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How to get these rogues off my back....


Actually a rogue of the right level could still sneak attack the barbarian all day, as per 3.5 SRD: (emphasis mine)

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex)

At 5th level and higher, a barbarian can no longer be flanked. This defense denies a rogue the ability to sneak attack the barbarian by flanking him, unless the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the target has barbarian levels. If a character already has uncanny dodge from a second class, the character automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead, and the levels from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum level a rogue must be to flank the character.

For casters types I have always preferred levitate, spider-climb or flight to get them up out of the flanking situation or just melee in general really. The melee types should work together to take down the rogues fast via concentrated attacks, they hit hard but they fall harder.

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First Post
If your ranger a bow or melee specialist?

Even at high-levels, a rogue is only intimidating for that initial attack. Then they are dead. I have an 18th-level fighter get surprised and then lost initiative to a greater invisible rogue. He hit me for 100+ pts of damage from his plethora of attacks (a high AC is a great defense with the rogue's mediocre BAB), but then was standing there against the fighter. Two attacks later (one of them being a critical) and the poor rogue was paste.

I would worry less about melee rogues than ranged ones. It's the greater invisible rogue with rapid shot that I would worry about.

Some other ways to counter the invisibility tactics of rogues (beyond what's been said already regarding concealment) is using true seeing to get through your own darkness and see invis. Or just plain see invis. Glitterdust is a good one because it makes the rogue visible to everyone, but the range is so bad it might not be useful.

Beyond that, use dispel magic. They will likely be using potions to turn invisibile. So that means caster level 3 or something else equally as low. Throw out there an area dispel magic and watch them all appear.


First Post
Kid Charlemagne said:
Spells like Glitterdust which can affect their ability to hide and/or target for sneak attacking effectively. Power Attacking when possible, as they're likely to have less AC than a sword-n-board fighter type. Fighting back to back, or in a 2x2 square formation to limit the amount of flanking:


Fighting in corners or with your back to a wall, also to limit flanking.

What level are you?

Obscuring Mist. A miss chance negates sneak attack.
And there's the whole low will save thing--so they not only are sparkly, they are probably blinded too.

Sunrods. Lots of sunrods. Throw them everywhere. No place to hide.

Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator
Keep in mind that some of the obscuring/hiding spells could in certain circumstances work against you - if one of your buddies in the obscuring mist goes down 10 feet away, you may never find him in time. Lots of good suggestions here. For your gnome, mirror image will be a big benefit. Every round you can make them miss you is another round you get to make them pay for it. I'd memorize a quickened one just to really drive them up the wall after the first one finally goes down.


First Post
Any amor with this special ability will help. If you can afford Heavy Fortification you can laugh at Sneak Attacks all day.
Or else find some way to out maneuver them. If you can fly, go airborne and snipe at them.
Try hiring some bodyuards. Maybe some rogues of your own?
Good luck.

Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
The_Gneech said:
Say it with me: "Back-to-back kills sneak attack!" ;)

Since there's no facing in D&D anymore: Not really.

Blur. That's it. That's all you need. Miss chance plus negates sneak attack.

Voidrunner's Codex

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