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How often do you game/How much is too much?


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OK, we used to game really hardcore, like 3 or 4 times a week. Now, we're down to once a week, what with different schedules. We went over to talk to a guy that we used to game with, who now brags about gaming 3 times a week again with a huge group of people.

How much is too much gaming? I think that I'd get burnt out gaming 3 times a week, if it was long sessions; not to mention how difficult it'd be to find time to game that much.

How often do y'all game?

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in ye olde dayes 3-4hr/session; 5 sessions/week; 50 weeks/year; 10+ years

nowadays: 1 six hour session every fortnight


First Post
once a week, up from once every two weeks from a few years ago.

for me, more than once a week would be too much for me to handle. (though in my younger days we did 3-4 nights a week no problem...)


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4-5 times a month. Sometimes I have 2 games in 1 week, others no games. I really don't like the no game weeks.


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once a month :(

Actually about twice a month if you include Settlers of Cattan, Warhammer, or LAN games.

And you're gaming too much when it interfeers with work, school, family, friendships, health, or other non-gaming activities (all games and no other interests make Jack a dull DM).

:: sigh :: oh for the halycon days of yesteryear, when I would game three times a week and blow off quizzes in college for an extra half-hour of Shadowrun.


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I'm asking because he was implying that they game like all night(which might help us reason out why Angcuru's father, this guy's employer, is so aggravated by his poor performance at work), 3 or 4 times a week. While I can see doing that once in a while(for example, in less than a week my family is going on vacation for 10 days; while they're gone, I'm gonna try to have people over to game as much as possible), I can't see doing that every week; I know that I'd get burned out.

Geekus-Agreed, I think that once I move out I might get into that again, since RakeRon, Vechs, and myself are out of college. Now we've just gotta convince Angcuru to join us on the dark side.
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Too much for me is more than once a week; but like an addictive substance, my wife tells me I get cranky if I can't get my game on for more than a week. :)

The answer for you is: As much as you feel comfy with. If you and your gamers have a schedule such that you can game three or four nights a week without neglecting family, personal, and social duties, then by all means GO for it. But be aware that burnout can occur more frequently if you game more frequently. It can be helpful to switch up campaigns with different DM's, or different games entirely (have board-game night, D&D night, Spycraft night, etc.)

I fully expect to be quite sick of gaming by the time the fourth day of Gencon rolls around. :)


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Twice a month if I'm lucky. Sessions run 6-8 hours.

This is especially difficult to deal with during the summertime - I still miss being 14 years old, having summers off and the (Mel Gibson Braveheart) FREEDOM!!! of my youth.


First Post
Run one game bi-weekly and play ina once a month and another bi-weekly game. So on average about once a week. I don't think I could handle anymore with finishing my masters degree and job searching; not to mention time with my wife.

Like the other poster said, if you are giving up on family , work, or other social time.. then you are gaming too much.

Best regards,


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