D&D 5E Hydellor OOC


I really want to get involved with this. I'm involved in so many PBP games right now, but all of them are slow, and it doesn't take much to post once a day or two. Character creation is the hardest part.

I've never done a Cleric, and doing one with Paladin as my god is what's interesting me. I'm thinking a Life Cleric, but fluffing it so as to not be a "Cleric" or "Priest", but as someone who suddenly learned he had the power to heal. Like a Chosen of Paladin.

He wants to take people's pain away. He grew up in squalor, raised by his older sister, who was a thief. She took care of him, but wasn't above using him. He did whatever she wanted growing up, perhaps even being part of her cons, though he didn't like that. He hated it, actually. He just wanted to help people, but she would always chastise him when he tried. Their relationship is...dubious, at best.

He was a teenager when his power to heal developed. His sister wanted to pass him off as some kind of miracle worker, to con donations out of people, but he wouldn't let her. Instead, he would sneak out at night and find people whom he met who had certain ailments, and ease them secretly, so no one would know it was him. He could almost see the pain in the world, and had an overwhelming urge to heal it. He couldn't do everything, he knew that, but he could do a lot. He could do more than most people.

He is older, now. In his twenties. He still has contact with his sister, but their relationship has always been strained. When he was old enough he started taking jobs as a mercenary, usually guarding caravans as they traveled from city to city. He met an older mercenary who taught him how to move in heavy armor, and how to fight, though he always kept his healing power a secret. He is a devout of Paladin, but he has not made the connection that his power comes from Paladin.

There is a woman (there always is) that he has fallen for. He's known her for a number of years, and wants to marry her, but doesn't have enough money to afford to. It's why he takes these jobs.

No idea what race, or where he's from, as I don't know the setting. I still need to figure that stuff out.
You're more than welcome to join :)

The Church of Paladine is the most widespread church in the west. It is strongest, of course, in Arideen. It is also about 60% of the adherents in Essess, though they tend to be less devout, where they compete with the Dawn Church. The Church of Paladine is outlawed in Helveki, though that doesn't mean there aren't secret adherents.

Hope that helps. Trying to avoid huge info dumps that might not be needed, and keep aspects of the world to discover, as well. And much of the setting is designed for players to have input, too, especially surrounding their characters.

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First Post
I'm certainly interested in this. I'm probably going to go with a martial character. I'm thinking either one of the nomadic barbarians, or a pirate from Freeport. I'd like a little bit more information about the barbarians and Freeport if you've got it, so I can make a decision, though I might still end up going with something different entirely.

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