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Pathfinder 1E I just found a new stupid rule!

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Personally I am not all that worried about the spellcraft check in crafting items so while I don't often allow taking 10 on this I would. As long as they have the proper feats and spent the time and money that is all I am concerned. As others have mentioned the real limit is the cost in gold and none of my players is all that rich in the first place.

Right, but in some ways, that's an argument against even having a roll. The reality is that very few players are going to be willing to take a risk on failing to craft an item and losing the cost of crafting the item.

Combine take 10 with the reality that players aren't likely to take the risk and you eventually have to ask "Why even have them roll?"

I think for my next game, my house rule will be that there's is not a crafting roll, but that the crafter will need to meet the caster level in order to craft the item. The crafter level would, generally, be the level necessary to cast the highest level spell used in the item's creation.


First Post
By my quick count, that's about 19 items a 3rd level caster can craft. If you are modifying the caster level to be based on the required spells, however, it seems they could craft Pearls of Power (presently CL 17), since they require the caster be able to cast spells of the relevant level.
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By my quick count, that's about 19 items a 3rd level caster can craft. If you are modifying the caster level to be based on the required spells, however, it seems they could craft Pearls of Power (presently CL 17), since they require the caster be able to cast spells of the relevamt level.

There is that... will they even take the feat if they can't make what they want until level X? At that point I guess you ask yourself if magic item crafting really even adds anything to the game. I suppose that depends on how common magic items are. If they're common, ditch the crafting system and just let players find or buy what they want. All they lose is the discount.

If crafting is the only way they can get the item they want, well maybe the feat is worth it.


First Post
Link to FAQ: http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1fm#v5748eaic9qc0

I note the caster level requirement for a +x weapon can also be overridden. I'm thinking I would cascade this (ie if you are 5th level, it would be +5 to craft a +2 weapon, +10 for +3 or +15 or +4).

I could not find the discussion board comments which indicated the intent is that crafters don't botch magic item creation routinely.
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First Post
There is that... will they even take the feat if they can't make what they want until level X? At that point I guess you ask yourself if magic item crafting really even adds anything to the game. I suppose that depends on how common magic items are. If they're common, ditch the crafting system and just let players find or buy what they want. All they lose is the discount.

If crafting is the only way they can get the item they want, well maybe the feat is worth it.

It seems inconsistent to have a system for crafting objects mundane and masterwork, but not magical.

It seems inconsistent to have a system for crafting objects mundane and masterwork, but not magical.

I agree, but I also think that it's inconsistent to have a system for crafting magical items that will never be a challenge, and in the rare cases where it is, no player will be willing to risk failure.

On top of that, when was the last time a player (not an NPC) crafted a mundane anything? I've been running my current game for two years, and prior to that, 3.5 for years and none of my players have crafted anything mundane. I'm sure there are players that have done so, but I'd bet money that it's not very common.

Besides, why craft a masterwork sword, for instance, when you can just buy a normal one and have a wizard turn it into a masterwork weapon permanently with a common second level spell?

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