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D&D 5E How would you continue this? (Lost Mine)


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My group of 5 players is going through the Lost Mine module using the Pregens (2 wizards instead of 2 fighters) and were able to do something unexpected 3 sessions in: burn down the Stone Giant Inn.

They spent a week in Phandalin after rescuing Sildar reflecting on their previous encounters - my way of saying they went up a level. When they were good and ready the wizards went to the Luck Shrine and heard about the Redbrands. After sharing this information with the rest of the party the Cleric and Fighter actively sought out the miscreants and ended up in the Stone Giant Inn.
Some harsh words were traded in within minutes there was a lethal bar fight. One of the two wizards was still outside, heard the commotion inside and decided to cast Burning Hands through the door opening. To teach the party the powers (and dangers) of 5e spells - they're all 4e players primarily - I ruled that a ramshackle wooden building like that would be caught on fire.
So the Redbrands were killed, as was the poor soul tending the bar. And the great oak behind the building, passing the fire to the building next door. The fires died off on their own eventually.

I ended the session there, firstly because that would be a nice cliffhanger but also because I had to seriously think about the effect this would have on the rest of the town.

So.. brainstorm.. how would you make the next session start out? Surely such a deed, how well intended, wouldn't go unnoticed or even unpunished.
They haven't met the Town Master yet so I was thinking he'd show up with some hired goons to take them away. Or to take them to safety from an angry mob of citizens?
Reading the Town Masters' description he's not a kind man nor does he want the players to meddle with the Redbrands so obviously he's not too happy about this. And he won't let this slide easily. So how would the plyers redeem themselves in his (and the town's) eyes?

The party's Rogue wasn't in the town at the time. The player was taking the backstory very seriously and refuses to set foot in the town which obviously brings it's own set of problems.
I was thinking the Rogue would get a message via one of her contacts about the evens and that she has to come to town if she wants to save her friends. Two birds and all that.
Maybe the characters are in the holding cells beneath the Town Masters' house and need to be sprung. While a cool way for the Rogue to shine this won't do their reputation any good. Also in this scenario would I just have the rest of the party start in the prison or should I roleplay it from the moment the fires die out? That would probably be preferable for the players - who likes to hear they are now suddenly in jail? - but they would most likely find some way not to be incarcerated. A lethal way, most likely.
Also after they are freed from their cells they still need redemption, right. Oh and then there's Sildar who is still alive. I don't want him to steal the spotlight here. (I'd rather not have him around at all tbh :) )

I'm just afraid that letting these guys go from this point will probably pretty much ruin the entire Phandalin hub by mistake.
So. Ideas welcome!

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Were there any witnesses? Without witnesses, who knows what caused the fire... could be the redbrands in a fight. Most of the town hates the redbrands and will side with the party.

If there was a witness, perhaps the party could go on trial. Sildar could be a witness to their bravery. Maybe at the same time the rest of the party tries to dig up dirt on the redbrands.

PS. I dont have my kit on me, but i dont remember the rogues backstory preventing him from going into town.


Yeah, as stated it depends on what the townspeople think about it. Could range from "I always knew those Redbrands were trouble, serves 'em right" to "great now we have TWO bands of thugs to worry about!"


First Post
Also, how many of your 5 (4 without rogue) are lawful aligned? Any who are should in theory go with the Townmaster and his posse to be detained pending investigation. Maybe Sildar seeks out the rogue to encourage him to spring the rest of the party and continue on towards Wave Echo Cave. They, in turn, leave Phandalin in the dust and are actually wanted criminals there.

There are still plenty of Redbrands around too, even without their taphouse, so maybe the "angry citizen mob" is actually comprised of redbrands out to hang the characters, and the rogue arrives just in time to roll inits and get the party started in the streets. Someone can inform the party after the combat about the Redbrand Hideout, and if they could chase them off for good all would be forgiven for the small fire.

Harbin is more cowed by the Redbrands than opposed to meddling (in my estimation of him). He doesn't want trouble, and by burning down some buildings clearly the PCs have caused trouble. Maybe Harbin sets up a court to adjudicate the offense and Sildar acts as the party's defense advocate. The PCs can each have a turn to speak on their behalf. If it doesn't go well you can go with the bring in the rogue to free them option, if it goes well you can push the party towards the Hideout to deal with the redbrands once and for all.


There isn't much in the way of law enforcement in the town, or the Redbrands wouldn't be the problem they are. The Redbrands have also taught the townsfolk the dangers of trying to take things into their own hands and stand up to ruffians. Really, when confronted by the sort of people who can burn down buildings at a whim, there aren't many civilised people in town who'd dare to do anything to them directly.

The PCs might find themselves unwelcome at the town's inn and trading establishments, but aside from that their only major worry is likely to be Redbrand reprisals. If they make it clear to the townsfolk that it was an accident and offer reparations to cover the damages, that should be sufficient to restore them to most peoples' good graces.


Well, with 20/20 hindsight, it might have been better to warn the wizard that the burning hands spell might set the tavern ablaze instead of just peremptorily doing it. A trained wizard would know the dangers of just blasting away like that.

But that's water under the bridge, the question is what to do about it now. The bartender getting killed in the blaze makes it a little more complicated than just "they were all Redbrands and had it coming" or whatever. What are the chances of them turning themselves in?

-TG :cool:

The bartender's death is unfortunate, but I don't think even that necessarily turns public opinion against the party.

Phandalin is a small town being held hostage by the Red Brands. The bar owner likely made herself hated by serving the Red Brands, even if they chose her bar more than she chose them. I suspect townsfolk would've burnt the place down, had they the courage and means to do so.

So, while accidental and somewhat unfortunate, I don't see this being a major hurdle to the party being viewed as potential saviors. People might be a bit leery, but explaining that the fire was an unfortunate accident, for which the Red Brands share the blame, should help.

If anything, the town should realize that they now really need the heroes to finish the job. The Red Brands are going to be pissed, after all.


First Post
Solid points.
I hadn't even considered the most obvious question: were there any witnesses? I would think not; even though the perpetrating wizard was outside, all the townsfolk saw was a bunch of heroes running out of a burning building and another wizard trying to contain the fire with an Ice Blast spell.

I like the option of transferring the blame to the Redbrands though the Lawful nobleman fighter would (hopefully) object to that. Then again the chances of them turning themselves in is very slim if I know my players.
The entire angle of 'they brought this on themselves' seems like a logical one. I like the short trial even more. Let each player have a short speech to defend their actions and Harbin will eventually let them go. Sildar will probably hint that this sort of stuff will continue and now thanks to the players escalate and that the time to strike the hideout is now.

Before this happens I will have some Redbrands take them on in the streets and have the Rogue swoop in in some heroic form, seriously crippling the enemy's group at that point. note: my players need some helpful nudging when it comes to roleplay every now and again and this seems like a great moment. After that I'll have Harbin come over and stop the fight which will then lead to the trial.

Re Rogue backstory: I just reread her background and there's indeed nothing about not wanting to go to Phandalin. At the time the Rogue was being very stubborn about it and I just let it slide - she's hanging out at the farm atm. I took the player aside off-session about this and she said she was acting out her backstory - not wanting to do anything with the Redbrands. I'll tell her to reread it 'cause all I read is that the Rogue doesn't want anyone to know about her ties with the ruffians and actually want to exact revenge on them, instead of being reluctant to cross paths.

Thanks all. I can't wait to see what kind of stuff the players will do to totally muck up these plans. Last time I was steering them towards the Banshee quest and they ended up in this predicament. Fun times.


One other avenue to consider might be that the Redbrands might be the next active agency; they might go looking for anyone "new to town" who would have the gall to burn down their favorite tavern--with some of their henchmen inside it. I don't think Glastaff would take kindly to such meddling. A bunch of thugs looking to kill the PCs might force them to fight in the street and then go deal with Tresender Manor straight-away! No muss, no fuss (with the townsfolk) until after the Redbrands have already been dealt with.


First Post
Agreed. The party might offer compensation to the bartenders family (if any) or the town itself...especially if there are lawful characters involved (pregens had two I believe). Overall this should be no more than a small delay for the groups main mission. But of course that depends on the GM :)

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