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D&D 5E I like 5th Edition! The D&D Next Positivity Thread


Fairly positive here as well. While we aren't playing Next exclusively, as my players prefer long campaigns, Next definitely scratched an itch for us, so much that we left 4e and went back to 2e, while waiting for Next to be complete.

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First Post
Next has my old buddies and me dusting off our roleplaying and DMing skills and has even got my girlfriend, who has never played rpgs before, playing!

-love bounded accuracy
-love the fighter
-love the adv/disadv
-love Backgrounds
-love idea of specialties
basically I really like where Next is going. Having been playing 40k it's refreshing to see a company that's so in touch and so open with their fan base. Refreshing is too weak. I have a man crush on Mearls.

Wait. Did I type that out loud?


My 2cp.

I am an unabashed lover of any and every new iteration of D&D. Started with B/X and loved every new edition since.... at least for awhile :).

I will admit to a certain level of fickleness when it comes to D&D. I get excited by possibilities, but when it ceases to work for me, I'll walk away.

IME I can tell the stories I want with any edition, regardless of mechanics, but as I have evolved, so too have my preferences. 1e brought so much complexity and mystery into my D&D, but eventually I found it too arcane and clunky. I loved the added options and settings of 2e, but soon discovered that it was fatally (IMO) unbalanced. I loved the unified mechanics and simulationist aspect of 3e, but soon after found it too much work to DM. Loved the balance and ease of DMing of 4e, but soon found combats took too long and felt something undefinable missing. And B/X is not sophisticated enough for my tastes anymore. Ultimately, as time has gone on, the biggest problem is that now its hard to bring everyone together anymore. OF those I have played D&D with in the past couple decades, some prefer B/X, some 2e, some 3.5 and some 4e. Some of those preferences and dislikes are pretty hardcore.

So, I can get behind most changes, just because they are new or new to me. And I am liking the thought behind the playtests, bringing old-school and innovation together.

I consider all editions D&D, and maybe this is why I have the greatest hope for DDN. I hope it can bring a majority of players together and allow me to resurrect some of my old groups with a game that we can all get behind.

Could happen. :)
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I have a man crush on Mearls.

Wait. Did I type that out loud?

Ballsy first post. :p

I'm glad many people are having fun with D&D Next. I'm pretty stoked to get to actually playing it seriously; all the one shots have given me a vague sense of how things play, but actual campaign play is completely different.


First Post
[MENTION=62721]MortalPlague[/MENTION]: heh.

It's funny because Im in my mid-30s so I feel like I'm not quite to silverback grognard yet but I'n no longer a proto or pupating grognard. I've played since 2nd and went through to 4th but life intervened so I haven't played in a couple years.
We've just started campaigns. I've adapted the Sword of the Dales trilogy for one game and am playing in another game where the DM is using Blingdenstone. I think because none of us have role-played for years (or ever) except for a brief stint with 4th which ended because most of the playgroup were the sons and nephews of the DM and they lost interest, leaving only myself and the DM, that in short we are starting fresh
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I keep telling myself that I'm cautiously optimistic, but the more I think about DDN the more I realize that I'd buy it right now if I could.

I am about to start a new D&D campaign and I was going back and forth between editions trying to find the rule set I wanted to use and in the end I decided to go with ACKS (Adventurer Conqueror King; a retro clone of Basic) because I think it may be the easiest to tack on DDNisms. If I could, I'd just grab DDN and go!

Hurry up Mearls! Chop-chop!


I think they're doing some very cool things so far - not perfect, but interesting and quite promising. The fact that I'm already adding in homebrewed content is just, well, my nature. ;)



First Post
I think they're doing some very cool things so far - not perfect, but interesting and quite promising. The fact that I'm already adding in homebrewed content is just, well, my nature. ;)


Its a play test, I don't expect anything to be perfect, or stay perfect, until the final iteration.

As long as they get good feedback I want them to try out everything in as many variations as possible, because that is the only way to get this even close to perfect. So I will put up with any imperfections they throw at us in hopes that it will make the final version as close to perfect as possible.

As someone who prefers "old school" I am really looking forward to when they start modularizing all of this, because that is when I will truly start to see just how interested I am going to be in Next. I'm just glad that so far its been so bare bones it has felt almost like playing older D&D.

Its even occurred to me that even if I end up not buying into Next I could still use these play tests to build my own "module" of old school gaming goodness tailored precisely to my personal tastes. So I am finding it easy to remain optimistic about this one way or another.


Modular class mechanics could be a frickin' godsend, though.

I second this! Choice within classes for class features, specialties, etc. will really open up the character concepts that people can create.

I like how with rogue, wizard, cleric we are seeing a clear modular design emerging, and with expertise dice, that also adds some choice that adds to the mix.

I loved old school d&d, but I also liked many of the aspects of 2, 3 and 4. Seeing a bit of each iteration in D&DNext is also quite pleasing.

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