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I may have written myself into a corner...

Aran Thule

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Another idea would be a set of rings (one for each member) which can act as a mind link between them.
As a hook later on if one of them got stolen by the big bad guy it could be used to send messages to scare them.

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Another easy way to handle it is to give them a ring that has a built in Detect gold and gems ability (works like detect magic or detect secret doors). That way the ring would always be detecting wealth, and it would be useful for acquiring it regardless of scenario.




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How about a Ring of Djinni Summoning? :) It's kinda like wishing for more wishes, but hey, who wouldn't want a friendly Djinni with phenomenal cosmic power (and knowledge) as a friend?

I was actually about to suggest this, but instead of summoning a full on 'tremendous cosmic power' Djinn, it summons the Djinns 2nd level niece. She doesn't have tremendous cosmic power (Yet) but she's a good cook. And she knows some interesting stories. And as they adventure she's watching from the ring, gaining experience, and leveling up as they do...


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There's some good ideas in there - I'll have to come here more often for advice. :) I'm not sure exactly which I'll do yet, but probably go with an intelligent item with some spell powers useful to the whole party (maybe drawn from the cleric list). I just need to come up with a good "theme" to the ring, and a fun corresponding personality. I also like the idea of powers scaling with the level of the ring bearer.


As they are so low in level, and they wished for wealth, make it a scaling Ring of Infinite Coins. Each day it produces one coin of a type minted in the land they are currently in. At 10th level, the ring could produce more coins, perhaps each one appearing hours after the first one. The Ring has to be worn to be functional, coins are "spat" out of thin air from the ring.

This could actually be quite funny at times if a coin is spat out at an inopportune time and would likely attract unwarranted attention (such as sneaking around a keep, during a fight..)


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The party isn't expecting anything wealth-related for the ring, I think. They got a fair amount int the last adventure, anyway. Here's what I've come-up with so far for the ring. I would love comments or further suggestions for the ring that fits with the luck theme I've established.

Ring of Luck

When worn, this ring gives a +1 luck bonus to all saves. Once per day, as an immediate action, it can perform a Burst of Luck affecting all allies in a 30' radius. Burst of Luck gives affected allies a +4 luck bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, armor class, rolls to confirm critical hits, skill checks, ability checks, and caster level checks for 1 round (did I miss any good ones?).

At some point, when the party is higher-level, I will also let the ring create a Heroes' Feast 1/week - this is stretching the luck theme slightly, but I think it still fits well enough.

The ring is also intelligent, and has a fun, daring kind of personality, trying to urge the wearer and the party to take chances, and find new things. Alignment: Chaotic Good. Any ideas for a name?

It's stats are: INT: 14 WIS: 8 CHA: 12 Ego: 12
Senses: Darkvision 120'
Communication: Telepathy 30'
Languages: Common, Auran, Celestial
Powers: Mage Hand at will (to nudge die rolls and the like), Domension Door 1/day (ring only, not the wearer - in case it decides to switch to another character for a bit)
Skills (5 ranks each): Bluff: +9, Knowledge (arcana): +10, Knowledge (the planes): +10, Profession (gambler): +10

Any comments, suggestions for any other powers that would help the whole party and fit the luck theme, and ideas for a name would be appreciated!
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The ring is a portable portal.

You take the ring off, say the command word, and it expands to a 4' hoop. Put it against something, and you now have a hole.

The hole takes you to a Hall of Sages. There, lots of smart epople are gathered. They have Wealth... of knowledge. PCs can use this as a place to find out any sort of lore or knowledge they need that could be found in any sort of book.

Best suggestion ever. Unfortunately I can't give you any more XP. But you deserve it. I plan on using this myself.


First Post
Ring of Minor Wealth
once a day the user may summon minor wealth: The wealth changes level with the user but is always considered to be 'minor' in that it's never enough to flat out purchase magic items.


Ring of Minor Convience
Once a day the user may summon a mundane item that is standard for adventuring gear such as silk rope, grappling hook, iron spikes, hammer, etc....

Voidrunner's Codex

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