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I hope Eberron is a flop. Am I evil?

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Personally, I don't care if it is a success or failure.

I will only buy campaign sourcebooks relating to the World of Greyhawk. WotC clearly will not be releasing new campaign sourcebooks relating to the World of Greyhawk. So, I am done with WotC campaign sourcebooks.

Granted, WotC is targeting Eberron to others less persnickety than I.

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Sage of the Scarred Lands
I think Dead is a pro-wrestler. Thus he's not evil.

Now Al, he's probably evil but he's at least.

Hand of Evil

It allows too much opportunity to fail, it is a win-win. You have to think what it gives WotC, a new license? Yes, one for pen & paper, one for novels, one for computer games, one for internet games, one for support...

Every other setting has too many figures in them.


First Post
Like most everyone else, you're not evil. How can someone who likes Planescape and Spelljammer be evil, not to mention Mystra... But, I hope it succeeds, because I'm one of the rapid fan-hordes who's having a most excellent time with it, and would like to see WoTC support for this setting. It joining the legion of dead settings wouldn't be a good thing for anyone...

ecliptic said:
I bought it and like it and I hope it fails.

I want Birthright and Greyhawk dammit.

Ok. So, you bought a new setting that you like.

And you want a new setting you like to fail, because you want:

A) The return of Birthright, a nearly 10 year old setting you liked which already failed once, which isn't likely to succeed when it returns, and which has ingrained play assumptions (running nations) which guarantee it will never have the widespread appeal WotC wants in its new setting.


B) The return of Greyhawk, a nearly 30 year old setting you like which:

Has a severely divided, relatively small fan base which is fanatical in its devotion to four or five different visions of the "real" setting, guaranteeing that regardless of what's done, a large group of the core fans will not be happy, and will not buy.

Has a feel which is separate from FR, but not different enough to draw in hordes of new fans and support the multiple product categories WotC wants.

Has setting assumptions which are poorly served by the d20 mechanics, mandating either large scale changes to either the setting, or to the mechanics - meaning alienation of the player base right off the bat.

Is old enough that most of the setting material has been out of print for ages, lots of it for longer than many of the new customers WotC wants to attract have been alive.

Has "returned" multiple times, and has petered out multiple times due to lack of profit.

What you SHOULD be hoping for is that Eberron succeeds beyond the wildest dreams of even the most optomistic projections. A rich company is far, far more likely to give you old game settings than one which is hurting for cash.

Don't cut off your nose to spite your face.

Patrick Y.


First Post
Is it just me or is it that every discussion about Eberron begins by comparing it to one of the other campaign settings currently available from WoTC or the older TSR settings? "I dont like it because it isn't like (insert established campaign setting here)."
I bought the book, and read it, and liked it. Im running a Kingdoms of Kalamar game right now, and might not ever run the Eberron setting, but i dont want to see it fail as an enterprise. If we just keep shooting down new settings and material where are new ideas going to come from? How much stuff do we have to cram into an old setting before it is no longer recognizable, simply because no one wanted to play in a new setting with new concepts or flavor? How many ideas do we have to water down and twist so that they fit into the settings we have had for years, rather than give them full treatment and color they deserve in order to see their merits or flaws.
As for WoTC, or Hasbor or whoever is in charge, dumping the setting i think that would be a huge loss for them, and would seriously set back the progress made on material in the future. If only Core books sales are worthwhile, then no new settings, or support for existing settings, will be forthcoming, since they dont do well.
Is Dead Evil? No.
Creepy for writing in the third person, Yes.

Y'know, if WotC were producing tripe like the Hero Builder's Guidebook, Savage Species, and Defenders of the Faith (all IMHO) right now instead of quality products like Eberron, I'd almost agree with you. I believe WotC's finally got it right with 3.5, and I've seen an overall rise in the quality of products released for it.

I for one wouldn't shed any tears if they discontinued FR, finally killed GH dead, and made Eberron the default. Don't underestimate the draw of a setting to newbies and veterans alike that doesn't have reams of junk already written for it, with world-spanning catastrophes and wholesale re-writes over the years. I ran FR for years before I got really annoyed with having to have the excruciating minutiae of its history explained to me by players. I wanted to start from the ground-up with a setting designed for 3rd edition and that's what I got. Color me happy.

And it should color YOU happy too. Regardless of whether it sells or not, no one's putting a gun to your head and saying you can't run Mystara. Net change for you: zero. But if WotC has healthy sales it is good for the entire industry, which makes the odds of you seeing new Mystara product (whether through an attitudinally-adjusted Wizards or a license) much better (note: not a promise). It is in no RPG fan's best interest to see WotC take a bath. I'm not saying Vampire fans should line up and buy D&D products to support the industry, but wishing them ill and making judgments about books you don't own isn't very constructive.

So are you evil? You wish. Myopic and in dire need of a business course? Yes.


First Post
Asmor said:
I would beg to differ. Evil is very subjective ...
Beg to differ all you want. You're still wrong! Leave the cave of opinion, and cast your mind's eye on the true form of knowledge. :)

(Man, "EVIL" -- it is right there on pp. 134-136 of the PHB!)

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