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How to do Romance?


Penguin Herder
Relique du Madde said:
A delicate forest that surrounds an illusive cave...
Illusive is such a great word. But hard to use aloud, thanks to "elusive".

That is all.

Cheers, -- N

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Thanks everyone. There's some good stuff in here.

Yeah, I'm not 100% sure how comfortable I am with playing it out. I can see it going south in a right hurry. I know that in one campaign another player was trying to get a romance thing going with my PC (for pretty decent reasons) but, in the end, it did make me very uncomfortable. Unfortunately, I had my PC end things on a very sour note (basically telling the female NPC to bugger off - the NPC was being run by another player) and I think that in turn colored things with her regular PC.

I dunno. It just wigged me out at the time.

I think the idea of keeping it 100% in the 3rd person is the right way to go. Makes it easier to swallow, (ahem).


First Post
Lots of good advice here. I've run a number of successful in-game romances. My players were the sort who demanded such things, however. So YMMV.

Keeping that in mind, here's another piece of advice: let the player pick their romantic interest. It's all well and good to throw someone in their path, but if they don't take the bait, let it be. And if they instead show interest in someone else, roll with it. The only thing worse than railroading the adventure is trying to railroad the characters' emotions.

- Brian


First Post
fusangite said:
Just a warning: don't do it. In my experience, romance is a bad idea to role play out and is largely pointless when it proceeds off-frame. The RPG social dynamic is good for doing a lot of things; representing romance is not one of them.

In most cases I'd be inclined to agree. It only works with a VERY mature group who can keep the joking down and actually approach the subject in a serious matter. I've been with ONE group that could successfully pull it off in the 26 years I've been roleplaying. If your group is mostly composed of the "Method Actor" Role-Player archetype then go for it otherwise, leave it out.

Campbell said:
Just offer to take her out for drinks after the game. No need to make her reject you in front of the whole group.


First Post
I recommend taking it into the campaign's character journals or role playing it out online. Given how private most pitchings of woo are, it's actually more accurate that the party only get to see/hear about a few moments. Also, much less embarassing and allows for things to be thought out. If writing's not the PC's strong suit, of course, YMMV.

Key plot elements:

A fancy dress ball or a contra dance: http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=200475

A great first date: in an age of magic and wonder, what's going to sweep him/her off their feet? What's playing at the illusionist's stage these days, anyway? Does she like the chariot races? What's a fantasy zoo like?

A fantastic gift: One of them fancy new clockworks? A wondrous item? Something you made after you painfully decided to invest ranks in a craft? Something from a land far, far way?

Bust-a-move: Just how do you "stop short" in combat, anyway? But seriously, every romance needs a great kiss.... And a romantic locale's just one teleport away....

Please note disclaimer in sig.


Doug McCrae said:
The way they do it in rom coms and soap operas. It's all misunderstandings, complex deceptions, outrageous acts to prove one's love, implausible coincidences, arguments and so forth.

Play to the strength of rpgs. Talking and action. No quiet intimacy. No sex. Nothing that actually builds relationships.

Excellent advice.

Over the years, I've had a hard time keeping romance out of my games. Teenage boys (who I RPed with when I was young myself) and women (whom I've RPed with since then) both tend as groups to find romantic interests in my NPCs. Any dashing and attractive member of the opposite sex who features as a reoccuring NPC is likely to become a romantic interest of at least one member of your group. So, it's not like I have to work to put it in.

But this can be somewhat awkward. Even if sexual contact occurs entirely 'off stage', I personally have a hard time doing intimate role play face to face. It's way too intense. I'm fine with it over electronic media, but its just awkward in person. Also, it tends to give one PC to much spotlight, and the rest of the players are likely to be bored with any extensive period of romantic banter between one player and an NPC. Focus on the action. Keep the pacing fast and the banter short and comic. You don't actually have to build the relationship. It already exists as a fantasy in the player's mind, and that's generally the only level they expect it to exist at.


Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
Eat lots of onions, mustard, and sour cream Doritos(TM), then give him a deep probing tongue-kiss. After that, everything else you do romance-wise after that will seem at worst "not so bad."

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