is a lot, and my best estimation is that I've played around 3,810 hours since 1990. (Those of you with 20,000+ hours - I don't even see how that's possible, but good on you.)


Oof, difficult for me. I started when I was 10 (4th grade) in 1979/1980, but by 6th I was doing about 1 1/2 hours a day (1 hour lunch + 30 minute "play"/recess time) during school, up until 11th grade. After that it was 6-8 hours a weekend, though that was split with Battletech and other RPGs until I finished college.

From there on about 4 hours a weekend every other weekend or so, with a gap in '95-'97 (a move to Georgia, away from friends), and '01-'05 (babies).

Sooo, roughly ... 10K hours or more?


Mod Squad
Staff member
Impossible to tell really after 41 years.

The early 80s we played very often as in several nights a week and weekends for 5 to 8 hours.

I'm much the same. It'll be "at least thousands of hours", is the best I can do.

If we include non-D&D rpgs, tens of thousands of hours, easily.


I also came out to about 11,500 hours over 39 years. In college and the decade after, I played at least 12 hours per week. Unlike a lot of people, I had no significant breaks between high school, college, grad school, or work/family. It's now down to an average of about six to eight hours per week -- one or two sessions, depending on alternating campaigns.

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