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I Am God!

alex dabney

First Post
Hello everyone, I am pretty new to being a DM. I had an idea for the end game of the campaign that I'm running and was hoping you guys could help with stats. The ending I have planned is pretty meta in that through the help of an NPC my players will become aware that they are in a game. (Think deadpool kills the marvel universe) with the NPCs help the players will pull me (the DM) into their plane and try to kill me "to free the universe from my tyranny". What I need help with is creating god like stats for myself. I've looked around for posts about stating gods but everyone just says don't do it. I will already have explained in the game that once they realise they are in a game I cant just make them not exist so that isn't a problem. Any help with god stats?

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The simplest way to do it is to say the process of being pulled into the game translates you into the Big Bad of the game. So you turn into Tiamat, Acererak, or one of the other existing overall villains & copy that creature’s stats.


The question is: What do you want to achieve with this?
Want to create a hard fight?
Pick one of the big evil guys as Voort said and flavor their abilities.
Want to kill them?
Just say so.

alex dabney

First Post
I want to create a final battle that is well balanced. If they win, good. If I kill them then also good. I want them to stand a chance but I want it to take everything they've got


First thing to say goodbye to is: Balance.
There is no such thing in DnD, at last not in the way most people understand it.

You can roughly guess what is a challenge, yet you cant make a strict system to follow to actually make a formula for a challenge. That is pretty much the reason the CR system sucks. And then it boils down to the dice. Just failing a single key ability may shift the entire fight while the volume of dice used by high level characters may also generate a rather reliable performance.

Without knowing the PCs in regards of stats and abilities and their gear for the end fight nobody can create a balanced encounter for you. We can suggest you to pick one of the major official BBEGs like Tiamat if your players are around that level and gear but to properly create such a "do or die" fight it takes quite a lot of insight into the campaign. There is a reason many people suggest not doing it, if you are new to the game, for it can have a lasting impact on how people will remember the campaign, more so than anything else - especially with such a twist.

I mean how can this fight even work out, if they pull in the DM you still can say: "Droped to 0 HP, I am still alive and well, attacking with 30 fireballs next." How does your narrative even allow for the DM to be killed? Does the DM decide to weaken himself? If so, does that actually lead to satisfying end if they win, or worse if they lose?

alex dabney

First Post
Well my plan for the DM characters abilities would be like a creator god. I can will things into existence. Ex. Spawn enemies change the terrain at will change the laws of physics etc. I could not however use that power to alter the PCs ex. Turning there powerful magic sword into a rubber chicken. In terms of spell casting they would be omnimagical. They can perform any spell at any level. By the end of the campain my PC will be powered up with super powerful magic relics that hopefully would make them about as powerful as me as a group. Im thinking of adopting the stats of a tarrasque. Like hit points and ability scores. Im just not sure because i have never played at this high of a level

alex dabney

First Post
Clarification. I wouldn't use my god abilities to directly damage them because then i could just increase gravity untill they are crushed to death under there own weight and that would be lame. The god powers are just to hinder them or make combat more interesting and dynamic like turning off gravity.


I think you need to design campaign around weakening you before you enter the world maybe through artefacts. Basically your stats are infinite unless they put numerical reasoning on you.
So for example you have unlimited Legendary resistances, actions, health, speed so on and so on. Put throughout the campaign they may complete challenges that takes these aspects away from you.

Now you may ask how do I determine my stats once an aspect is taken away? Well make a table and whenever this aspect is taken away from you roll to see which monster you land on. If it is health you have the same hp or if its legendary resistance you have the same number of legendary resistances. There's of course more I could add to this, but busy man and all that.


Have lots of powers, and then quest they can do to eliminate those powers.

For instance, they go on a quest to bring you a slice of pizza from the other side of the table (which would be 25' long in game). Then you can't cast any spell that requires the verbal component since your chewing.

other one could be to steal some of your dice so you can roll them, carry a flashlight to shine in your eyes to blind you, laying down d4's to hurt your hand if you reach for something, and take the DM screen so you can fudge rolls.

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