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I like it when my PC dies! Share your coolest death!


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We were traveling by ship across the inner sea and got jumped by orc pirates. We did what we could but the defenders were overwhelmed. The Orc Captain gloated about how we were all to be ransomed for 10,000 gp. My Paladin said "Ha! I'm worth that much myself." (I remembered a story I heard once about Julius Caesar and hoped I'd get it right) The Orc Captain rejoiced about 20,000 gp. I said, "You'll never get 20,000 for all of us, and isn't one prisoner is easier to deal with than a whole shipload?" I took off my family heirloom sword and handed it to another PC. "If my familiy gets your message and this sword, they'll know what to do, and you'll be in line for an easy 10,000. Very smart." The Captain asked who I was and I gave my name with full authority. I was, in fact, a fourth level nobody, but the Captain said, "Oh, right! Well then, loot the prize and cast them off. Clap the rich boy in chains! Where is my scribe?!?" I figured that saving a shipload of people from orc pirate slavery would be worth the life of one PC Paladin.

I never got the details of the grisly scene but I was assured that they were inhumane.

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The Death of a kobold

A campaign I was recently in was centered around an all kobold party. I had chosen to be the sorcerer, a scrappy little fellow by the name of Arby. We had been galavanting around the underdark, and were accosted by numerous large and terrifying entities who demanded various sorts of tribute from us.

As we passed into a large, lava-strewn chamber, we saw a great flaming man forming from gasses vented out of a nearby fumarole. When this towering, burning monstrosity came towards us and, once more, demanded obeisance, Arby took a stand. I stood up from my chair, and in my best, screechy kobold voice, shouted:

"Listen to me, you great, flaming ****er! I'm tired of being pushed around by a bunch of morons who think they're all so great! You're not! So why don't you just turn around and march your burning ass back to whatever stinking hellhole you came from!"

So I roll my intimidate check, get a 13 or something, not bad - but not good enough to beat an 8HD large elemental. The DM ruled that the elemental's jaw dropped wide open in stunned silence at the sheer chutzpah. Seeing the opportunity, Arby shouted,

"He's distracted, guys! Let's get the hell outta here!"

And then ran away, headed westward at full speed, leaping over a 5 foot wide lava flow in the process. Oh wait, did I say leaping over? I meant attempting to leap over. I roll my jump check:

Natural 1

Yeah. With all my modifiers, this actually wound up being a negative number. So Arby soared through the air (for 2 feet) and then dropped directly into the lava with a soft 'sploop'.

There was a moment of breathless silence before the laughter started. the GM ruled that the elemental thought this was so hilarious that he just decided to leave the party alone.

The story / situation-

Noble and his family are captured and held prisoner within their fortress like castle at the top of a tall cliff by Giants. Their leader is a Psionicists.

One member of the team has Demon plate Armor and proudly wears it.

Goes toe to toe with a giant.

At the very edge of the 200ft tall cliff

Seeing he is the most dangerous member, the Psionicist Giant sneaks around the castle, charges up a boulder and prepares to throw it.

Same Initative-

PC (all but dead from toe to toe fight) kills the Giant but then is struck (and critted) by psionically charged boulder.

Fails dex (to fall forward vs backwards) and falls 200ft to ground below. Dead giant ALSO falls that way and on a 1 of a d20 lands directly on top of him. Roll a 3 on a D20 for the boulder as it falls.... misses his squished dead body and the broken cut up body of the giant by mere feet. Debris falls on the body.

In one round he went from 15 hp to -223. After winning and making the Giant leader flee the party go to retrieve the armor and POUR out the soup that was once the PC.

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