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I draw the occasional D&D map


Surrounded by the cyclopean ruins of the Temple of the Abyss, the Prince of Clubs retreats to his green and black granite bastion to while away the ages between the godwars he is forced to fight. A champion of the forces of change & chaos, his own existence seems stolid and phlegmatic – a weapon to be drawn in battle and then carefully returned to the Bastion.

This map of the Prince’s Bastion covers the above-ground structures – a squat dome and towers built of enormous 7 to 12 foot blocks of granite supposedly brought here from the veridian hells to make the structure resistant to most magics of this realm. For decades at a time the Prince of Clubs can be found seated on his throne, pondering the passage of eras and his role therein. The smaller throne at his side is occasionally home to his partner, the Archon Tamaru.

From the throne room of the Bastion, a pair of stairs lead down to the deeper chambers which will be detailed in a later map (or any number of dungeons from the blog can be substituted here as well).

This is the second map I’ve ever stippled. I don’t expect you’ll see many more – even though I love the visual effect, the work involved is… punishingly slow.


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naughty word-Your-Dungeon-300.png

Crass Commercialization Time! With extra emphasis on the crass!

Sometimes you just need a dungeon that tells every other dungeon how you feel about them. Or a substitute level in a larger adventure when the original level was just a massive pain in the ass (I’m looking RIGHT AT YOU, “the Nightmare Maze of Jigresh”).

Or perhaps you have learned that your DM is about to run you through the Tomb of Horrors, again, with extra horrors and less treasure.

In that case, I would probably wear the T-Shirt to the session, or perhaps drink from the mug. I’ve stuck this design on a variety of products through Redbubble. (Note that because of RedBubble’s rules regarding the F-word, there’s an adult filter to get through to see the products on the site.)

This dungeon design was triggered by a recent Twitter thread where Gil Ramirez was reminiscing on the classic “Dungeon of FU” I posted almost three years ago.



Up in the Fox Hills is a small monastic order. They make mead and honey, study liturgical texts, and commune with their god of the harvest. The monastery grounds include a number of stout stone structures dominated by a large church that remains closed to outsiders.

While the Blessed Monastery seems fairly open and inviting, with large parts of the wall being archways without doorways (represented as the long sections of the wall that are “dotted” instead of solid), the monks and priests here keep the church locked except during major events when they invite the nobles from the region to attend their ceremonies. Aside from these events, guests are only ever received in the Oratory of the Eleventh Blessing, in the northeastern portion of the monastery.



I crit!
not much. I have a wide format printer I purchased used for $100. The paper is $45 for four 300ft rolls and a set of ink cartridges are $45, that I refill with ink.


Linked to the greater dungeon only by a broken stone bridge across an underground crevasse, this remote underground library is maintained and guarded by the resident retired scholar-priest who keeps the place locked down, guarded with a small collection of animated objects, and who in turn subsists on a diet of conjured food and water.

The main chamber of the structure is the library itself, a two-tiered chamber with nearly 50 bookshelves on this level and additional stacks on the upper tier. Unlike the dungeon and the rough chasm outside, the Athenaeum is kept exceptionally clean as the scholar-priest’s animated guardians serve double duty as cleaning staff and generally see little actual defensive work – the residents of the nearby dungeon having realized that this whole area is best avoided.



No more than a generation ago did Hender, Warlord of the Two Realms, build the white fortress at the end of Merman’s Bluff. A small and fiercely held chunk of white granite looking over the dark and choppy seas where once the local fisherfolk made deals with the merpeople of the Octopus Kingdom.

The fortress has never fallen, but has changed hands with the winds of politics and the changing fortunes of those who have tried to hold it. The current “castellan” of the fortress is a netherman (half-goblin) who uses it as part of his claim upon the title of Warlord – although none (even those who traded him the fortress) will acknowledge it. From White Crag Fortress he taxes the local farmers and fishermen lightly, but maintains an army of half-breed mercenaries that earns everyone’s distrust.

White Crag Fortress is two discrete constructions – the Bailey Fort and the Spire. The Bailey Fort is separated from the mainland by a ditch dug into the spur of stone it is built into, with a permanent wooden bridge across leading into the main gatehouses. The Bailey Fort is a fairly large multi-story affair with a fairly large central courtyard. Should the fortress ever be owned by someone of wealth and means, this courtyard would likely be covered with a wooden structure turning it into another great hall with additional stories above it.

The Spire looks out over the sea from the tip of Merman’s Bluff. Still made of the same white granite, it is a cramped and construction, restrained by the limited amount of land to work from. It is connected to the Bailey Fort via a stone bridge as well as a small tongue of rocky land that keeps the last part of the bluff from being a complete island.

If one were to look directly down from the watch tower on the north side of the Bailey Fort, there is a cave leading into Merman’s Bluff with a small stone wharf connected to it. This postern gate to White Crag Fortress is intended to be well guarded, although the original door has been removed after it got stuck too often from rusting hinges and lock as well as swollen oak from the constant battering from the sea. In time it should be replaced by a properly oiled and tarred door, but for the time being the gateway remains open.

The main level of the structures wind up under the structures of the Bailey Fort leading eventually to a trap door opening into the fort proper. These structures are used as storage, guard rooms, and an escape route in case of emergency.

There is also a passage that leads up under the Spire, however it lacks an accessway into that structure (at one point there was such an access point, but a team of mechanical assassins used it to gain access to the spire and it was blocked off afterwards). This section contains a secret chamber that in turn has a trap door down to the lower chambers which are used as a secret dungeon for prisoners as well as an underwater escape route for those with the access and the means to travel underwater.

The tunnel leading underwater from these lowest passages proceeds 130 feet further from Merman’s Bluff and into a small cave 20 feet under water.

White Crag Fortress was originally released as two maps in 2015, and have been combined here into this single piece as part of my Patreon campaign's "Release the Kraken" goal where we release 2 maps a month from the blog under a free-use commercial license.



Connected to the lower level via three different staircases, the upper level of the Athenaeum of the Lost contains fewer books than the ground level, but has a number of interesting locations.

One of the first things noticeable about the Athenaeum when approaching it from the broken bridge on the main level is the upper galleries and open staircase leading there. Above the main entrance is a long gallery along the wall of the underground crevasse with five windows looking down over the bridge. At one end of this gallery is a twisting staircase that leads between the levels, fully exposed and open to the crevasse for a portion of the climb. At the other end is a larger gallery and lookout.

This level of the library is a mezzanine looking over the main library with floor to ceiling bookshelves set along the walls as well as a number of reading spaces and a small locked archive where the scholar-priest keeps those volumes he is intent on repairing or copying.

The level also includes a small set of cells for people caught sneaking around the area, and a small open chapel with a statue of the god of knowledge and secrets.



The limestone caves of Old Cruik Hollow are at the head of a box canyon and show the signs of decades of use by various groups over the ages. Stairs have been cut into the floor of the cave on the left leading into the upper caves. Sections of the caves have been closed off with wooden walls and doorways – and a small tomb was cut into the looping cave and then more recently converted into a storage space.

These days the upper caves are home to a small group of bandits, exiles and outlaws from the nearby town. Their leader, Ola Zeldade, escaped town when they began growing scales as they are actually at least one quarter naga, and are in the midst of the slow transformation into a more naga-like form.

The lower caves have two old statues of manifestations of a pair of minor earth deities. Ola’s gang always posts a pair of fake “priests” down here to divert inquiry and chase away interlopers.


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