I give you... the INFINITAUR!


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Had a sudden inspiration to try and capture this beast. From what I can gather from Ascension and U_K's old ramblings on the subject, it's meant to be an Anomaly that kills sidereals and eternals, so I tried to do that justice, without making it as mind-numbingly overpowered as time lords tend to be, so it's more on the order of Demiurge.

I'm rather happy with the result, I think.

[sblock]The Infinitaur

Scourge of the Sidereals, Bane of the Over-Pantheon, Destroyer of Demiurge

Macro-Titanic Magical Beast (extra-planar)
Hit Dice: 443d1000 +99,675 (x10) (5,426,750 hp)
Initiative: +99 (+99 Divine)
Speed: Superluminal

Armor Class: 1,208 (+213 Deflection, +99 divine, +886 Natural)
Flat-Footed: 1,208 Touch: 328

Base Attack/Grapple: +443/+887
Space/Reach: 32 miles/48 miles (60 miles with trident)

Attack: The Uttermost End +1,380/+1,375/+1,370/+1,365 246d100 +10,936 +443d100 divine 20/∞

Saving Throws: Fort +597 Ref +322 Will +535

Special Abilities: Astromachy, Perfect Transcendental Strike, Voracious Eruption

Special Qualities: Divine Bonus (+99), Impossible, Immunities, Transdistortion, Slipstream, Ur-Transmortality

Abilities: Str 774 Dex 10 Con 560 Int 132 Wis 292 Cha 436

Skills: Omnicompetent, all skills = 545 + Relevant Ability Modifier

Alignment: Beyond Alignment
Environment: Interdimensional Space
ECL: 886
CR: 590

The Uttermost End

This mind-boggling weapon is over 50 miles long. It cannot be disarmed or sundered by any means. Its damage is scaled to the Infinitaur's Virtual Size Categories. Whenever the Infinitaur uses it to attack, the attack is treated as a Whirlwind Attack, striking everything in a 60 mile radius. Immortals, Sidereals, and Eternals killed by the weapon are treated as though slain in their Godly Realm and permanently destroyed. The weapon is considered Divine Rank 200 for purposes of bypassing Cosmic String. On a Natural 20, the weapon deals infinite damage.


As a Full Round Action, the Infinitaur may declare war on an entire Reality. All Immortals, Sidereals, and Demiurge must immediately manifest in the Infinitaur's presence, unless they succeed on a Will Save (DC 543). Once summoned in this fashion, the Powers cannot flee the Infinitaur's presence for 99 rounds.


The Infinitaur shatters the laws of Reality. While appearing to be Macro-Titanic in size, it is, in fact, infinitely tall, and suffers no penalties to its Attack Bonus or Armor Class for this size. Each round in which it exists in Reality, it increases in size by one category.


The Infinitaur is immune to natural and magic effects, including epic magic. It is furthermore immune to Hit Dice or Divinity annihilation from the likes of the Omega or Akashic Effects.


The Infinitaur is a being beyond the ken of Existence. It cannot be interacted with in any way by entities not in possession of the Alter Reality ability. This does not impede the Infinitaur.


The Infinitaur cannot be undermined by time-travel, is immune to temporal effects, and receives infinite actions against any opponent that does not likewise possess the Slipstream ability.


The Infinitaur can only be permanently destroyed by an Eternal of at least Divine Rank 200 sacrificing all of its quintessence in a suicidal ritual sacrifice taking 1 Full Round after the beast has been reduced to 0 HP. The Eternal is utterly destroyed by the ritual, along with the Infinitaur. Otherwise, the Infinitaur rejuvenates to full capacity two rounds after it was killed.

Voracious Blast

As a Standard Action, the Infinitaur can hurl a mass of corrupted time and space at an opponent, similar in form and function to a black hole. This Blast attack has a range of 340 miles, and burst area of 22 miles. It deals 1d1000 damage per Hit Die of the target to all creatures within the area. Creatures with 600 or more strength can attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 543) for half damage.
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The Infinitaur can only be permanently destroyed by an Eternal of at least Divine Rank 200 sacrificing all of its quintessence in a suicidal ritual sacrifice taking 1 Full Round after the beast has been reduced to 0 HP. The Eternal is utterly destroyed by the ritual, along with the Infinitaur. Otherwise, the Infinitaur rejuvenates to full capacity two rounds after it was killed.

Perhaps you should make the consequences less severe starting with rank 400 (although I suppose it could sacrifice an avatar).

BTW, I think this forum has a bit of mixup between the terms "universe" and "reality".
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Great effort there Belzamus! :cool:

Probably better than I would have ended up with.

I never really had any solid ideas for the Infinitaur's abilities but I did have a fixed idea of what it would look like which was basically if you can imagine the classical Geryon (three-bodied version) but an infinite number of conjoined bodies spiralling in a DNA pattern.

One of the adventures I was going to write involved an Infinitaur dormant for millenia on the border of the Far Realm. Its great spiral horn had been turned into an 'Ivory Tower', with chambers hollowed out by the various Macrobial Parasites and Grubs infesting it.


First Post
I don't actually have its backstory, since it's Upper_Krust's idea originally. Maybe he can give us some further insight. I do like his idea for the appearance, though, that's pretty badass.

Oh, and I forgot to specify the weapon somehow. I envision it using a trident, not sure what UK had in mind. It should probably have some sort of special Gore attack, too.


First Post
Cool. I always wondered what this sucker would be like. I'll have to look it over later, as I'm still at work now. But thanks, Belzamus!


First Post
o_O I could swear I wrote that down. Hmm... *reverse engineers* Looks like +456.

In all honesty, he's probably too weak. He simply lacks options to deal with the sort of out-of-context problems that Eternals can throw at him to get around his transmortality. He's very much designed as a monster, not as a character, so he only has a few iconic abilities rather than a chasis of dozens, if not hundreds of lesser powers.

(U_K, this is where you make a quip about 4E. :D)

Basically, only poorly optimized eternals are really going to fall prey to him. He has no means of dealing with transcendental defenses of any kind, let alone omnific ones.

But, I wanted to keep a certain brutish aspect to him, which is why he's lacking those sort of sophisticated abilities.

Case in point, the game kind of breaks down at this level. :p (It actually broke down about 600 levels ago. :lol:)

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