I also have the books [merged] (info on upcomming Power sources and more)


First Post
Thank you baberg! I'm absolutely pumped, to say the least, especially that they're bundling up groups of bonuses into a single Shifter trait. I hope they eventually bring back the Dreamsight trait, I really felt it added a great "Primal Druidic" flavor to them as a race... and would fit well with the upcoming Primal power source. :D

And Warforged as indestructible juggernaughts sounds good, altho I hope they also maintain at least some semblance of the Immunities they had back in the days when "Living Construct" was a whole half-page gaggle of rules. Any word at all on different bodies/armor sets for them?

So Changelings Doppelgangers get +2 to two stats? That's definitely interesting, I would have thought maybe a single floating stat bonus to represent their mutable nature (as a race)... well if that's the case here's guessing CON and DEX, just off the top of my head.

Ah well, excuse my rambling. I totally understand if no more info is forthcoming, all of you "early bird" book-owners have already been too kind.

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Dark080matter said:
In the name of the Dragons, both Above and Below, any general info on the mechanics of Shifters, Changeling and Warforged as PC races would be gloriously awesome.

If the mechanics are sound for these races (especially Shifters) they will be making solid appearances in my WIP homebrew campaign (think something along the lines of "Fantasy Dune: Points of Sand" :D) along with possibly some house-ruled racial feats... to tide me over till Eberron in '09.

Thanks for everything!

Shifter is broken into two sub-groups (Longtooth and Razorclaw).

+2 Wis & +2 Str (L)/ +2 Dex (R).
Medium w/ 6 squares movement and low-light vision
+2 Athletics/Endurance (L), +2 Acrobatics/Stealth (R)

Each has a shifting power (encounter) activated after they are bloodied.

Post removed.

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I plan on using Shifters as Elves in my campaign world, so I'm giving Shifters the "Can make a shift movement into difficult terrain" and give them movement 7.

Dark080matter said:
And Warforged as indestructible juggernaughts sounds good, altho I hope they also maintain at least some semblance of the Immunities they had back in the days when "Living Construct" was a whole half-page gaggle of rules. Any word at all on different bodies/armor sets for them?
They don't seem to have any immunities in this write-up. However, they get a +2 on saves against ongoing effects. Even though they don't eat/drink/breathe, they aren't immune to any effects. They can take 4 hours of rest during a 6 hour rest. No mention of body builds.

We've been promised a full racial writeup on DDI for warforged, so don't worry.

So Changelings Doppelgangers get +2 to two stats? That's definitely interesting, I would have thought maybe a single floating stat bonus to represent their mutable nature (as a race)... well if that's the case here's guessing CON and DEX, just off the top of my head.
+2 Int +2 Cha, actually. But yes, were it me, I'd give +2 to Dex/Cha.


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uber42 said:
Most important to me: Do you feel it would be easy to make home brew material (compared to 3.5)? Namely, is it still ridiculing complicated to make a new monster? My greatest hope for 4e is that it will allow me to (more) quickly make new things for my game.

It's _really_ easy to make new monsters. In the 4e games I've been running I often make up half of the monsters on the way over.

I'm a bit of an exception, but seriously - cake!

Aaron L

If it isn't too much of a bother... could you describe a little what glaives are like? (game mechanically, I mean) I plan on making my fist character a spooky human Fighter Warlock who fights with a glaive.

Warlocks are kinda spooky, right? And they have a Star path that's almost Lovecraftian feeling, right?

I hope I understood correctly about that. Cause that's what I want to play. :)

Green Knight

First Post
Couple of questions.

1) What are the stats for the Bastard Sword?

2) What's the fourth Paladin At-Will Power (We'v seen Bolstering Strike, Holy Strike, and Valint Strike. So what's the fourth and what does it do)?

3) What stat bonuses do PC Orcs get?

4) What stat bonuses do PC Hobgoblins gets (assuming they have a PC writeup in the MM)?

5) What stat bonuses do PC Kobolds get?

6) We've seen Utility Powers that're Daily, and others that're Encounter. Are there any that're At-Will? If so, mind posting a few examples?

That's about all I got for now. Thanks! :)


First Post
Aaron L said:
If it isn't too much of a bother... could you describe a little what glaives are like? (game mechanically, I mean) I plan on making my fist character a spooky human Fighter Warlock who fights with a glaive.
Two-handed weapon, 2d4 base damage, considered to be a Heavy Blade and a Polearm, grants Reach. It's one of the weaker 2-handed Military weapons damage-wise, but it's got style.


First Post
If it hasn't been asked yet, while I approve (whole-heartedly) conceptually moving magic items from the DMG to the PHB, the 3.5E PHB and DMG had the same (to within a few) page count. Magic items ate about 60 pages. Did they manage to avoid choosing between a "thin" DMG, a "fat" PHB or a thin magic item section?

How big is the jump to the better armors (Godplate etc...)? How abrupt is it? Can you upgrade your existing armor a type category or whatever it is called?


First Post
Green Knight said:
6) We've seen Utility Powers that're Daily, and others that're Encounter. Are there any that're At-Will? If so, mind posting a few examples?
With the exception of the Rogue (and one Cleric power called "Lantern") there are no at-will powers beyond level 1. The Rogue gets several at-will power Utilities, mostly dealing with going back into Stealth once you're in combat. A few magic items have at-will abilities, but that's it. Everything from level 2 on up is Daily or Encounter.

Kraydak said:
If it hasn't been asked yet, while I approve (whole-heartedly) conceptually moving magic items from the DMG to the PHB, the 3.5E PHB and DMG had the same (to within a few) page count. Magic items ate about 60 pages. Did they manage to avoid choosing between a "thin" DMG, a "fat" PHB or a thin magic item section?
PHB: 317 pages
DMG: 221 pages

30ish pages of Magic Items. 8 on a page full of nothing but stat blocks, but there's flavor text and charts listing item progression - I'd estimate around 150 or so items?

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