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I hear Rangers suck. Is this true?


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I'm not sure if anyone has read any of my other posts, but I am going to be in a 10th level campaign soon, and I keep changing my mind on what I should be. I thought a Ranger would be a cool idea, but everyone in my gaming group says that they suck.

I did a favorite class post a bit ago, and Rangers were proven not to suck on there...

So I need some help. I need to know how to build a Ranger to prove to the others in my gaming group that Rangers don't suck?

Please give me some ideas on how to use his skills, feats, best favored enemies, and most used spells. Please list some strategies I may use as well. Rangers are new to me, and I don't want to start to think they suck too soon ;)

If Rangers really do suck, then post that as a response, and I'll be a rogue instead.:)

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Wild Karrde

First Post
It's not that they suck it's just that they got the shaft ;)

The big complaint with Rangers is at higher levels, which is basically any level after leve one, they can't compete with the other classes. The onlyt reason to play one is to get the virtual feats at 1st level after that you're better of going fighter. IMHO


First Post
Wild Karrde said:
It's not that they suck it's just that they got the shaft ;)

The big complaint with Rangers is at higher levels, which is basically any level after leve one, they can't compete with the other classes. The onlyt reason to play one is to get the virtual feats at 1st level after that you're better of going fighter. IMHO

This is what I thought at first, but I'd rather play a stalker type. The fighter's skills aren't good enough to do that with. Hide and Move Silently are crucial to this, and a rogue might be better for this.

Brings up another question. why wouldn't you just take fighter and take the feats you'd get as a Ranger, so you don't restrict yourself to light armor?


No, I don't think so. I have some issues with them, mostly that the class is too narrow for the general concepts -- frex, some people think two weapon fighting is ill justified (and I agree), and some think they shouldn't be spellcasters.

But I certainly don't think you are going to be in the hurt locker because you are a ranger. A ranger doesn't get the extra feats of a fighter. But they DO get more and better skills, bonuses against certain types of enemies, and spells. A fair trade, I think. If your GM downplays the importance of skills like spot, listen, move silent, and hide, I can see how it could be weak. But those are generally imprortant skills in the game.


First Post
Higher levels rangers with a jhigh wisdom rock. They spells allow you to maximize your abilities of slealth. If you're lucky enough to havea major race as the enmy, this really makes Rangers that much better. Their abilities are more specific so they can easily seem weak when taken out of their element.


First Post
If you need the SP and the feats, MC Rog/Ftr

take a couple lvl of rogue at the beginning (for skillPt at lvl 1, sneak attack,a nd evasion) and then a couple of ftr lvl for feats and weapon spec.

This combo is a killer- since you have a huge skill list, skill pt, and a lotta feats.

If you really want a ranger, then go favor enemy- giants- you will happy for that +2 or whatever against them.

but by lvl 10, rog/ftr should qualify you for any PrC because of the skills and feats- and with the ftr class, you will have offset a lot of the weaknesses of rogue BAB, HP, and fort save. the only thing that can hurt you is the will save- so get magic items to guard against that...


Sage of the Scarred Lands
Not really, if you get the right Pr-class, rangers can be pretty DARN good. Of course if you get Clark Peterson's version, they do even better. My advice, if you feel that your ranger isn't getting respected enough, talk to your DM about the alternate ranger AND about letting you go Viligant from Relics and Rituals. Or if he doesn't like d20, try Divine Champion.


A decent alternative to the Ranger is the Wheel of Time Woodsman. If you or a friend has the book, check it out. Just make sure that in a D&D campaign you give the Woodsman the Ranger's saves.


First Post
Rangers are not bad, they are just inflexible, and not well designed, but they do fulfill a particular roll pretty well.

They get full fighter BAB, d10 hp, 4 skill points per level, and have all the stealth skills. They also get a decent spell list. So, if you want a sneaky guy who is good in a stand up fight, the ranger is your man.

The ranger also gets favored enemy, which I consider to be of no value, because there's a good chance you'll never meet your favored enemy.

They also get TWF, which is of little use, since using a shield or a two handed weapon is usually better.

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