I need a Good Alchemist Class


First Post
smootrk said:
Just use the Adept class, max the ranks in Alchemy, add a couple of bonuses, like Item Creation Potion, Item Creation Wonderous items (for the elixers, oils, etc.), give them some bonuses for identification of potions, and tweak the Adept spell list to match most of the standard potion creation spells.


Simple if you feel "alchemist" means "potion maker"

Which is perfectly valid, but the idea has many interpretations.

Without knowing what the OP is looking for, its hard to give advice.

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First Post
Merlion said:
Simple if you feel "alchemist" means "potion maker"

Which is perfectly valid, but the idea has many interpretations.

Without knowing what the OP is looking for, its hard to give advice.

:\ I'll clarify a bit. My suggestion of an adapted Adept class was more of an example of how a DM can take something that is already out there and make it work for the task at hand.

Another point is that I don't think of a pure alchemist as viable for a PC style core class... thus chosing one of the more flexible npc classes. Since potions do not have spell effects that go beyond 3rd level, the Adept is suitable especially with a few tweaks to the spell listing, or you could have Divine Alchemists (divine spells) or Arcane Alchemists.

Now if a true magic item maker (going well beyond simple spells & potion mixtures) then there are a few class choices for Artificer. There is also a magical craftsman npc class in the Eberron book if that is the direction desired.

The option for the sub-class is also a good choice. As above, I don't think Alchemists have enough flexibility for a core class to themselves, but could be a interesting side gig for a Wizard or Sorcerer.

I would be interested is seeing what other ideas are out there as well.


Warning.... LONG

Its been a while since I have posted any creations, but here is my Alchemist.


[size=-1](An alternate Base class adapted from various sources primarily Eberron’s “Artificer” class and the Unearthed Arcana. Special Note: Alchemists have access to any source with alchemical substances, especially Alchemy & Herbalists, and Pale Designs sourcebooks.)[/size]

An alchemist spends significant time researching alchemical lore and experimenting with the art of their craft. They seek to unlock the power within the substances they use, finding ways to mimic spells with elixirs. The path of an alchemist is not an easy one, and requires the tutelage of a master alchemist. It is not a profession that can just be embarked upon at a whim. Some alchemists are often seen as healers, master metallurgists, and apothecaries while others are seen as charlatans and tricksters.

Adventures: Alchemists adventure in search of wealth and knowledge. The wealth allows them to buy the materials they need to advance their craft. They also seek new materials and new inspiration for advancements in the art. They are not helpless in combat but are not fighters by nature either. However, with a full selection of elixirs and alchemical items, they can be quite formidable opponents. Adventuring is still hard for an alchemist, who must carry a fragile laboratory with them in order to create their elixirs and items. Thus they often have need of a base of operations from which they can spend time equipping themselves for the adventures ahead without risking losing their precious equipment.

Characteristics: Alchemists rely primarily on their craft, and in time, grow to be able to produce more and more powerful elixirs and potions. They do so by self study or by learning them from another alchemist or from alchemical texts. Their knowledge of alchemical substances relates as much to the nature of the body as well as the natural order of the universe. They learn to alter and create new substances, as well as to heal and harm the body.

Alignment: The study of alchemy is a dedicated and logical process, as much so as wizardry. Many alchemists tend toward a lawful alignment due to the dedication required by the trade, but chaotic alchemists are not unheard of.

Religion: Alchemists most often revere the deities of magic, and invention such as Mystra and Gond. Many also worship deities of nature, poison, knowledge, and craft.

Background: All alchemists must learn their profession as an apprentice to a master alchemist. It is through this relationship that the secrets of the trade are passed from one alchemist to another. Many alchemists form guilds to protect their trade interests. The guilds also specifically try to prevent others such as wizards from dabbling in their profession. Alchemists are a secretive lot, and refuse to share their knowledge to anyone who is not committed to the art. Even though alchemists do form guilds, they still tend to work alone or with their apprentices. They are also not fond of moving their laboratories due to the time and care needed to do so.

Races: Alchemists are most often human or gnomish. Dwarven alchemists are slightly less common. The other core races are less likely to become alchemists but they are not unheard of.

Other Classes: Alchemist are generally not the most sought after adventuring partners, but can offer substantial adventuring support to any group. Alchemists due tend to have a hard time with spellcasters. They jealously guard their secrets from spellcasters and most feel that alchemy will some day become more dominant than magic. On the other hand most spellcasters see alchemists as charlatans and wizard-want-to-be’s. Divine spellcasters view alchemy as simply a tool and a trade, though many envy the alchemists’ mastery of healing power without the benefit of a divinity’s blessing.

Alchemists have the following game statistics.
Abilities: Intelligence is highly important to the alchemist as it influences the level of philters they can make and their skill with alchemy. Charisma is also very important to the alchemist both for their dealings as an artisan and craftsman but also for their extensive use of the Use Magic Device skill. Like other classes a high Dexterity improves their defensive capabilities.
Alignment: Any
Hit Dice: d6
Starting Gold: 5d4X10gp

The class skills of the alchemist are: Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge (Arcana, Engineering, Nature), Profession, Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft and Use Magical Device.
Skill Points for 1st Level: (6+INT modifier) x4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6+INT modifier

[b]	Base
Class	Attack		SAVES
Level	Bonus	Fort	Ref	Will	Special[/b]
1	+0	+2	+0	+2	Alchemist Knowledge, Magical Attunement, Craft Alchemical Item, 
........................................Brew Poison, Safe Handling, Philters
2	+1	+3	+0	+3	Brew Potion, Item Creation
3	+2	+3	+1	+3	Craft Wondrous Alchemical
4	+3	+4	+1	+4	Metallurgy, Bonus Feat
5	+3	+4	+1	+4	Magical Siphon, Exceptional Alchemist
6	+4	+5	+2	+5	Metamagic Distillation
7	+5	+5	+2	+5	Detect Poison
8	+6	+6	+2	+6	Brew Magical Poison, Bonus Feat
9	+6	+6	+3	+6	Advanced Alchemist Knowledge
10	+7	+7	+3	+7	Extraordinary Alchemist
11	+8	+7	+3	+7	Brew Advanced Potion
12	+9	+8	+4	+8	Bonus Feat
13	+9	+8	+4	+8	Skill Mastery
14	+10	+9	+4	+9	-----
15	+11	+9	+5	+9	Master Alchemist
16	+12	+10	+5	+10	Bonus Feat
17	+12	+10	+5	+10	Brew Legendary Potion
18	+13	+11	+6	+11	-----
19	+14	+11	+6	+11	-----
20	+15	+12	+6	+12	Legendary Alchemist,  Bonus Feat

All of the following are class features for the alchemist.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Alchemists are proficient with simple weapons and with light armor, but not with shields.

Craft & Reserve Points: The alchemist gains craft points and reserve points at each level as shown in the following table. Points gained are the amount of new points gained each level and Total Points is the amount of total cumulative craft points earned by that level.
[b]		Craft Points	Craft Points	Reserve	Total
Level	Gained		Total		Points	Reserve[/b]
1	300		300		---	---
2	325		625		60	60
3	350		975		60	120
4	475		1,450		80	200
5	600		2,050		100	300
6	725		2,775		150	450
7	850		3,625		200	650
8	975		4,600		250	900
9	1,100		5,700		300	1,200
10	1,225		6,925		400	1,600
11	1,325		8,250		500	2,100
12	1,450		9,700		700	2,800
13	1,575		11,275		900	3,700
14	1,700		12,975		1,200	4,900
15	1,825		14,800		1,500	6,400
16	1,950		16,750		2,000	8,000
17	2,075		18,825		2,500	10,500
18	2,200		21,025		3,000	13,500
19	2,325		23,350		4,000	17,500
20	2,450		25,800		5,000	22,500
Craft Points: Craft point use is described under the various crafting sections.
Reserve Points:[/b] An alchemist also receives a special pool of points, referred to as reserve points. These points can be spent instead of spending experience points when crafting a potion or magical alchemical item. Each time the alchemist gains a new level, they receive new reserve points, but leftover points from the previous level do carry over. An alchemist can also use their reserve points to simply supplement the XP cost of their potions and alchemical items rather than paying the full amount with them.
……Example: To make a 5th level potion of fly instantly, they would use the normal base price for such a potion (3rd level spell x5th caster level x50gp) of 750gp. Thus the gold cost is 375gp, plus 30XP and 75 craft points.

Philters: An alchemist is not a spellcaster, but they do have the ability to imbue philters, temporary magical potions, with magical energy. Philters are neither arcane nor divine in origin; they are raw magical spell-effects drawn from the alchemist philter recipe list.
……This recipe philter list is comprised of spells that follow the following rules.
[*] The spell is beneficial to the target.
[*] The imbiber of the philter is both the ‘caster’ and ‘target’.
[*] Regardless of the mimicked spell’s number of targets there is only one target of an imbibed philter.
[*] The user of the philter is the ‘caster’ and an object acts as the ‘target or targets’ (as oils on objects, as per potions).
[*] Effects that would normally be cast to affect the caster and another target, such as Shield Other, cannot be imbued into a philter.
……Philters function just like spells and follow all the rules for spells. For example, a philter can be dispelled, it cannot be infused nor will it function in an antimagic area, and an alchemist must make a Concentration check if injured while imbuing a philter. However, once a philter is imbued, it will last for 1 hour per level of the alchemist before losing its potency. In all other respects they act as the spell they are imbued with. Using an already imbued philter is the same as using a potion or oil.
……An alchemist can imbue a philter with any recipe from their tome without preparing the recipe ahead of time. However, unlike a sorcerer or bard, they keep an alchemist tome, also known as a recipe book, which is similar to a wizard’s spellbook but is written in alchemist cant and contains alchemical formula and recipes rather than spells. See the “Alchemical Tome” section for further details.
……At any time, an alchemist can add philter recipes found in other alchemist’s tomes to their own. This follows the same rules for cost and time as adding spells to a wizard’s spellbook. The alchemist may also independently research new recipes, effectively gaining new additions to their tome as if they had found a new recipe.
……It is also possible for an alchemist to learn recipes for philters that are not on the normal alchemist philter recipe list. These might include ancient recipes or secret recipes known only to members of specific guilds. When encountering such recipes, the artificer can attempt to learn it by making a Spellcraft check (D20+spell level). If this check succeeds, they add the new recipe to their tome (at the standard cost of scribing a recipe). If not, they can try again when they gain another rank in Spellcraft, assuming they still access to the new recipe.
……To imbue a philter with a recipe, an artificer must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10+ the recipe level. Philters never allow saving throws if the imbiber is willing.
……Like spellcasters, an alchemist can imbue only a certain number of philters of a particular level per day. Their base daily philter allotment is shown in the table below. In addition, they receive extra philters per day if they have a sufficiently high Intelligence score (Table 1-1 on p.8 of the Player’s Handbook).
[b]Alchemist	[u]Philters Per Day
Level	0	1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9[/u][/b]
1	3	1	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-
2	4	2	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-
3	4	2	1	-	-	-	-	-	-	-
4	4	3	2	-	-	-	-	-	-	-
5	4	3	2	1	-	-	-	-	-	-
6	4	3	3	2	-	-	-	-	-	-
7	4	4	3	2	1	-	-	-	-	-
8	4	4	3	3	2	-	-	-	-	-
9	4	4	4	3	2	1	-	-	-	-
10	4	4	4	3	3	2	-	-	-	-
11	4	4	4	4	3	2	1	-	-	-
12	4	4	4	4	3	3	2	-	-	-
13	4	4	4	4	4	3	2	1	-	-
14	4	4	4	4	4	3	3	2	-	-
15	4	4	4	4	4	4	3	2	1	-
16	4	4	4	4	4	4	3	3	2	-
17	4	4	4	4	4	4	4	3	2	1
18	4	4	4	4	4	4	4	3	3	2
19	4	4	4	4	4	4	4	4	3	2
20	4	4	4	4	4	4	4	4	3	3
Philters can only be imbued into specially prepared vials filled with alchemical base liquid. This base liquid is assumed to be a staple of the Alchemist’s Lab as described in the Player’s Handbook (p.129). In many respects the alchemist’s lab acts as a spellcaster’s spell component pouch. Any spell that requires an expensive component must still have the cost in gold paid, assuming that the alchemist has supplied the material component in a form usable for the philter. Any required XP must also be spent to imbue such a philter.
……Philters have long casting times, each philter requiring one minute to imbue. Some alchemists have learned techniques to increase the speed of the philter creation however (see Quicken Philter feat). Like spellcasters, an alchemist can apply metamagic feats to their philters. Like a sorcerer, an alchemist can apply a metamagic feat to a philter spontaneously, but doing so requires extra time, increasing the imbue time to five minutes.
……An alchemist, even though they can imbue philters, cannot automatically use a spell trigger or spell completion item if the equivalent spell appears on their philter recipe list. Instead they must use the Use Magic Device skill.
……Each day the alchemist must focus their mind on their philter recipes. They need eight hours of rest, after which they spend 15 minutes concentrating. During this period, the alchemist readies their mind to hold their daily allotment of philter energy. Without such a period of time to refresh themselves, the alchemist does not regain the philter slots used the previous day. Any philters created within the last eight hours count against the alchemist’s daily limit.
Alchemical Tome: An alchemist’s tome contains all of their accumulated knowledge of alchemical formulas and recipes. This includes their knowledge of philters, poisons and alchemical substances and items. An alchemist must study their tome each day to refresh their minds for their ability to create philters. Alchemist’s cannot create a philter, alchemical item, or poison that they do not have a recipe for in their tome. They may not make a Use Magic Device roll to mimic a philter as they may do for bypassing prerequisites on magical items. Creating a philter requires the alchemical recipe for that philter.
……An alchemist begins play with an alchemist’s tome containing the following:
Philters: All 0-level philters plus three 1st-level philters of their choice. For each point of Intelligence bonus the alchemist has, the recipe book holds one additional 1st-level philter of their choice. At each new alchemist level, they gain three new philters of any spell level or levels that they can create (based on their new alchemist level) for their tome.
Alchemical Items: An alchemist begins play with all of the alchemist items from the Player’s Handbook in their recipe book. They may add 1 additional alchemical item recipe for each new alchemist level gained (for free).
Poisons: The alchemist begins with 2 poison recipes of their choice. They may add 1 additional poison recipe for each new alchemist level gained (for free).

Alchemist Knowledge: As a bonus language, alchemist learn a secret language known as Alchemist Cant that is known only to alchemists, which they learn upon becoming a 1st-level alchemist. This language is in addition to their regular allotment of languages and does not take u pa language slot. Alchemists are forbidden to teach this language to non-alchemists. Alchemist Cant has its own alphabet and is used to transcribe the procedures necessary for creating their alchemical substances and philters as well as to communicate their trade dealings with one another.
……An alchemist may also make a special knowledge check with a bonus equal to their alchemist level + their Intelligence modifier to detect if an alchemical substance is magical or not. Alchemical substances include all forms of magical liquids and powders. The alchemist must hold and examine the substance’s container for 1 minute. A successful check against a DC15 determines that the substance has magical qualities, but does not reveal the specific qualities of the substance. An alchemist cannot take 10 or 20 on this check. A particular substance can only be examined in this fashion one time; if the check fails, the alchemist cannot learn more about the substance.
……The alchemist can also use this same knowledge check to identify non-magical alchemical substances such as acids, poisons, etc. The DC check of the identification is equal to the craft DC of the item. If the alchemical item or poison exists in the alchemist’s tome, they gain a +2 competence bonus on the identification check.

Magical Attunement: Due to the alchemist’s ability to infuse magical energy, and their understanding of the magical theorem involved in alchemy and magical items, they gain a +2 bonus on all Use Magic Device skill checks.

Craft Alchemical Item: The alchemist is an artisan that specializes in the crafting of alchemical items such as acid and alchemist’s fire using the Craft (Alchemy) as if the alchemist were a spellcaster.
……This ability uses the standard rules for the Craft skill. Purchasing and maintaining an Alchemist’s Lab (equivalent to a spell component pouch for spellcasters) still grants a +2 circumstance bonus to Craft (Alchemy) checks (from the favorable condition of having the perfect tools for the job) but does not affect the cost of any items made using the skill. Masterwork alchemist’s tools grant a +4 bonus.
To determine how much time and money it takes to make an alchemical item:
1)	Convert the price from gold into silver (1gp = 10sp)
2)	Pay 1/3 the price in raw materials
3)	Craft check vs. the item’s DC, representing one week’s work
…If the check succeeds, multiply the check result by the DC. If the Result x the DC equals
the price of the item in sp, then you have completed the item.  If the result x the DC equals 
double or triple the price of the item in sp, then you’ve completed the task in ½ or 1/3 of 
the time, and so on. If the result x the DC doesn’t equal the price, then it represents 
progress you’ve made this week. Record the result and make a check the next week. Each 
week you make more progress until your total reaches the price of the item in silver pieces.
…If you fail a check, you make no progress this week. 
[b][u]Retry[/u]:[/b] Yes, but in the case of making items, each failure ruins half the raw 
materials needed, and you have to pay half the raw material cost again. 
[i][u]Progress by Day[/u]:[/i] You can make checks by the day instead of by the week, in 
which case your progress (result x DC) is in copper pieces instead of silver pieces (10cp = 1 sp).
……The alchemist’s alchemical tome contains all of the recipes for the alchemical items the alchemist knows how to create. An alchemist may not create an alchemical item they do not know the recipe for. See “Alchemical Tome” section for more details. At any time, they can also add recipes found in other alchemist’s tomes to their own. The cost and time for adding these new recipes is merely 1gp for the cost of ink and 4 hours to transcribe the information.
……Alchemists may research new alchemical items (see Table: “Alchemical Items by Source” for a list of alchemical items) just as they research new philters. The time and cost involves in this research is triple the market value of the item. At the end of the research period the alchemist must make a Craft (Alchemy) skill check at the item’s DC to successfully complete the research. Once the research is complete the item is added to the alchemist’s tome as a known alchemical item. If the check fails, all cost and time in the research is lost and the alchemist must begin again. If additional alchemists are involved in the research, each person involved with 5 or more ranks in Craft (Alchemy) adds a +2 synergy bonus to the final research check, but increases the cost to quadruple the market value of the item.
……If the alchemist so chooses, they may also use craft points to create their alchemical items or substances rather than spending long periods of game time. As detailed in Unearthed Arcana this system glosses over the realities of such work assuming the presence of the alchemist’s tool kits, reagents, and laboratory just as a caster’s spell component pouch glosses over the minutia of common material components. The alchemist can still only create their substances when they have access to their alchemist’s lab, just as casters are required to have a spell component pouch.
……This system makes it appear as if items are created “instantly,” but the assumption is that the alchemist has actually been working on it for a while, but only just got around to finishing it. This system assumes that the alchemist is always working on various projects in their spare time.
…………Crafting: To craft an alchemical item without spending the normal labor time, they can pay one-tenth the item’s market price in craft points (minimum 1 point). They must also pay material costs equal to one-half of the item’s market price (this replaces the normal material cost for crafting an item). Once the alchemist declares that they are spending these craft points and gold pieces, the item is automatically completed one day later (typically next morning).
……The alchemist must make a successful Craft check (using the standard DC for the item being created) to complete the item. A failed check means the alchemist wastes one-half of the gold pieces and craft points required for the item (round up), but they may try again as soon as the next day if they still have enough gold pieces and craft points to complete the item.
……The alchemist can reduce the craft point cost of creating these items by increasing the amount of time spent working on the item. The cost is reduced by 1 craft point for every 100sp of work they contribute to the item’s creation, making regular craft checks at regular intervals.
……Example: An alchemist needs to make a tanglefoot bag with a market cost of 50gp. The alchemist can spend 5 craft points (1/10 of 50gp) and 25gp (1/2 the market value) to finished item. However, if the alchemist wishes to spend actual creation time on the item, they can reduce the 5 craft point cost by 1 per 100sp of work they already completed.
…………Assisting: Anyone who helps with the creation of alchemical item, and that has crafting points and the craft alchemical item feat, can contribute craft points at the normal rate thus each contributing 1 craft point per 10gp of the items value but the primary caster must contribute at least half of the craft points. Anyone assisting the alchemist that has craft points but does not have the craft alchemist feat, such as someone with the Craft Masterwork Weapon feat can only contribute craft points at half the normal rate, thus 2 craft points must be contributed to equal 1 craft point.

Brew Poison (Ex): The alchemist learns to brew poisons as if they were standard alchemical substances. Creating these poisons follow all of the same rules for crafting alchemical items including the ability to use craft points to brew them as alchemical items. The craft DC of a poison is equal to the poison’s save DC plus a modifier from the following table.
[b][u]Poison Type		DC Modifier[/u][/b]
......Contact		+2
......Ingested		-2
......Inhaled		+0
......Injury/Injected	+2
Damage Type
......Energy (Ability) Drain	+6
......Permanent Damage	+4
......Two-Stage*	+4
......Three-Stage*	+6
*: Two and three-stage poisons require the victim to come into contact with two or three individual components rather than just one.)
Note that each successful crafting of a poison makes only one dose of the poison.
……As with alchemical items, the alchemist’s alchemical tome contains all of the recipes for the poisons the alchemist knows how to create. An alchemist may not create a poison they do not know the recipe for. . See “Alchemical Tome” section for more details. At any time, they can also add recipes found in other alchemist’s tomes to their own. The cost and time for adding these new recipes is merely 1gp for the cost of ink and 4 hours to transcribe the information.
……Alchemists may also research new poisons (see Table: “Poisons and Toxins by Source” for known alchemical items) just as they research new philters. The time and cost involves in this research is triple the market value of the item. At the end of the research period the alchemist must make a Craft (Alchemy) skill check at the item’s DC to successfully complete the research. Once the research is complete the item is added to the alchemist’s tome as a known alchemical item. If the check fails, all cost and time in the research is lost and the alchemist must begin again. If additional alchemists are involved in the research, each person involved with 5 or more ranks in Craft (Alchemy) adds a +2 synergy bonus to the final research check, but increases the cost to quadruple the market value of the item.

Safe Handling (Ex): Alchemists are trained to safely handle and use the alchemical substances that they create. This also aids them in the adventuring world, as they never risk accidentally poisoning themselves when applying poison in any manner, or accidentally harming themselves with other toxic alchemical substances such as acid.

Brew Potion: At 2nd-level the alchemist gains the Brew Potion feat. All of the standard rules apply for brewing permanent potions with the following exceptions. Spells with a range of personal can be made into potions by an alchemist. The alchemist also need not know or prepare the spell to be made into a potion, see the “Item Creation” section for more details.
……The imbiber of the potion is still considered both the caster and the target however. Note that potions and philters are not the same, though any philter in the alchemist’s alchemical tome can be made into a potion.
……If the alchemist so chooses, they may also use craft points to create their potions rather than spending game time, just as with non-magical alchemical items. This makes it appear as if items are created “instantly,” but the assumption is that the alchemist has actually been working on it for a while, but only just got around to finishing it.
…………Brewing: To brew a potion without spending the normal labor time, they can pay one-tenth the item’s market price in craft points (minimum 1 point) and must also pay material costs equal to one-half of the item’s market price (this replaces the normal material cost for crafting an item). Once the alchemist declares that they are spending these craft points and gold pieces, the item is then considered completed, reducing the normal creation time of one day.
……Example: A 3rd level alchemist needs to make a potion of undetectable alignment (2nd level at 3rd caster level) with a market cost of 300gp. The alchemist can:
a) Spend 150gp + 12XP and one day to finish the item, or
b) Spend 150gp + 12XP + 30 craft points (1/10 of 300gp) to finished item instantly.

Item Creation (Ex): At 2nd level an alchemist can create potions and other magical alchemical substances even if they do not have access to the spells that are prerequisites for the item. The alchemist must make a successful Use Magic Device skill check (DC20+prerequisite caster level) to emulate each spell normally required to create items. Thus, to create an Elixir of Love, an alchemist would need a Use Magic Device check result of 24 or higher to emulate charm person. To create Dust of Dryness, they would need a Use Magic Device check result of 31 or higher to emulate control water.
……The alchemist must make a successful check for each prerequisite for each item they make. If the check fails, they can try again each day until the item is complete (see p.282 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide). If they come to the end of the crafting time and they still have not successfully emulated one of the prerequisites, they can make one final check, their last-ditch effort, even if they have already made a check that day. If the check still fails, then the creation process fails and the time, money and XP expended to craft the item are lost.
……For purposes of meeting alchemical item prerequisites, an alchemist’s effective caster level equals their alchemist level +2. If the item duplicates a spell effect, however, it uses the alchemist’s actual level as its caster level. Costs are always determined using the item’s minimum caster level or the alchemist’s actual level (if it is higher). Thus, a 3rd level alchemist can make a potion of fly, since the minimum caster level is 5th level. They pay the normal cost for making such a potion with a caster level of 5th: 5x3x25gp = 375gp, plus 30XP. However, the actual caster level is only 3rd, and it produces a weak fly that last only 3 minutes.
……Alchemists can also make Use Magic Device checks to emulate non-spell requirements, including alignment and race, using the normal DC’s for the skill. They cannot emulate skill or feat requirements, however. They must also meet the caster level prerequisite, including the minimum level to cast a spell stored in a potion.
……An alchemist’s philters do not meet spell prerequisites for creating potions and alchemical magic items. For example, an alchemist still needs to make a successful Use Magic Device check to emulate the cure light wounds spell to create a potion of cure light wounds even though cure light wounds appears in their alchemist’s tome.

Craft Wondrous Alchemical: At 3rd level the alchemist gains a unique version of the Craft Wondrous Item feat. This ability allows them to create any alchemical wondrous item such as powders, dusts, oils, elixirs, ointments, etc. such as elixirs of love and dust of disappearance. (Special: If Alchemy & Herbalists is used as a source, this ability includes all items that can be created with the Craft Powders & Dusts item creation feat. They may also create the new “Elixir of Longevity” detailed later.)
……This ability follows all rules for wondrous item creation except that the alchemist need not know or prepare the spells required to make the item (see the “Item Creation” section for more details).
……If the alchemist so chooses, they may also use craft points to create their alchemical wondrous items rather than spending game time, just as with non-magical alchemical items. This makes it appear as if items are created “instantly,” but the assumption is that the alchemist has actually been working on it for a while, but only just got around to finishing it.
…………Crafting: To craft an alchemical wondrous item without spending the normal labor time, they can pay one-tenth the item’s market price in craft points (minimum 1 point) and must also pay material costs equal to one-half of the item’s market price (this replaces the normal material cost for crafting an item). Once the alchemist declares that they are spending these craft points and gold pieces, the item is then considered completed within one day, usually the following morning instead of the standard 1 day per 1,000gp of the base price.
……The alchemist can, however, reduce the amount of craft points spent by increasing the amount of time spent working on the item. Each 8-hour day spent working on the item reduces the amount of craft points by 100.
……Example: A 6th level alchemist needs to make some dust of illusion with a base price of 1,200gp. The alchemist can:
a) Spend 600gp + 48XP and two days to finish the item, or
b) Spend 600gp + 48XP + 120 craft points (1/10 of 1200gp) to finished item in one day.

Metallurgy: At 4th level the alchemist learns to work with acids and other chemicals to improve the quality of mundane metals in the form of alloys. They can treat metals used in the forging of weapons and armor making them better than standard metal of its type, as well as being able to create new alloys and refine rare metals for another craftsman to work with.
…………Crafting: To craft these alloys requires a furnace or forge in which to melt the metal and remove impurities. The process takes an 8-hour day to refine each 50 pounds of metal. At the end of each day a standard Craft (Alchemy) check must be made at the listed DC. All rules for crafting a non-magical alchemical item apply, except that craft points may not be spent to speed the creation of the alloy. A failed Craft check means the raw materials have been wasted. The cost involved in creating the alloys is equal to one-half the cost of the alloy for the given item it is to be made into. For example an alchemist wishes to make enough Mithril alloy for an armorer making a suite of light armor. The raw materials would cost 500gp to refine the Mithril.
……As with alchemical items, the alchemist’s alchemical tome contains all of the recipes for the alloys the alchemist knows how to create. An alchemist may not forge an alloy they do not know the recipe for. When this ability is gained, it is assumed that in the alchemist’s research they have come across a number of alloy recipes and may choose 2 such recipes to add to their alchemical tome. At any time, they can also add recipes found in other alchemist’s tomes to their own. The cost and time for adding these new recipes is merely 1gp for the cost of ink and 4 hours to transcribe the information.
……Alchemists may also research new alloys (see Table: “Metallurgical Alloys by Source” for known alloys) just as they research new philters and other alchemical substances. The cost involves in this research is equal to 100gp per craft DC of the alloy (thus Adamantine would cost 3,000gp to research). The time involved in this research is equal to a day per craft DC of the alloy. At the end of the research period the alchemist must make a Craft (Alchemy) skill check at the item’s DC to successfully complete the research. Once the research is complete the alloy is added to the alchemist’s tome as a known alchemical alloy. If the check fails, all materials (cost) and time in the research is lost and the alchemist must begin again. If additional alchemists are involved in the research, each person involved with 5 or more ranks in Craft (Alchemy) adds a +2 synergy bonus to the final research check, but increases the cost of the research by x2.

Bonus Feat: At 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th and 20th levels the alchemist may choose a bonus feat from the following table. All prerequisites must be met however. Additional bonus feats should focus on alchemy, metallurgy, poison, herbology, metamagic and other alchemical pursuits.
Example WotC Sources (needs updating)
Book of Exalted Deeds: Nonlethal Substitution, Purify Spell, Sacred Vow (& associated vows), Touch of Golden Ice
Draconomicon: Dragoncrafter
Forgotten Realms: Arcane Schooling, Magical Artisan, Mercantile Background, Silver Palm, Smooth Talk, Street Smart
Master of the Wild: Faster Healing, Resist Disease, Resist Poison, Resistance to Energy
Oriental Adventures: Attention to Detail, Cool Head, Great Crafter, Honest Merchant, Magic in the Blood, Spell Power
Players Handbook: Combat Casting, Diehard, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Extend Spell, Great Fortitude, Greater Spell Focus (Alchemy), Heighten Spell, Iron Will, Magical Aptitude, Maximize Spell, Negotiator, Skill Focus, Spell Focus (Alchemy)
Song & Silence: Charlatan, Persuasive, Trustworthy
Tome & Blood: Arcane Defense (Alchemy), Extra Slot, Extra Spell
Unearthed Arcana: Talented Craft

Example 3rd Party Sources
Alchemy & Herbalists: Bodily Awareness, Brew Ingestibles, Craft Chymicals, Craft Herbal Restoratives, Craft Unguents, Create Alchana, Create Erlcana, Create Greater Alchana, Crisis Creation, Perfect Materials
Assassin’s Handbook: Empower Poison, Extend Poison, Maximize Poison, Poison Focus, Quicken Poison
AEG Feats: Applied Knowledge, Applied Scholastics, Arcane Expert, Arcane Eye, Arcane Focus, Arcane Knack, Arcane Knowledge, Arcane Proficiency, Arcane Sensitivity, Area of Expertise, Artisan, Bargain, Body Awareness, Brew Healing Restorative, Brew Ingestibles, Craft Chemicals, Extra Spell, Eye for Detail, Eye for Quality, Fast Talker, Glib, Guildmaster, Improved Arcane Sensitivity, Information Exchange, Knowledgeable, Master Alchemist, Perfect Materials, Poison Craftsman, Poison Immunity, Poison Resistance, Resist Alchemy, Resist Acid, Resourceful, Sense Poison, Skill Specialization, Spark of Genius, Specialized Focus, Toxin Purge, True Alchemist
Hammer & Helm: Artisan, Master Artisan
Pale Designs: Adept Poisoner, Empower Poison, Extend Poison, Poison Sense, Precision Poisoning, Pure Blood
Path of Magic: Additional Spell, Arcane Artisan, Economical Charge, Focus Mastery, Quick Learner, Spellbook Mastery, Thrifty Wizard
Quintessential Rogue: Devious Alchemy, Poison Reaper
Quintessential Witch: Augment Herb, Green Thumb, Magic Attuned
Swashbuckling: Barterer, Debater, Handy, Hunter, Indomitable Will, Road Scholar, University

……The alchemist may also choose to take one of the following new alchemist feats.
Benefit: May imbue a philter in one round. If another metamagic feat is being applied simultaneously, the imbue time is reduced to one minute.
Normal: Imbuing a philter requires one minute, while applying a metamagic feat to a philter requires five minutes.

Prerequisite: Metallurgy class ability, Craft (Alchemy) 14 ranks
Benefit: You may craft all metal alloys at a reduced DC, reducing all such craft DC’s by -5. The cost to produce the alloy is 50% less than the standard creation price.
Normal: The normal cost in materials for alloys is 50% of the market price.
……For example enough Mithril to create a light suit of armor normally costs 500gp to create (1000gp market value). With Metallurgy Mastery, the alchemist need only spend 250gp on raw materials to create the alloy.

Magical Siphon (Su): At 5th level, an alchemist gains the ability to salvage the XP from other magical items and use those experience points to create other magical items. To do this, the alchemist must spend one day with the item, making a successful Use Magic Device check versus a DC based on the item being siphoned, at the end of the day.
[u]Item Type			DC[/u]
Potion or Alchemical Item	15
Scrolls & Wands			20
Other items			25
If the Use Magic Device check fails, the alchemist can try again only when they gain another rank in Use Magic Device, assuming they still access to the new item.
……After the day and a successful skill check, the item is destroyed and the alchemist adds the XP it took to create the item to their alchemist reserve. These points, unlike their base pool, are lost if the alchemist does not use them before gaining their next level.
……For example, an alchemist wants to siphon the energy contained in a wand of ice storm that has 30 charges. When originally created the wand required 840XP or 16.8XP per charge (840XP/50), thus the alchemist can siphon 504XP to add to their alchemist reserve.

Exceptional Alchemist (Ex): At 5th level the alchemist begins to perfect their craft. They become more adept at the processes involved in crafting alchemical items. They now reduce all item crafting times by 25% (though most items are a minimum of 1 day unless Craft Points are also used).

Metamagic Distillations (Su): At 6th level an alchemist gains the ability to apply a metamagic feat they know to any alchemical item or potion they create, rather than just their philters. This increases the minimum caster level of the item by the number of effective spell levels the metamagic feat would add to a spell.
……For example an alchemist wishes to create a maximized potion of cure serious wounds. The cost for doing so would be based on a potion with a caster level of 6th (3rd level spell +3 levels for maximize): 6x3x25gp = 450gp, plus 36XP. However, the actual caster level is still only 3rd, but is maximized in effect.

Detect Poison (Ex): At 7th level the alchemist has become so knowledgeable in the use and creation of poisons that they can now use the Search skill to detect the telltale signs of the existence of poison on objects or in other substances such as food or drink. Finding a poison has a DC 15 + save DC of the poison. This ability requires a full round action to search the specified source for poison. The alchemist is not harmed by the use of this ability.

Brew Magical Poison: At 8th level the alchemist learns to brew magical poisons and toxins as if they were magical wondrous alchemical items. They must meet all prerequisites (using the “Item Creation” section) and the process requires the standard creation times and costs. Each attempt to craft such a poison produces only a single dose. Some example magical poisons would be baleful polymorph, bestow curse, binding, etc.
…………Brewing: In most respects, making a magical potion is similar to creating magical alchemical wondrous item. Crafting a magical poison requires one day for each 1,000gp of the base price. The base price of a magical poison is equal to ((Caster Level x Spell Level) + DC) x50gp.
……To craft a magical poison without spending the normal labor time, they can pay one-tenth the item’s market price in craft points (minimum 1 point) and must also pay material costs equal to one-half of the item’s market price (this replaces the normal material cost for crafting an item). Once the alchemist declares that they are spending these craft points and gold pieces, the item is then considered completed within one day, usually the following morning instead of the standard 1 day per 1,000gp of the base price.
……The alchemist can, however, reduce the amount of craft points spent by increasing the amount of time spent working on the item. Each 8-hour day spent working on the item reduces the amount of craft points by 100.
……Example: A 5th level alchemist wants to make a dose of baleful polymorph poison. It uses a 5th level spell and is a DC15 poison. This gives the poison a base price of 2,000gp. The alchemist can:
a) Spend 1,000gp + 80XP and two days to finish the item, or
b) Spend 1,000gp + 80XP + 200 craft points (1/10 of 2000gp) to finished item in one day.

Advanced Alchemist Knowledge: When an alchemist examines an alchemical substance for magical properties, they may now also read the magical aura of the substance to determine its magical properties. The alchemist must hold and examine the substance’s container for additional 1 minute after determining that the substance is magical. They then make a second Alchemist Knowledge check (still with a bonus equal to their alchemist level + their Intelligence modifier) against a DC20 to determine the alchemical substance’s magical properties. An alchemist cannot take 10 or 20 on this check. A particular substance can only be examined in this fashion one time; if the check fails, the alchemist cannot learn more about the substance.

Extraordinary Alchemist: At 10th level the alchemist’s skill reaches another benchmark. When determining the gold piece cost in raw materials needed to craft any item, reduce the base price by 25% for determining the raw material cost only.
……For example, the alchemist wishes to craft a potion of aid at minimum caster level, which has a base cost of 300gp. A 9th level or lower alchemist would pay 150gp in raw material costs. An extraordinary alchemist would pay only 113gp in material costs (reducing the base price by 25% to 225gp). They would both still pay 12XP however.

Brew Advanced Potion: At 11th level the alchemist’s specialization in the creation of magical potions advances, allowing them to break the common barrier of potion creation. They may now create potions that mimic spells of 4th-6th level. In all other respects, these potions follow the same rules for creation as other potions, specifically in that the spell mimicked by the potion must be one where the ‘imbiber’ and the ‘target’ are the same, though this does still include the use of oils on object.

Skill Mastery (Ex): At 13th level an alchemist can take 10 when making a Spellcraft or Use Magic Device skill check even if stress and distractions would normally prevent him from doing so. This ability circumvents the normal rule that a character may not take 10 on a Use Magic Device skill check.

Master Alchemist: At 15th level the alchemist’s skill reaches yet another benchmark. When determining the XP cost for creating any magic item, they reduce the base cost by 25%.
……For example, the master alchemist wishes to craft a potion of aid at minimum caster level, which has a base cost of 300gp. They would pay 113gp in material costs (reducing the base price by 25% to 225gp) and would also only pay 9XP (rather than the standard 12XP).

Brew Legendary Potion: At 17th level the alchemist’s specialization in advanced potions now allows them to create potions that mimic spells of 7th-9th level. In all other respects, these potions follow the same rules for creation as other potions, specifically in that the spell mimicked by the potion must be one where the ‘imbiber’ and the ‘target’ are the same, though this does still include the use of oils on object.

Legendary Alchemist: At 20th level the alchemist reaches the pinnacle of their craft. When determining the gold piece cost in raw materials needed to craft any item, and your XP cost for creating any magic item, the base cost is reduced by 50%.
……For example, the legendary alchemist wishes to craft a potion of aid at minimum caster level, which has a base cost of 300gp. They would pay 75gp in material costs (reducing the base price by 50% to 150gp) and would also only pay 6XP (rather than the standard 12XP).

Any alchemist that betrays the “Alchemists’ Way” and teaches Alchemical Cant to a non-alchemist will be banned and black-listed by other alchemists. This makes all further learning and business dealings for the alchemist very difficult, if they are not outright hunted down to be punished for their transgression. Such black-listing makes it nigh impossible for an alchemist to buy new supplies short of gathering them on their own or paying 5 times the normal value due to having to gather them from alternate sources. Selling elixirs and alchemical items becomes nearly impossible as well as the alchemist’s name and reputation is quickly maligned. Any sale requires a Bluff skill check with the DC at a +10 circumstance penalty to convince a buyer that the alchemist is not a charlatan. The alchemist will also never net more than a 10% profit above the cost to make the item even when they can even manage to sell their wares. No new recipes are automatically gained when a level is achieved and researching or learning new elixirs takes 5 times the normal time and cost, as all the research has to be done from scratch. Any Spellcraft DC’s required are increased by +5 as well.

The lore of longevity has long been a matter left to wizards and races such as the elves. Alchemists, however have also learned how to bottle youth and guard these secrets jealously. Of all secrets held by the master alchemists and their guilds is the secret to the elixir of longevity, one of the few secrets that if divulged outside of the alchemist brotherhood will most certainly lead to the death of the transgressor. There are four known variations of this elixir.

Elixir of Longevity (Minor): This elixir dramatically slows the character's aging process, making the imbiber age at a reduced rate of only one year for every 10 years that pass for a duration of 10 years, after which they return to their normal aging rate. The entire elixir must be consumed to achieve the desired results. Each time one drinks an elixir of longevity, the imbiber must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10, +1 for each previous application of an elixir of longevity). A failed saving throw results in the effect reversing, and the imbiber instantly ages 10 years. If this age gain places the imbiber over their maximum age rage, they die instantly.
Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, slow, lesser restoration, 8 ranks of Craft (Alchemy); Market Price: 3,600gp

Elixir of Longevity (Intermediate): This elixir dramatically slows the character's aging process, making the imbiber age at a reduced rate of only one year for every 25 years that pass for a duration of 25 years, after which they return to their normal aging rate. The entire elixir must be consumed to achieve the desired results. Each time one drinks an elixir of longevity, the imbiber must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 15, +1 for each previous application of an elixir of longevity). A failed saving throw results in the effect reversing, and the imbiber instantly ages 25 years. If this age gain places the imbiber over their maximum age rage, they die instantly.
Caster Level: 8th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, slow, restoration, 12 ranks of Craft (Alchemy); Market Price: 10,800gp

Elixir of Longevity (Major): This elixir dramatically slows the character's aging process, making the imbiber age at a reduced rate of only one year for every 50 years that pass for a duration of 50 years, after which they return to their normal aging rate. The entire elixir must be consumed to achieve the desired results. Each time one drinks an elixir of longevity, the imbiber must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 20, +1 for each previous application of an elixir of longevity). A failed saving throw results in the effect reversing, and the imbiber instantly ages 50 years. If this age gain places the imbiber over their maximum age rage, they die instantly.
Caster Level: 14th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, slow, greater restoration, 17 ranks of Craft (Alchemy); Market Price: 28,400gp

Elixir of Longevity (Master): This elixir dramatically slows the character's aging process, making the imbiber age at a reduced rate of only one year for every 100 years that pass for a duration of 100 years, after which they return to their normal aging rate. The entire elixir must be consumed to achieve the desired results. Each time one drinks an elixir of longevity, the imbiber must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 25, +1 for each previous application of an elixir of longevity). A failed saving throw results in the effect reversing, and the imbiber instantly ages 100 years. If this age gain places the imbiber over their maximum age rage, they die instantly.
Caster Level: 18th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, time stop, greater restoration, 21 ranks of Craft (Alchemy); Market Price: 85,200gp

Table: Alchemist Philters (Spells) - (Player’s Handbook)
Level 0 Oils: Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Cure Minor Wounds, Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink
Level 0 Potions: Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance, Know Direction, Mage Hand, Read Magic, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue, Virtue

Level 1 Oils: Animate Rope, Bless Water, Bless Weapon, Curse Water, Erase, Goodberry, Grease, Hold Portal, Identify, Magic Mouth, Magic Stone, Magic Weapon, Nystul’s Magic Aura, Obscure Object, Shillelagh
Level 1 Potions: Bless, Comprehend Languages, Cure Light Wounds, Deathwatch, Detect Animals or Plants, Detect Chaos/Evil/Good/Law, Detect Secret Doors, Detect Snares and Pits, Detect Undead, Disguise Self, Divine Favor, Endure Elements, Enlarge Person, Entropic Shield, Expeditious Retreat, Feather Fall, Hide from Animals, Hide from Undead, Jump, Longstrider, Mage Armor, Magic Fang, Pass without Trace, Produce Flame, Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law, Reduce Person, Remove Fear, Sanctuary, Shield, Shield of Faith, Shocking Grasp, Speak with Animals, True Strike, Undetectable Alignment, Ventriloquism

Level 2 Oils: Align Weapon, Arcane Lock, Chill Metal, Continual Flame, Darkness, Gentle Repose, Heat Metal, Knock, Leomund’s Trap, Make Whole, Remove Paralysis, Rope Trick, Warp Wood, Wood Shape, Zone of Truth
Level 2 Potions: Aid, Alter Self, Augury, Barkskin, Bear’s Endurance, Blur, Bull’s Strength, Cat’s Grace, Cure Moderate Wounds, Darkvision, Delay Poison, Detect Thoughts, Eagle’s Splendor, False Life, Find Traps, Flame Blade, Fox’s Cunning, Ghoul Touch, Invisibility, Levitate, Locate Object, Mirror Image, Misdirection, Owl’s Wisdom, Protection from Arrows, Reduce Animal, Resist Energy, Restoration-Lesser, See Invisibility, Shatter, Silence, Spider Climb, Touch of Idiocy, Tree Shape

Level 3 Oils: Daylight, Deeper Darkness, Dispel Magic, Explosive Runes, Glyph of Warding, Illusory Script, Keen Edge, Magic Vestment, Magic Weapon-Greater, Quench, Remove Curse, Remove Disease, Secret Page, Sepia Snake Sigil, Shrink Item, Speak with Dead
Level 3 Potions: Arcane Sight, Blink, Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance, Cure Serious Wounds, Displacement, Fly, Gaseous Form, Glibness, Good Hope, Haste, Heal mount, Heroism, Invisibility Purge, Invisibility Sphere, Magic Circle against Chaos/Evil/Good/Law, Magic Fang-Greater, Meld into Stone, Nondetection, Prayer, Protection from Energy, Rage, Remove Blindness/Deafness, Remove Disease, Speak with Plants, Tongues, Vampiric Touch, Water Breathing, Water Walk

Level 4 Oils: Animate Dead, Blight, Fire Trap, Holy Sword
Level 4 Potions: Air Walk, Antiplant Shell, Cure Critical Wounds, Death Ward, Detect Scrying, Discern Lies, Divination, Divine Power, Fire Shield, Freedom of Movement, Globe of Invulnerability-Lesser, Invisibility-Greater, Locate Creature, Neutralize Poison, Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere, Polymorph, Rary’s Mnemonic Enhancer, Repel Vermin, Restoration, Rusting Grasp, Scrying, Spell Immunity, Stoneskin, Zone of Silence

Level 5 Oils: Break Enchantment, Disrupting Weapon, Fabricate, False Vision, Leomund’s Secret Chest, Passwall, Permanency, Stone Shape, Symbol of Pain, Symbol of Sleep
Level 5 Potions: Animal Growth, Awaken, Commune with Nature, Contact Other Plane, Magic Jar, Overland Flight, Righteous Might, Spell Resistance, Telekinesis, Teleport, Transmute Mud to Rock, Transmute Rock to Mud, Tree Stride

Level 6 Oils: Animate Objects, Dispel Magic-Greater, Fire Seeds, Glyph of Warding-Greater, Ironwood, Liveoak, Stone to Flesh, Symbol of Fear, Symbol of Persuasion, Sympathetic Vibration
Level 6 Potions: Analyze Dweomer, Antilife Shell, Antimagic Field, Contingency, Find the Path, Globe of Invulnerability, Heal, Legend Lore, Mislead, Mordenkainen’s Lucubration, Repel Wood, Repulsion, Shadow Walk, Stone Tell, Tenser’s Transformation, Transport via Plants, True Seeing, Wind Walk

Level 7 Oils: Animate Plants, Changestaff, Phase Door, Sequester, Symbol of Stunning, Symbol of Weakness, Teleport Object, Transmute Metal to Wood
Level 7 Potions: Arcane Sight-Greater, Ethereal Jaunt, Plane Shift, Project Image, Regenerate, Restoration-Greater, Scrying-Greater, Simulacrum, Spell Turning, Statue, Vision

Level 8 Oils: Polymorph Any Object, Symbol of Death, Symbol of Insanity, Temporal Stasis
Level 8 Potions: Cloak of Chaos, Discern Location, Holy Aura, Iron Body, Mind Blank, Moment of Prescience, Otiluke’s Telekinetic Sphere, Protection from Spells, Repel Metal or Stone, Shield of Law, Spell Immunity-Greater, Sympathy, Unholy Aura

Level 9 Oils: Refuge, Soul Bind, Teleportation Circle
Level 9 Potions: Astral Projection, Etherealness, Foresight, Prismatic Sphere, Shapechange, Time Stop, Wail of the Banshee

[size=+1]ITEM CRAFTING: WotC SOURCES[/size] (needs updated)
Table: Alchemical Items by Source (Create DC)
Arms & Equipment Guide: Bladefire (20), Bullet-Acid (15), Bullet-Flame (20), Candle-Focusing (25), Candle-Restful (25), Clearbreath (25), Darkvision Powder (20), Defoliator* (20), Dehydrated Food (15), Dwarfblind (25), Farflame Oil (15), Fleetfoot (25), Ghostoil (25), Gravebane* (25), Hawk’s Ointment (25), Instant Rope (15), Longbreath (25), Motelight* (20), Nature’s Draught (25), Polar Skin (25), Signal Torch (15), Sparkstone* (25), Stonebreaker Acid* (20), Verminbane* (20), Vicious Bleeder (25)
(* = Grenade-like weapon)
……(322): Brown Mold Oil (25), Oil of Nausea (15), Poison-Friend Pod (25), Shadow Haze Dust (20), Shadow Veil (25)
……(324): Blood Thickener (25), Holy or Unholy Candle (25), Portable Pyre (15)
Eberron: Acidic Fire (25), Alchemist’s Lightning (22), Alchemist’s Frost (22), Noxious Smokestick (25)
Forgotten Realms: Alchemical Sleep Gas (25), Disappearing Ink (15), Scentbreaker (15)
Lords of Darkness: Flashpellet (25), Glowpowder (20), Healing Salve (25), Phantom Ink (20), Suregrip (20), Witchweed Stick (20)
Planar Handbook: Antitrait Grease (20), Atramen Oil (20), Bahamut’s Breath (25), Liquid Embers (25), Ocanthus Knife (25), Pure Element (25)
Players Handbook: Acid (15), Antitoxin (25), Alchemist’s Fire (20), Smokestick (20), Sunrod (25), Tanglefoot Bag (25), Thunderstone (25), Tindertwig (20)
Races of Faerun: Armor Lubricant (15)
Races of Stone: Blasting Pellets (25), Blister Oil (25), Hearthfire (20), Spiderlily Essence (25)
Serpent Kingdoms: Bloodflower Salve (20)
Tome & Blood: Disappearing Ink (15), Flashpellet (25), Glowpowder (20), Healing Salve (25), Phantom Ink (20), Scentbreaker (15), Suregrip (20)
Underdark: Alchemist’s Mineral Acid (22), Blackwater (25), Darkoil (20), Darkvision-invisible Pain (15), Shriek Paste (20)

Table: Poisons by Source (Create DC)
Arms & Equipment Guide: Aboleth Oil (30), Adlovine Extract (20), Alforna (15), Anemis (20), Asabi Mist (20), Banelar Essence (15), Bloodroot (15), Brain Dust (20), Choldrith Toxin (20), Cretel Leaf Residue (20), Crippling Vine (15), Culum Powder (15), Fang Dragon Venom (20), Faralin (20), Gray Whinnis (20), Haluroot (15), Horror Weed Extract (25), Lockjaw (15), Mesmer Paste (20), Raeliss Smoke (25), Redek Vine Extract (25), Retch (15), Rill Leaf (15), Roshon Vapor (25), Scorcher Fumes (20), Shreef Oil (15), Sleeping Weed (15), Thever Fumes (35), Thever Paste (25), Vapid Leaf Extract (20), Wraith Sheen (15)
DMG/Song & Silence: Arsenic (15), Black Adder Venom (15), Black Lotus Extract (35), Blackroot (15), Blue Whinnis (15), Burnt Othur Fumes (25), Carrion Crawler Brain juice (15), Dark Reaver Powder (25), Deathblade (25), Dragon Bile (30), Giant Wasp Poison (20), Greenblood Oil (15), Id Moss (15), Insanity Mist (20), Large Scorpion Venom (20), Lich Dust (20), Malyss Root Paste (20), Medium-sized Spider Venom (15), Nitharit (20), Oil of Taggit (15), Purple Worm Poison (20), Sassone Leaf Residue (20), Shadow Essence (20), Small Centipede Poison (15), Striped Toadstool (15), Terinav Root (25), Ungol Dust (20), Wyvern Poison (25)
Races of Faerun: Drow Poison (15), Wild Dwarf Knockout Poison (20)
Serpent Kingdoms: Amasstarte Smoke (20), Battasss Smoke (20), Blue Frog Paste (25), Duthlah’hass Smoke (25), Ektharisss Smoke (15), Faele Smoke (20), Hooloond Smoke (20), Jalasss Smoke (20), Laerisss Smoke (20), Lizardfolk Sleep Poison (25), Mixed Flaming Osssra Oil (30), Ruusstantar Smoke (25), Ssartiss (25), Ts’ous (25), Ulathlasss Smoke (25)
Underdark: Cave Terror (25), Drow Knockout Poison (15), Sickstone Unguent (25), Stun Gas (20), Virile Madness (25)

Table: Metallurgical Alloys by Source (Create DC)
DMG: Adamantite (35), Mithral (30)

Table: Alchemical Items by Sources (Create DC)
Dungeons: Globe of Trap Springing (20), Instant Rope (25), Instant Glue (25)
Hammer & Helm: Crafter’s Salve (25), Fire Draught (25), Gelform Acid (20), Light Elixir (25), Mind Safe (25)
Mercenaries: Dracotechnics – Explosive Arrow (20), Gremlyn Grenade (18), Knockerbomb (22), Lockbuster (20), Thunderbarrel (15), Walljammer (24); Flash Bomb (18), Ghoul Paste (25), Stun Bomb (20), Vylin’s Powder (10)
Pale Designs: Fool’s Poison (15)
Quintessential Cleric: Preservative Fluid (25)
Quintessential Elf: Bottle Mist (23), Chameleon Paint (20), Cold Fire (16), Faerie Dust (22), Glowwand (22), Gossamer Thread (25), Ironwood Balm (20), Liquid Light (25), Naphtha (28), Oiled Bowstring (15), Sleeping Mist (28), Spidersilk Glue (25)
Quintessential Druid: Adder’s Balm (18), Blue Vision (22), Bramble Hold (21), Hush Berry (19), Seer’s Fox (14), Swine’s Rest (14), Wolf’s Bane (20)
Quintessential Dwarf: Slide Grease (15)
Quintessential Monk: Explosive Egg (20)
Quintessential Wizard: Fireproof Oil (20), Mindsharp (25), Paindull (20)
School of Evocation: Chemicals – Improved Flare Powder (25), Chill Crystals (24), Arcane Oil (30), Truecopper (28)
School of Illusion: Drugs – Destrachan Wax (23), Displacer Blood (25), Distillation of Dreams (30), Vision Powder (26) / Fireworks – Boomers (23), Smoke Bomb (23), Sparkler Flare (20), Throwing Rockets (26), Tin Shriekers (18)
Seafarer’s Handbook: Acid Bulb (25), Glowmold Catalyst (20), Jellyfish Paste (23), Kelp Armor (15), Sailor’s Wax (13)
Spells & Spellcraft: Concentration Pie (20/Baker 15), Darkfire Arrow/Bolt (30/Fletcher 15), Darkfire Orb (30), Darkfire Stick (30), Feather Skin (35/Leatherworking 15), Firebane Parchment (15), Flarrow (Standard) (20/Fletcher 15), Flarrow (Blue/Green) (25/Fletcher 15), Flash Dragon (20), Gelatinous Breath (35), Loudfoot Paste (25), Paralysis Pellet (30/Glassblowing 15), Powdered Tears (25), Rust Orb (35/Glassblowing 15), Smokescreen Arrow (25/Fletcher 15), Stronglock (20), Thunder Arrow/Bolt (25/Fletcher 15)
Traps & Treachery: Acid Drops (15), Night Drops (20)
Ultimate Equipment Guide: Acid Tar (20), Antifungal Ointment (20), Ashen Powder (15), Blood Decoy (15), Bottled Mist (23), Brilliant Oil (15), Burning Oil (10), Candle-Bright (10), Candle-Cold (10), Candle-Relighting (10), Candle-Self Lighting (15), Candle-Smoking (10), Candle-Sparkling (15), Chameleon Paint (20), Chortle Bomb (15), Cold Fire (16), Darkfire Arrow/Bolt (30), Darkfire Orb (30), Darkfire Stick (30), Elven Warpaint (35), Faerie Dust (22), Fireproof Oil (20), Flare Paste (20), Flash Dragon (20), Flash Powder (10), Fox Fire (15), Gallowgum (20), Gelatinous Breath (35), Glass Gargle (20), Glitter (15), Glow Powder (20), Glowmould Fuel (15), Glowwand (22), Grapplegum (20), Grease (15), Gripping Resin (15), Hardening Oil (20), Hastening Oil (20), Hearthstone (30), Ice Cutter (25), Ice Maker (30), Iceflow Oil (25), Ink (10), Inscribing Paint (15), Insect Repellent (10), Ironwood Balm (20), Jellyfish Paste (23), Knockout Powder Vial (15), Lightning Bug Oil (20), Liquid Light (25), Loudfoot Paste (25), Naphtha (28), Oil-Honing (22), Oil-Stonesight (25), Oil-Thundering (23), Paralysis Pellet (30), Powdered Tears (25), Preservative Fluid (25), Rumblestick (20), Rust Orb (35), Rustproofing Oil (20), Rusting Oil (30), Shock Freeze (30), Sleeping Mist (28), Slide Grease (15), Smoke Powder (20), Sticky Oil (20), Still Life (20), Stinging Smoke (15), Traitor’s Dust (20), Tripvine (25), Ularid’s Firewood (18), Waterproofing Oil (10), Winterchill (30), Yellow Dust (28)
Wrath & Rage: Combat Drugs (30), Magebane (25), Smoke Arrow (20), Trance Smoke (30)

Table: Poisons by Source (Create DC)
Alchemy & Herbalist: Atheists Paste (16), Bloodroot (12), Burnt Othur Fumes (15), Deathblade (17), Ink of the Scribes’ Reprisal (12), Insanity Mist (14), Malyss Root Paste (14), Oil of Ichorage (17), Oil of Taggit (12), Ptarl’s Lurking Menace (16), Ptarl’s Potion of Patient Vengeance (22), Royalscar (18), Silentscent Powder (17), Skinfernal Powder (16), Striped Toadstool (10), Terinav Root (14), Throatsprout Mist (16)
Assassin’s Handbook: Real World: Amanita (9), Arsenic (11), Belladonna (11), Black Widow Venom (12), Botulin (14), Cobra Venom (16), Curare (19), Cyanide: Ingested (22), Cyanide: Inhaled (26), Cyanide: Injury (27), Digitalis (16), Drug: Opium (19), Dumb Cane (10), Fugu Toxin: Ingested (22), Fugu Toxin: Injury (21), Hemlock (9), Poison Dart Frog Toxin (22), Ricin (22), Salamander Poison (12), Shellfish Toxin: Ingested (16), Shellfish Toxin: Injury (24), Stonefish (17), Tarantula Venom (12), Wolfsbane (11) ----- Fantasy: Angel Kiss (17), Bitch’s Brew (15), Blackroot: Contact (15), Blackroot: Ingested (13), Blackroot: Inhaled (20), Blackroot: Injury (19), Demon’s Blood: Ingested (27), Demon’s Blood: Injury (30), Drug: Marching Powder (19), Mummy Dust: Ingested (26), Mummy Dust: Inhaled (20), Mummy Dust: Injury (16), Necropotent Elixir (27), Nevermore (27), Prophet’s Tongue (13), Sinner’s Scythe (17), Sword of God (26), Taint of Shadow (24), Wine of Death’s Goblet (23)
Pale Designs (Non-Designer): Adder’s Kiss (27), Allevar (25), Amanita (15), Angel Kiss (17), Arsenic (11), Balladonna Poison (15), Bitch’s Brew (15), Black Fungus Juice (25), Black Lotus Extract (20), Black Lung Poison (25), Blackroot Poison (20), Blackrot (20/22, 24, 34), Bloodroot (25), Blue Whinnis (15), Botulin Poison (15), Brainweed Pollen (19), Bryony Poison (15), Burnt Othur Fumes (25), Bushlurker Pollen (33), Carnifex Venom (28), Caustic Alkali (15), Cripple’s Caress (20), Curare (25), Cyanide Poison (27), Dark Reaver Powder (25), Deadly Nightshade Poison (29), Death’s Bloom Poison (15), Death’s Breath (30), Deathblade Poison (25), Deathsleep Poison (25), Demon’s Blood (30), Demonic Essence (20), Digitalis Poison (16), Dolleck Eggs (20), Dragon Tears Poison (40), Dream Lily Poison (20), Dregg Spores (20), Drow Sleep Poison (25), Dumb Cane Poison (20), Ebony Creeper Tea (25), Euphorbia Poison (15), Final Touch Poison (32), Fleshcrawler Venom (15), Fogwitt Poison (15), Foxglove (toxic dose) (30), Ghoul Toxin (15), Golden Embrace Poison (25), Grath Poison (20), Green Oil (15), Greenblood Oil (15), Grunt Dart Venom (15), Heart Fire (25), Hellebore (10), Hemlock (10), Hog’s Breath Poison (20), Id Moss (15), Insanity Mist (30), Lich Dust (20), Locoweed Poison (15), Lotus Extract (35), Lysander’s Bane (23), Malyss Root Paste (20), Mandrake Poison (17), Mind Hammer Poison (25), Mindbreaker Poison (27), Mummy Dust (26/22,26,38), Necropotent Elixir (27), Nevermore (27), Nitharit Poison (25), Oil of Taggit (25), Opium (20), Orkfell Toxin (30), Prophet’s Tongue (13), Psilocybe (18), Purple Akoidol (25), Red Colony Acid (15), Red Mist Poison (25), Ricin Poison (20), Sassone Leaf Residue (25), Scent of Lunacy (20), Serpent’s Kiss Poison (30), Shellfish Toxin (15), Shroomer Poison (21), Silver Sleep (15), Sinner’s Scythe (17), Slithervine Pollen (15), Slow Death Poison (24), Sombal Poison (15), Spell Sapper Poison (15), Squalch Melon Poison (28), Stinging Lady Poison (20), Striped Toadstool (20), Taint of Shadow (24), Tamhel’s Last Meal (20), Ta’rarra Spores (15), Tarzag’s Venom (15), Telsath’s Powder (15), Terinav Root (25), Toadstool Poison (10), Tooth Fairy Sleep Poison (20), Tremble Oil (20), Truth Water (15), Ungol Dust (30), Violet Fungus Poison (14), Vithil Seeds (15), White Fire Poison (35), Widowmaker Salve (30), Winter’s Touch Oil (20), Wit’s End Powder (20), Witch’s Cauldron Poison (20), Wormwood Poison (19)
Pale Designs (Designer): Best in the House (12), Black-hour Poison (28), Cerebral Strike (23), Courtesan’s Kiss (26), Cryptbane (28), Death Smoke (24), Dwarves’ Blight (22), Fevered Visions (25), Grease (21), Heartbloom (27), Infernal Wounds (28), Maggot Itch (29), Mind Candy (30), Mind Fog (24), Quagmire (26), Skinaway (30), Sorcerer’s Bane aka Dragon’s Blood Bane (25), Spellsteal (32), Spire Shell (24), Syndyr (20) / Mineral: Rok’neth (10) / Multi-Stage: Kiss of Death (23), King Slayer (25), Last Blow (27), Sleep-Tight (29) / Natural: Addlemind (22), Ashe Lilies (25), Barrow Wort (20), Black Clover (22/30), Black Lung Fungus (24), Blood Rose (24), Chaylana Tree (20), Dwarfbane (20), Jimson Weed (22), Krelnroot (15), Ril’qua (28), Russet: Healer’s (15), Russet: Stealer’s (18), Serila’s Creeper (20)
Traps & Treachery: Belladonna (12), Caustic Alkali (13), Foxglove (11), Hellebore (13), Locoweed (11), Opium (18), Poison Ivy (13), Psilocybe (16), Toadstool (12)
Traps & Treachery 2: Assassin’s Butter (16), Abyssal Larvae Jelly (22), Bearmad (19), Blue Death (24), Coward’s Bane (16), Crypt Smoke Candle (20), Death Glass (26), Dire Amber (14), Dire Urchin Spine (24), Elemental Toxin- Air: (18), Elemental Toxin – Earth (24), Elemental Toxin – Fire (18), Elemental Toxin – Water (14), Eye-Killer (15), Firemetal (14), Foetid Paste (18), Ghost Nettle Extract (28), Ghost Nettle Smoke (22), Gore-Eye’s Treat (11), Hellblood Venom (24), Jester’s Rash (19), Kruh’rag - Orcish Bile (17), Lotus Vinegar (20), Metalseep Gas (12), Mist of the Fatigued (12), Mouthing Eyes (16), Numbwrack (21), Palsyroot Extract (16), Pooling Breathtaker (12), Rogue’s Rouge (18), Scaly Mold (10), Scarejuice (18), Silent Whisper (16), Spiny Toadstool (18), Suffer Dust (15), Sun’s Scorn (20), Surgeon’s Root (16), Troggoil (13), Ulatein – Fear Paint (20), Vertigo (11), Violet X (22), Wizard’s Bane (22)
Traps & Treachery 2 (Prancster Poisons): Angelcap (22), Arcanbane (18), Belted Whipvine (14), Borbus Berry Juice (23), Blackcat (15), Blue Coldmoss (15), Cockatrice Feather (18), Crystalweed (18), Deepcavern Tar (19), Flame Viper Venom (17), Goblin Spit (16), Ice Moccasin Venom (17), Laburnum Oil (16), Orc Essence (17), Pepperdust (18), Pickle Toad (19), Purple Mushroom (18), Spindle Shrub (16), Staircase Moss (13), Stinkhorn (16), Tagis Root Shavings (10), Tamarack (17), Unicorn Tear (14), Winch Sap (14)

Table: Pre-Designed Magical Poisons by Source
Pale Designs: Banesblood, Blink Poison, Eternal Slumber, Ice Blood, Infernal Eye, Magia Cantharsis, Moon’s Blood, Wind Curse
Traps & Treachery: Draught of Wounding, Enfeebling Sting, Ghastly Mist, Paste of Pestilence, Powder of Paralysis, Seasoning of Shrinking, Tasha’s Hideous Laughing Venom, Touch of the Unholy, Will-Breaker
Traps & Treachery 2: Anchor Venom, Cockatrice Yolk, Demonbane, Dust to Dust, Golem’s Bane, Hunter’s Friend, Ichor of Chaos, Kinslayer Draught, Kiss of the Aboleth, Master’s Draught, Oil of Order, Pink Smiles, Pudding Bean, Shadow Ink, Undead Pact, Undead’s Foe, Vampiric Draught, Withering Draught

Table: Metallurgical Alloys by Source (Create DC)
Arms & Armor: Aeroglass (25)
Forged In Magic: Aerium (30), Aperiite (Netherite) (30), Beroku (Yarricite) (30), Black Iron (Titanium) (25), Fervidite (30), Fluvium (30), Green Iron (Beryllium) (30), Ignium (30), Orikalka (35), Sarishan Steel (35), Tellium (30), Viridiite (Aetherite) (30), Wolf Iron (Tungsten) (30)
Heroes of High Favor–Dwarves: Durability (25), Hardness (25)
Lord of the Peaks: Iron Ice (30)
Mercenaries: Laminated Steel (23)
Quintessential Dwarf: Easy to Work (25), Flexible (25), Increased Hardness (25), Inner Strength (25)
Ultimate Equipment Guide: Aeroglass (25), Alchemist’s Gold (20), Black Metal (25), Cold Iron (20), Glyss (20), Frost Steel (25), Killing Gold (As Poison+5), Moon Silver (20), Philosopher’s Steel (35), Pure Copper (20), Pure Gold (25), Quicksilver (25), Star’s Heart (25), Stormbane Iron (20)


First Post
Have you playtested this concoction (get it... concoction :lol: ) ?
It seems as if you have put a lot of time into this.


It has been playtested and it seems to work fine. In all actually it seemed to be less powerful than a standard Artificer if the artificer is allowed to be played as written (eg: Constructs).

It may "seem" like the alchemist gets a lot, but in all reality the alchemicals are relatively limited in use> Some DM's can even reduce its limited effectiveness or even cripple the class by DM restrictions on the sources (ie: just Core PHB/DMG or only WotC non-world specific, no poison-craft, no UA Craft Points, etc.).

The alchemiclas created are also usually very specifc and limited in function and of short term duration, generally one-shot uses. In the end the alchemist seemd to lag a little behind or even balance out to a wizard or sorcerer in party effectiveness but they tend to burn through more resources as long as they are in situations where they can make use of their talents. They can, in a very low magic game, make up for lack of raw magic in some ways as well. Another note is that the class will NOT function well in a game that has little to no downtime. The alchmesit like the artificer needs time to prepare their stash of "abilities" before going out in the world.

Also note, that this class will not appeal to all (many) players. It is a very cerebral class. You really have to know the mechanics of your character and how to utilize them. Fighters need to understand some tactics but overall there job is pretty simple. Wizards need to know their spells and when best to use them, but again - thats relatively easy. Alchemists players have to not only be accountant want-to-bes (its a highly book-keeping intensive class) but they have to fully understand all of the alchemicals at their disposal and how to make the best use of them. Kind of like a wizard restricted to various power levels of Prestidigitation as their main spell.


First Post
smootrk said:
Another point is that I don't think of a pure alchemist as viable for a PC style core class...

Your probably right.

If it were, it'd probably need to resemble the alchemists of the Full Metal Alchemist anime, where Alchemy is called a science but is basically a form of magic focused on the manipulation and transmutation of matter.

The "needing to know recipes" for poisons and alchemical items seems to be a little odd... I would think that ranks in Craft would provide that information. It would seem to suggest that other crafts require learning recipes as well.

One idea I had been playing around with was giving the alchemist an ability similar to the Druid's Wild Shape ability. Only instead of being a restricted variation on the Polymorph spell, it would be a restricted variation on the Fabricate spell. The ability would be restricted to basic shapes and items she can normally craft. As usual, it requires the base materials. Like Wild Shape, it would be restricted to a number of times per day. Because Fabricate is a 5th level spell (as opposed to a 4th like polymorph) It may be a higher level ability.

I would also consider developing an ability that allows an alchemist to change one kind of substance into another. The difficulty arises when you come to get to the question of "can i turn it into gold?" Perhaps the ability could be patterned after a wizard's ability to create philosopher's stones... as though there were lesser stones that could be used to turn things into lead, or steel, or clay, or adamantium...

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