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How would you decide this?

What would you decide?

  • He gets [b]nothing![/b]

    Votes: 28 40.0%
  • Well, I could maybe see a partial share...

    Votes: 23 32.9%
  • He was wronged, full share is fair!

    Votes: 14 20.0%
  • Other (please specify in your reply)

    Votes: 5 7.1%

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Situation: We are at our bi-weekly game (Sunday) and it's been a pretty quiet Role-Play session. Lots of questioning and clue seeking, with my character definately not in the forefront (granted, I was nodding off a bit). I get a call from work and end up being stuck with leaving to go cover for someone else, there was nobody else to go in. This happens a bit after 2/3rd of the way through our 6 hour session.

Skip ahead to that night. I find an E-mail informing that I missed a "Massive Encounter" with attendant phat lewt and enough Exp to catapult everyone else a level (5th to 6th). I'm further informed that I get zip, nada, zilch because I took my character sheet with me.

I'll point out now that I did this on purpose, mostly because I didn't think anyone in the group was 'up' on the Psionics rules, and the DM had pointed out early on that he wouldn't be keen on running PC's for absent players. Of course I now know he'll make limited exceptions, but too late. I figure that dropping my Psion (telepath)/Bard (4/1) in someone's lap in this case would be about like handing the "I've always played a Fighter" player your Wizard character for a night, ie: a recipie for disaster. I also had an 'easy out' for my character being absent, I'd just roleplayed the setting up of my character's Undercommon lessons. It looked like a quiet night of Q & A and trying to put together all the clues we'd gathered up to then, so why burden someone with a character they might not know how to run?

Oh, did I mention that we had NO rule regarding how Exp worked with Players that weren't there, period. I'm feeling like I've been wrongfull punished for 'breaking a rule' that they made up after I was already gone. This, to be blunt, cheezes me off. I most certainly would have done things differently had that rule been established before I had to leave. I honestly dind't think that the group would have gone on to a 'major encounter' right after I got called away. Mabye it's just me, but I would have either stalled (as DM) or have suggested an early stop so that nobody would be left out. And before nay-sayers jump in, yes I have done just that (suggesting we quit early) in my previous group, more than once.

I've given the group many options/solutions to this situation, assuming they are willing to rethink thier decision. I'm fine with a 'no PC no Exp, period' ruling, but only if I know ahead of time. Having a rule created, or mabye just 'solidified', while I'm not there to participate is just plain wrong in my book.

I'd like other opinions on this situation, how would YOU rule here? I'll try and reply to questions and/or comments. And it should be noted that the whole group is composed of ENworld members. I hope they'll at least view, and mabye even participate, in this discussion. If they do I'm also hoping that they'll identify themselfs, as I haven't any clue what thier EN aliases are, I'm terrible with names.

FYI: I play as Vellus, Psion(Telepath)/Bard (4/1)

Hatchling Dragon
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First Post
Could you and the DM do some one-on-one RPing to bring you up a level? Maybe there's trouble afoot in the area where you're taking your Undercommon lessons...

Lord Pendragon

First Post
Let me preface my response by saying that I'm not a child (28 years old), nor do I play with children. My players don't blow off my games. If they can't make it there's a reason, and they inform me ahead of time (or as soon as they know, in the case of being pulled away mid-game.)

That being said, I don't see any reason to penalize a player who can't make, or has to leave, my game. Things come up, that's life. Why bother punishing players for life?

So I give everyone a full share, whether they can make the game or not. The punishment is that they don't get to play.

Edit: spelling
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First Post
Pendragon has a good point. If you're called away in the middle of a game you shouldn't be penalized any further. I'd give you most, if not full, xp and loot, but I'd also let you know ahead of time if I had a rule like no character no reward. If you just didn't show up or show up LATE like players I've had to DM for then you get nothing.


First Post
Now I'll add the perspective of someone else in the game who has already talked to HD about this. Only now I won't be so nice about it.

As I've told him three times already, I have no sympathy. And as of this point, I have no respect for him.

He was asked if he wanted to leave his character and he refused to do so, knowing full well that this meant his character would not be present for the rest of the session. He was specifically told this. He was even asked by the GM if he was sure he wanted to do this, and then again by the rest of us players. He chose to remove his character from the session. Hence, his character was not there. This was NOT some rule "made up after the fact". It was his choice, made clear to him at the time he made the decision. He took his PC and left, being unnecessarily rude to another player in the process.

Frankly, I'm deeply offended by HD's "after the fact" words and deeds. He told me that he didn't trust any of us to run his character properly. Which surprises us, because he's been sitting on his hands in the last couple of mostly role-play information gathering/conspiracy solving sessions when he's a freaking Bard/Psion.

Me personally, I've been playing D&D since 1977. That's 27 years of D&D experience. I've GM'd six campaigns in that time. I've probably played more psionic characters and NPCs (a major race in my homebrew world are psionic) than all the PCs HD has ever played in total.

The bottom line is that HD isn't being honest when he says that he didn't know that his character would miss an encounter (it was made clear earlier in the session that we were expecting one), he isn't being honest about not knowing that his character would not be there (it was spelled out for him and he chose that path) and he isn't being honest about his fellow players.

Oh, and the encounter was a full -6- CR above our level. We got lucky in that the Paladin managed to pull off a Smiting/Power Attacking/Critical Hit and kill the guy before he cast Death Fog and caused a TPK.

Not a one of us wants to replay this encounter to satisfy HD!!!

Chimera said:
Now I'll add the perspective of someone else in the game who has already talked to HD about this. Only now I won't be so nice about it.

As I've told him three times already, I have no sympathy. And as of this point, I have no respect for him.

He was asked if he wanted to leave his character and he refused to do so, knowing full well that this meant his character would not be present for the rest of the session. He was specifically told this. He was even asked by the GM if he was sure he wanted to do this, and then again by the rest of us players. He chose to remove his character from the session. Hence, his character was not there. This was NOT some rule "made up after the fact". It was his choice, made clear to him at the time he made the decision. He took his PC and left, being unnecessarily rude to another player in the process.

Ok, mostly correct as I remember things, but a few clarifications. Yes, I took my character with me on purpose, I've said that. Agreed, I was asked (I think twice, DM and one other) if I wanted to leave my sheets behind. The rule I refer to was the zero-exp rule, that wasn't clear before hand. I've talked to the DM himself, and unless I totaly miss-heard him, he agreed that there was no definate ruling on how things would break down (exp, loot, ect) for (partialy-)missed sessions. I was totaly unaware that I was rude at all to anybody as I left, although it's entirely possible as I was in a hurry to get going and a bit distracted. Although I don't know what it was I did I most certainly didn't do it intentionaly, and I appologise to whomever I offended. More personal appologies will be given when I know who I need to give them to.

Frankly, I'm deeply offended by HD's "after the fact" words and deeds. He told me that he didn't trust any of us to run his character properly. Which surprises us, because he's been sitting on his hands in the last couple of mostly role-play information gathering/conspiracy solving sessions when he's a freaking Bard/Psion.

Apparently we have a missunderstanding, based on lack of communications (at least on my part). I was 'sitting on my hands' because I figured that any failed attempts to use Psionics to influence towns people would negatively impact on our attempts to gather information. The DM was quite clear when he said that our actions would have appropriate repercussions, and to the best of my knowledge only a successfull use of a power would be undetected by the target, at least until it wore off. Good lord but I've been hard pressed to reign myself in, I've been itching to Charm and otherwise influence nearly everyone we've met. I just figured that the way my luck's been going in regards to Will Saves the group would be a tad unhappy with a mob of disgruntled NPC's hot on our heals. I know for a fact my character wouldn't care for the idea.

If it turns out that I'm way off base in how Psionics are detected in this campain then things would most certainly change! If it's stated (by the DM) that only those that have a Psionic or Magical means of detection will notice the Power's manifestation, even if they save against my attempt, then just watch out, bwahahaha.

Me personally, I've been playing D&D since 1977. That's 27 years of D&D experience. I've GM'd six campaigns in that time. I've probably played more psionic characters and NPCs (a major race in my homebrew world are psionic) than all the PCs HD has ever played in total.

I don't claim to remember everything you told me about your campain world, and I haven't had a chance to read the E-mail you've sent about it, but I only remembered you mentioning the two 'Uber Powerfull' (my word, not his) races that we, as PC's would be caught between. I know Magical might was mentioned, I honestly don't remember you mentioning anything about Psionics.

The bottom line is that HD isn't being honest when he says that he didn't know that his character would miss an encounter (it was made clear earlier in the session that we were expecting one), he isn't being honest about not knowing that his character would not be there (it was spelled out for him and he chose that path) and he isn't being honest about his fellow players.

Well, again, I was only half-awake for maybe 30 minutes before I had to leave(LONG night, early morning, couldn't avoid) so I may have missed something, but I only heard the DM say that he was hoping we'd get to a big encounter he'd prepared for, but we seemed to be taking longer than he thought.

Oh, and the encounter was a full -6- CR above our level. We got lucky in that the Paladin managed to pull off a Smiting/Power Attacking/Critical Hit and kill the guy before he cast Death Fog and caused a TPK.

Not a one of us wants to replay this encounter to satisfy HD!!!

Ok, I definately pointed out early on in my post that I did not know the details of the fight. And any reference to replaying (I believe that was in the group E-mail only?) the session was mearly as a listed option. I always come up with ideas, and fully expect most of them to be rejected, but I mention them for completeness' sake. I usualy 'warn' people I hang around about that tendancy and that I'm never offended if they're rejected, but don't remember for sure if I mentioned it in the group or not.

And also in my own defense, I made a point of asking that everyone from the group come and participate so that any mistakes or missunderstandings on my part could be cleared up, and the facts presented. Thank you for filling in any blanks, and I hope I cleared up any missunderstandings. Here's to hoping that the rest participate as well.

I come here and post these types of polls/questions becuase I know I may very well be wrong and just can't see it. If that's the case I hope that someone(s) can point out my mistake, it's obvious that I don't see one at the time of posting. ;)

Hatchling Dragon

Moderator Help Please

I'm pretty sure the Poll portion of this post is a 'locked vote' type. I just realised that, as there are 'updates' being added to the basic info, it should have been 'allowed to change vote' style instead. I don't see a way for me to change this, could a moderator do anything to change that option?

Thanks in advance, either way.

Hatchling Dragon

Laman Stahros

First Post
In my campaigns, (DM for 25+ years) if a player left in the middle of a session with their character sheet then that character would get nothing (as per the PHB, if your not there, you get nothing). I have had characters die in the first round (oops, gotta hate those crits) but they were there for the start of the encounter, so full XP. If your DM asked if you wanted to leave your sheet and you chose not to, well, I'm sorry HD, your DM is right.
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Hatchling Dragon said:
I'm pretty sure the Poll portion of this post is a 'locked vote' type. I just realised that, as there are 'updates' being added to the basic info, it should have been 'allowed to change vote' style instead. I don't see a way for me to change this, could a moderator do anything to change that option?

It's not apparent under the "Edit Poll" screen... sorry.

Let's make sure we keep the atmosphere pleasant, everyone? Thanks in advance.


Bah. You're there for all the lead up, and you miss the battle?

Your DM only gives awards for combat?

You got robbed, regardless of whether you left your character sheet or not.

Sorry, but it's your character, you should not feel as if you need to turn him over to someone else to play through the battle.

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