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I got to playtest Castles and Crusades!


cleaverthepit said:
I don't know how much of the game will be open, we are conferring with Mac Attack the Noodle Knacker (he posted previously). He should be able to address that question shortly.

I look forward to reading his response. I like most of what I've heard about the C&C rules so far and I am looking forward to hearing more as the release date approaches.

I admit that I have a purely selfish reason for asking about the degree of Open Game Content in the C&C rules -- I am interested in putting up a website devoted to a long-running D&D campaign and would consider converting it to the C&C ruleset rather than using the 'mainstream' d20 rules. Will Troll Lord Games have some kind of policy on fan sites?

cleaverthepit said:
As for third party publishers. Yes, there are several publishers who are considering releasing material compatible with the rules (as if that would be difficult). We are working out the details on this at the moment. Of course, Castle Zagyg will be presented using the Castles and Crusades rules.

This is great news! The last thing that we need is another orphaned RPG....

Will other publishers will wait and see the how well the new system sells before they make a commitment to C&C or are we likely to see an announcement before the core rules are released?

Given the close relationship that exists between Troll Lord Games and Necromancer Games, is there any chance of collaboration between the two companies on products for C&C?

Are there any plans to publish a campaign setting for C&C? For example, would you consider fleshing out the world in which Zagyg's Castle will be placed?

cleaverthepit said:
We are also lining up several very good writers to do a series of adventures for us (Casey Christofferson for example). We intend to release quite a few modules under the system. We are,in fact looking at 6-12 in the first 6 months. The system will also be supported by the Crusader Magazine in which rules and options are to be addressed.

Once again, this is very good news.I am particularly excited about the concept of a house magazine to support C&C. I will be watching developments closely....

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gideon_thorne said:
If not, its not too late to mail in a request for an NDA (done entirely for wholely appropriate and legal as well as common sense reasons) and get in on the discussions. :)

I'd love to do so myself, but have not requested it because my gaming group has no (zero) interest in Castles and Crusades, and all I really could contribute is my opinion, rather than hard playtest data. So I'll have to see what comes out in August and hope for the best. :D


Well this sounds intriguing. I grew up with 1st ed AD&D and like simplified systems like Savage Worlds, so will likely have a look at it when it comes out. I will be particularly interested to see the C&C take on illusion/shadow magic, as the view on how "real" illusions are has varied with the editions, and shadow magic has also changed.

I guess the illusionist does not get her own class, with her own spell list, as per 1st ed., but that makes sense for a simplified game. Can't have everything after all. Sigh :(

Anyhow, looking forward to it!


First Post
"I guess the illusionist does not get her own class, with her own spell list, as per 1st ed., but that makes sense for a simplified game. Can't have everything after all. "

ahhh contraire. The Illusionist and the Assassin make an appearance as their own class. The Illusionist has his own spell list and speical abilities. Assassin gets similar treatment.

HOWEVER, they appear in Castle Zagyg. As we have 12 classes in C and C we had to choose which one's get moved around and where. The society came to an agreement and since Gary's two favorite classes are the Illusionist and Assassin so in they go. Now we may also be putting them in the CK guide and/or the crusader so one would not have to buy ZAgyg to get them.

troll lord games


cleaverthepit said:
ahhh contraire. The Illusionist and the Assassin make an appearance as their own class. The Illusionist has his own spell list and speical abilities. Assassin gets similar treatment.

HOWEVER, they appear in Castle Zagyg.

Now we may also be putting them in the CK guide and/or the crusader so one would not have to buy ZAgyg to get them.

troll lord games

Glad to hear it! Might I suggest that, if they do not appear in the CK guide, they would be suitable web enhancements?


By the way, will there be anything like a "cheat sheet", either on the web when the book comes out or in the book itself, that will tell d20 players (particularly 3rd ed D&D players) what's the same and what's different? 'Coz that might help speed up acclimatization to C&C from D&D. (Hmmmm....I wonder if Bunnies and Burrows will make a reappearance? Then we would have B&B, C&C and D&D) :)


First Post
Particle_Man said:
By the way, will there be anything like a "cheat sheet", either on the web when the book comes out or in the book itself, that will tell d20 players (particularly 3rd ed D&D players) what's the same and what's different?

We will do our best to serve you.

Scene: davis, exit left, bowing.

Yeah, we will have a crib sheet available on the website to let those playing d20 know what has changed.

Thanks forasking.

Mac Golden

First Post
In response to Prime Evil's questions:

I admit that I have a purely selfish reason for asking about the degree of Open Game Content in the C&C rules -- I am interested in putting up a website devoted to a long-running D&D campaign and would consider converting it to the C&C ruleset rather than using the 'mainstream' d20 rules.

Anything derived from OGC under the OGL will be open. Some of the book will of course be closed content, but most of the book, be default alone will be OGC.

Are there any plans to publish a campaign setting for C&C? For example, would you consider fleshing out the world in which Zagyg's Castle will be placed?

Castle Zagyg is a campaign setting! It is the Castle, dungeons, nearby town, and the surrounding environs!

The World of Erde is being revised as well.


Fiffergrund said:
Any game can put a sentence in the preface saying "change it however you like." What differentiates games is whether or not the overall design of each lends itself to easy modularity and "tinkering." HERO, FUDGE, 3E+ - all of them offer flexibility within the scope of the rules themselves - in other words, the designers saw fit to suggest to the players how to alter the game, as well as how to play it, because of the teetering monolith called "balance."
While other games pay this notion lip service, very often, I've noticed, the rules aren't constructed to suit this philosophy.

Err, had to comment, since Fudge and HERO are two of my favorite games.
(a) The assumption in Fudge is that GMs will step outside the published rules, and it offers no advice on how to do so. In fact 95% of the published rules are really examples for GMs who can't or don't wish to figure out their own method, or who need some examples of how Fudge might be applied to various situations.
(b) Both Fudge and HERO rely on the GM to provide and enforce balance, if balance is desired. HERO does provide some tools to get you in the ballpark (the point system), but in Fudge you're entirely on your own.
(c) Fudge was explicitly constructed to suit this philosophy. It was the driving design goal.

So while I agree with your comments in general, I don't think they apply to the all games you held up as examples. I do think your comments are true of 3E however, and comprise one of the key features of that game.

Of course all that has nothing to do with C&C. As a playtester I will confirm that C&C is as Fiff has described it, but I'm not sure if I can say anyting else under NDA...


First Post
Interesting thread.

I am also playtesting the C&C rules.
I have found them to be somewhat more enjoyable than the 3.5 rules.
I cannot comment further on that other than to say the conversions will be fairly easy to do both ways from AD&D to C&C to 3.5ed. Those who convert will be able to do so.
I think that the C&C rules are fun.
They allow you to run a game in a way it used to be run. I liked what Gary said in an earlier post about if the rule is an obstacle then remove it. The goal of any game is to have fun.
This has been very much a fan based colaboration and the guys at Trollord Games have done a fantastic job of listening to the playtesters.
keep up the good work guys...I hope I did not overstep my NDA by posting things here.
One last thing about saving thorws:
The current system which I can talk about (3ed and 3.5ed) do a number of things that drive me nuts. There are three saves yes but why would you roll a reflex save vs. a sonic attack? doesn't the old system(AD&D) of Save vs. Magic or Save vs. paralyzation make alot more sense??? It always has to me.
Also, Why all the rules lawyering?? I think if you are a rules heavy person then the Hackmaster sans the mockery is made just for you. Rules lawyers will probably dislike the C&C system since it has been mentioned it's design is modular (that means it has the ability to chage) based on the DM style you LIKE.
Look have fun play your game and if you don't like something change it to something you like better.
Just my 2cp after a long session of reading this post in one afternoon.

P.S. Get well soon Gary. :)

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