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How would you have ended the movie? (Pirates 3 and other Spoilers likely)

Blue Sky

Revenge of the Sith: Cut the movie right after Vader takes his first breath in the mask. Honestly, that's where I normally stop the movie, anyway.

Hrrm, that's really the only movie I can think of that I'd change.

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The Serge

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If I had my druthers, I'd change the entire approach to the Star Wars prequels. Most of the basic material would remain, but the following constitute major changes.

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace: Anakin is still a slave, and Padme Amidala is still a queen; Qui-Gon is still a Jedi Master and Obi-Wan is still his padawan. However, the tone of the film would change. I would have severely cut the entire pod-race scene, I would have added more scenes of Anakin having anger-issues and being somewhat of a prickly, although very intelligent and force-touched, child. There would have been an explanation as to why the Trade Federation's blockade was reduced, and I would have given a better explanation for why the Jedi Council didn't want to make Anakin a Jedi, focusing on the fact that they've become complacent in their power and status, a reflection of one of the reasons why there is a need for a realignment of the Force. And there would not have been Jar-Jar Binks, C3P0 or R2D2; some new droids are in order or no droids at all. Finally, I would have introduced a very young Wilhuff Tarkin as one of the pilots that helps Amidala escape and return to Naboo.

Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones: Amidala is deposed as the Queen of Naboo due to rising tensions in the Republic that have affected her world's economy. She believes, through her own spies, that part of the upheaval is due to the machinations of a powerful merchant, a former Jedi Knight named Count Dooku. She is ferreted out of Naboo safefly by Bail Organa (a former colleauge of her father or something), with whom she begins a relationship. Despite Senator Organa's support, the Chancellor, Palpatine does not feel it would appropriate for him to provide direct aid to Padme and so he sends her former friends, Obi-Wan and Anakin to help ferret out the situation. The Chancellor also gives them a military attache, Tarkin, to help out. While Tarkin and Anakin get along quite well, this arrangement does not please Kenobi nor the Jedi Council and this is where we begin to see the stirrings of issues between the Jedi and Palpetine. Anakin is not in love with Padme nor she with him; rather, he comes to depend upon her as he learns about and deals with his mother, his place in the Jedi Order, and his challenges with Obi-Wan, who has no idea how to deal with the far more powerful, yet under-experienced padawan. Padme, who was never married, comes to find it appealing helping the younger Anakin. Obi-Wan is still captured by Count Dooku and Anakin still defies both his master and the Jedi Council to rescue him; he and Padme are captured as well and that's when they realize they're in love. The Jedi Knights, with aid from Tarkin and his troops, arrive in time to start the Clone Wars and save the trio. The same conclusion, except that Padme and Anakin aren't married at all; rather, this begins a series of one-night stands despite her marriage to Organa. The theme here would be to reflect how Anakin is in the middle of a bubbling conflict between political powers represented by Kenobi (who's aware of the limitations of the Jedi that are in power and feels impotent to address it) and Tarkin (who represents the growing power of the Executive Branch of the Republic). In other words, there were problems brewing all the while; they didn't just suddenly appear in the next film. Finally, we introduce General Grievous here.

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith: Obi-Wan is a Jedi Master and Anakin is a Jedi Knight. They still have more of a father/son relationship that is struggling to develop into something else, but they don't partner together and Obi-Wan has a new padawan who dies early on at the hands of General Grievous. Anakin and Tarkin are very good friends and Tarkin works directly for the Chancellor. Padme accidentally becomes pregnant by Anakin as the two are still having an affair, one of which Organa -- who's very much in love with Padme -- knows about it and tries tostop it. Anakin, still has dreams, still thinks about his mother, and wants Padme for himself, is furious when she calls the affair off. Alongside the issues with the war and the Jedi, Anakin is seduced by the Darth Sidious to the Dark Side. The final fight between Anakin, now Darth Vader, and Kenobi begins with Kenobi stopping Vader from killing Padme (there's no grand, insipid speech). Vader is winning all the while, but his inexperience and ego cause him fall to a simple trick Kenobi pulls which results in his dismemberment and immolation. Padme survives a broken woman after having her twins; during labor, she passes out and Kenobi and Yoda take Luke, while they let her keep Leia. A good man, Organa promises to raise her as his own despite knowing he's not the father and Padme leaves, a broken, bitter woman. After he dons the suit, Vader doesn't do a Frankenstein "NOOOO!" He screams. The end. The point here is that the entire overwhelming situation, his thirst for power, his anger, and his desire to control everything around him leads to Anakin's downfall into Darth Vader.

Finally, Lucas doesn't direct any of these movies. The inclusion of Tarkin is to draw parallels between the relationship between Luke and Han Solo.


The Serge said:
Star Wars Episode II: The same conclusion, except that Padme and Anakin aren't married at all; rather, this begins a series of one-night stands despite her marriage to Organa...

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith: Padme accidentally becomes pregnant by Anakin as the two are still having an affair, one of which Organa -- who's very much in love with Padme -- knows about it and tries tostop it. Anakin, still has dreams, still thinks about his mother, and wants Padme for himself, is furious when she calls the affair off... Padme survives a broken woman after having her twins; during labor, she passes out and Kenobi and Yoda take Luke, while they let her keep Leia. A good man, Organa promises to raise her as his own despite knowing he's not the father and Padme leaves, a broken, bitter woman...

While the changes you described are interesting, and would probably have made for a very strong trilogy, these aspects in particular mark this as a much more adult film than the Star Wars films really are. As such, I don't think anything like this would ever have been on the cards.


First Post
The Grumpy Celt said:
In Pirates x3, I would have had Will Sr. kill Davy Jones, so as to offer that character a better redemption than he actually got in the movie....
I said the exact same thing when I walked out of the theater. The only other thing I would have done differently was to have Beckett really be Calypso in disguise. When he is walking down as his ship is being blasted to bits he smiles and you see the same dark smile... that would have being cool... Calypso playing both sides against each other the entire time. It could have been worked into the story by having her "mysteriously disappear" from time to time... keep in mind her powers were diminished... not absent.

The Grumpy Celt said:
...Barbossa and Jack both discover the Pearl was gone, accuse each other of doing something with it, only to have a camera cut reveal Will Jr. and Elizabeth had made off with the ship...
That would have been cool but I like how Jack one upped Barbossa in the end.

William Holder

The Serge

First Post
delericho said:
While the changes you described are interesting, and would probably have made for a very strong trilogy, these aspects in particular mark this as a much more adult film than the Star Wars films really are. As such, I don't think anything like this would ever have been on the cards.
I agree with you 100%. However, I believe that The Empire Strikes Back was far and away far more adult-oriented than the other two original films... Which is why it's considered the best and most sophisticated of the three.

The Grumpy Celt

Titanic: Jack simply crawls around to the other side of the floating wardrobe and Whatsherface balances, like someone in a canoe, letting jack crawl on. They both survive, sell the gemerald and live rich, fat and happy.


First Post
The Serge said:
Padme survives a broken woman after having her twins; during labor, she passes out and Kenobi and Yoda take Luke, while they let her keep Leia. A good man, Organa promises to raise her as his own despite knowing he's not the father and Padme leaves, a broken, bitter woman.
Question, why let Padme leave? I mean sure she'd be all broken up in the plot scenario you've just outlined, but I can't imagine she willingly leave Leia's side despite all that.

On the other hand, I love your idea that Bail Organa and Padme are engaged while she and Anakin have an affair. It's a wasted story opportunity like this that make me so disappointed with George Lucas.

Pirates 3 had a major script problem in that there was a lot of buildup for things that didn't happen. Calypso was one... she turns back into a goddess, hops back into the ocean... then what? She makes a whirlpool that doesn't really do much? I'd have had it swallow half the armada.
And then there was the pirate fleet vs. the armada... didn't happen. I'd have had the pirates engage the remaining armada (but still be outnumbered), and everything on the FD goes as it did in the movie. The pirate fleet gets plastered bad, but just as it seems they'll lose, the FD reappears with Will in command and smashes the rest of the armada....


First Post
Highlander II, The Quickening, would have never existed, or it would have not been such a screwy departure from the first movie. Heck, make it a prequel, instead of the prize being given, then taken away. Very little of this movie was even related to the original. It was a horrible disappointment.
And the third one? It was a complete re-hash of the first movie, right down to some of the lines. The idea of the illusionist was pretty cool, but they could have written something original.
The fourth one was a spin-off of the series, which, actually, I appreciated.

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