D&D 5E How often do you use the versatile property?


Oh this is where the title goes?
Was trying to come up with a good feat for it. What do you think of this:

Versatile Weapon Fighter
While wielding a versatile weapon and no other weapon or shield, you gain the following benefits:
+1 AC
You can wield the weapon in one hand and roll damage as if it were held in two hands.
When wielding the weapon with two hands, you can choose to take a -5 penalty on your attack roll. If the attack hits, you add +10 to the attack's damage.
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The barbarian in the game I run has a magic battle-axe which he uses as a preference to his original great axe. I have seen a few characters use it when caught without a shield. They are good for small characters. Wizards and sorcerers might use a staff two handed from time to time.

In general though a two handed weapon is the better choice for damage. Also the PHB errata makes it clear its intended that a two handed weapon only require two hands when you attack with it which leaves a free hand for opening doors and spell casting as an alternative.


First Post
Makes sense if it's all you've got but what did you mean by half str? Is that a house rule or did I miss something about versatile weapons(away from my books atm)

I meant half your strength modifier because nonmagical resistance would be resistant to your other weapon, allowing you to essentially only add half your strength modifier. Therefore, the magical weapon does 1/2 strength modifier more than the regular weapon plus any addition magical damage (+1, +2, or whatever). Which probably adds a few points of damage for every attack. So no houserule or old edition rule, just not explained well in my previous post.
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Improvised weapons and staves used two-handed when caught unaware is pretty much it. I toyed with the idea of letting Longswords be d12 2-handed but still lack the Heavy property. This I think would make them have a purpose for anybody that was not a specialist GWM feat having combatant.

IMC I gave a PC a magic bastardsword that could be used to do 2d6 two handed or 1d8 one handed, it also let you swap your fighting style each time you drew it. It ended up being an awesome weapon. Sometimes he would go GWF, sometimes Duelist, sometimes even Protection. That was a very versatile weapon and I like the way it worked in practice.


I saw one character using a katana (longsword) 2h. He liked the concept more than the 1.5 extra damage per swing from a greatsword


First Post
Was trying to come up with a good feat for it. What do you think of this:

Versatile Weapon Fighter
While wielding a versatile weapon and no other weapon or shield, you gain the following benefits:
+1 AC
You can wield the weapon in one hand and roll damage as if it were held in two hands.
When wielding the weapon with two hands, you can choose to take a -5 penalty on your attack roll. If the attack hits, you add +10 to the attack's damage.

I don't mind this, but it might be better as a fighting style rather than a feat.

Versatile Style

When you attack with a versatile weapon wielded in one hand, you gain a +1 bonus to the attack roll. When you hit with a versatile weapon you are wielding in two hands, add +1 to the damage roll.

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