How many RPGs do you play?

How many RPGs do you play?


New Question: Do you like/prefer games with similar core mechanics?
I prefer games with mechanics that differ from each other. Games to similar to 3.x can confuse me because it can be hard to pin down the differences between them and 3.x. Retro clones don't interest me because I'd rather just play the original game.

I like roll low systems because they're easy to grasp quickly. One of the reasons I like Rogue Trader and Deathwatch is that they were quick for me to catch on to the basic system.

Dice pool systems seem to take the longest for me to master, but lots of games I like use them. Changeling: The Dreaming (2nd Ed), and Shadowrun 4e use them to great effect.

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the Jester

Well, only one regularly right now.

Once in a while we'll play my homebrewed system, and I plan to run a couple of Gamma World one-shots when I get it.

If you don't mean how many do you play right now, my answer is- plenty! Probably half of them.

The Green Adam

First Post
I currently run the following once a month each...

Star Wars, The RPG (WEG, D6)
DC Adventures (Green Ronin - Mutants & Masterminds 3E)
My Homebrew D&D-like Game (TSR/Me - Vaguely AD&D 1E Sorta, Kinda):p
A One-Shot of Whatever New Game or Crazy Idea I can come up with.

Yes, once a month I experiment with the latest indie, free or small press game that strikes my fancy and I see how much potential it has. Since I'm not really a D&D/Traditional Medieval Fantasy type guy I find this style can generate sessions that go on to become some of my favorite games.

Barking Alien


5ever, or until 2024
I prefer games with mechanics that differ from each other. Games to similar to 3.x can confuse me because it can be hard to pin down the differences between them and 3.x. Retro clones don't interest me because I'd rather just play the original game.

In, say, 2002 the OGL did seem to have created one mechanic to rule them all...but it didn't last.

I think more casual gamers probably just play D&D (or maybe Vampire or WHFRP or lighter indie game), and people who dabble into lots of games what difference. Thats the whole point.

(Note, this doesn't mean the OGL wasn't awesome, nor does it mean that differences within D&D are good...or bad).

Mr. Wilson

In the last year and a half my gaming group has played:

DnD 3E and 4E
Pathfinder Beta
Star Wars d20, Saga, and d6 (d6 being the favorite)
OWoD: Vampire and Werewolf
Deadlands: Hell on Earth
Call of Cthulu
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
GURPS (set in the 1930s)
and Rifts

Not sure what we're gonna do after the 4E game we're playing in ends (which I actually plan on running from 3-30; we're nearly at 7 now). Shadowrun currently appears to be the favorite.

Holy Bovine

First Post
Right now? Just one 4E D&D.

If I had more time/motivation I'd be playing/running Warhammer FRP v1 (with the v2 magic system tacked on), Classic Taveller, Mutants & Masterminds, Savage Worlds (thinking a 'Weird War' type of world), Spirit of the Century, Harry Dresden RPG, Call of Cthulhu, RC D&D, Shadowrun (3E) and maybe even 3E D&D (play only).

Need more free time/infinite energy.

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