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I Don't Get it?


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I really don't understand all the talk, discussion, complaining, ect over rules, spells, classes, etc. (other than the fun of it)

If you and your group do not like an aspect of a rule, spell or class why not just change it to suit your style of play. Let me take the issue of the Ranger. I'm only using the Ranger as one example of many! Please don't use this post as another rant of the ranger, thats not my intent. I have seen many, many threads and posts discussing why its bad or good or whatever. If you like it fine, if not change it to suit your purposes.

I fully understand if you go to a convention or play the Living stuff your kind of stuck, but when it comes to gaming with your group what does it matter what the book says. If you think the Ranger should have more feats and not be given the two-weapon fighting stuff, so be it.

Let me give you some examples of what my group does.:

I play a sorcerer and do not have to worry about spell components. All my magic comes from inside. Spells which normaly have a high componet cost is taken from experience points. We came up with this before any of the alternate versions out there were posted or at least before seen by any of us.

Most of my group does not like the prestiege classes so we change them alittle here or there to suit our style of play and role-playing.

The new books (3.5) are being release soon and many of the changes we have heard about we don't care for. So... we are not going to use them. I. E. The gnome core class being a bard. I personally don't get that one? Personally I don't think any of the races should have core/racial classes. I think it should depend on the where the race comes from. Two elf groups could come from completely different regions and have different "life styles". I give the players the choice at first level. Also the shield spell for us is not going to change, +7 it will stay.

There are other examples, but I think you get where I'm coming from.

Please don't get the idea that I think these examples are for everyone or that everyone is going to agree with me. Lord knows with the history on this site that will not be the case.

All I'm saying is, just change what you don't like, to suit your group. You don't have to wait for some new book to have two new rules you like to change something in your group. Make the change as you would see it instead of trying to convince others to change it.

Please don't construe this as a knock against the new 3.5 books. I've already ordered mine. But instead of griping or trying to convince others that parts of the book are wrong, I'm just going to change what I "personally" don't like.

EDIT: I guess what I'm trying to say is whay do alot of the posts go nuts over a rule they don't like when you can just change it to how you want it to work??

Thanks all. I just don't get it...

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Most people already do what you suggest - it's just that most of us like to debate and prove that what we think is the best way to run the game. That's part of what makes DnD great - it's so malleable and some 'mad scientists' out there like to come up with the "perfect rule formula" when in reality there is no such thing.

Nevertheless, if you can't be playing DnD, it's fun to talk about it.


First Post
I agree completely! It's what makes your game fun for you and your group that matters, not any one rule or rules. Take what you like and change the rest to fit your desires! Thats what I always have done. Some people here, IMHO, sometimes forget that it is a GAME not the bible! It is ok to change or omit what you don't like, and add in what you want.

Best regards,



Gallo22 said:
I really don't understand all the talk, discussion, complaining, ect over rules, spells, classes, etc. (other than the fun of it)

If you and your group do not like an aspect of a rule, spell or class why not just change it to suit your style of play.

I.E., Rule Zero. Yes, we know that. But to decide whether a rule is worth putting in your game or house ruling, it helps to consider the potential issues with the rule and alternatives. I have already gotten several idea on deflect arrows here, and the discussion of the golfbag effect have given me a little insight on whether or not the new DR is something I will be using.

Further, some of the changes happened because people identified deficiencies in things like rangers and harm in forums like this one.
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I agree with you Zogg, its fun to talk about D&D and maybe I don't realize how many of you out there actually make your own changes. But then why does everyone get so bent out of shape because "your not doing it my way". I won't get upset if some one tells me its dumb to keep the Shield spell at +7, but I truely don't understand why they care that I don't? Am I making sense?



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I agree I think it is very useful to be able to hear opinions on various rules from other people before implementing house rules. I've often been convinced that something I thought was problem actually wasn't or have been clued in on potential problem rules before they came up in my games.

None of these things are worth losing sleep over but I don't see a problem with discussing things that some people may see as short commings in the game. If we didn't talk about that what could we talk about, rules wise?

Tom Cashel

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Gallo22 said:
I really don't understand all the talk, discussion, complaining, ect over rules, spells, classes, etc.

What the heck else are we supposed to do on a message board? Discuss religion and politics?


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Re: Re: I Don't Get it?

Tom Cashel said:

What the heck else are we supposed to do on a message board? Discuss religion and politics?

I knew I'd get comment like this. I'm laughing. I agree with all of you about discussing the rules and ironing them out, and especially getting new ideas. I've gotten many great ideas from many of you.

What I'm trying to understand is why poster A is complaining he does not like rule "whatever" and keeps harking through 5 pages of rant that it should be changed. Instead of griping, just change it. That's basically it.

I'm not saying there should be no discussion or opinion gathering. I put an opinion other there last week for you guys/gals on DC levels and got some great responses and ideas.

Tom's comment is perfect example of jumping to conclusions instead of constructive comments.

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First Post
Gallo22 said:
I really don't understand all the talk, discussion, complaining, ect over rules, spells, classes, etc. (other than the fun of it)

i recently built a wood kiln, when my potter friends come over we discuss the benefits and drawbacks of the design and process.

a design and process that is 2000 years old. it is in our nature. everyone does this, but here it seems especially harmless.

you have a valid point, but "human nature" is the only answer.

i am more worried about all the people who sit around discussing the state of the country/world/neighborhood and doing nothing about it :)

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