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I need a shoulder to cry on...My pity party's pretty pathetic.


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I've gotta be the world's worst DM. I can't ever remember rules, I never plan anything out, and I give way too much treasure.

Yet, my players enjoy their games, the pacing is about right, the action flows, and there's just enough intrigue to keep the players guessing.

Any advice on how to accentuate the positive and rid myself of the negative?

Seriously, I don't understand why my players like their game. I'm beginning to think its because something is better than nothing, and I've all of the something they've got. The worst thing that can happen to a man is for him to succeed, especially repeatedly, without understanding why. That's me right now.

I've been DM'ing since 3.0 came out. I've been re-reading the DMG for pointers on how to DM a good game/session/campaign. I could just as soon be reading the Illiad in the Attic Greek it was written in.

So, I guess the question comes down to, what makes a good DM? And, How do I emulate him?

I know this thread's been done about a quintillion times before. In fact, I've read most of them looking for the answers. I just don't get it yet.


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sparxmith said:
Yet, my players enjoy their games, the pacing is about right, the action flows, and there's just enough intrigue to keep the players guessing.

You definitely sound like a good GM. Albeit one who worries too much. :)
I'd say don't worry about your rules-fu if it's not causing problems at the game. Relax and concentrate on the stuff you enjoy. The rules are just a support mechanism, they're not the point of the game.

Edit: Not planning out might be considered a positive virtue, and if giving too much treasure doesn't cause a problem, it's not a problem. :cool:


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S'mon said:
You definitely sound like a good GM. Albeit one who worries too much. :)
I'd say don't worry about your rules-fu if it's not causing problems at the game. Relax and concentrate on the stuff you enjoy. The rules are just a support mechanism, they're not the point of the game.
LIES! D&D is a rules system!
White Wolf is a "story system" for as much as you can tell when the only DM you can find is crying about his Doc Martins being blue and not purple
GURPS is a system... for what, we're not sure


You sound like the only other really good GM in our group (the first would be me, at least they say so). Doesn't remember all the rules, doesn't plan anything out, and gives out so much treasure and/or XP that most campaigns crash after one or two adventures. Still, we always have plenty of fun. :D


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Thanx for the support

Well, at least you guys gave me a shoulder to cry on. Thanks for the support guys. Its always good to be reminded as to why you're doing well.

If they're having fun, (which they tell me they are, the lying ba$%@~&$) I'll quit worrying about how I define being a good DM.

Thanx again,



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First, list off 5 things you do really well. Then pick one or two things that you'd like to do better to accent that. Off the top of my head, here's some advice.

Planning: Plan general. Make a few mind maps of what happened the previous session that was important, and the key players (and possibly people who will show up again). Those should be a good springboard for what will happen next.

Monsters: They 'tend' to fit into general sets that can be used similarly. Unintelligent undead/constructs is one good set. Guard types are another (orc fighters, ogre fighters, human guards, can all use the same basic strategy).

Good DM's know what their players want and let them get it, but only after making them work for it.

How do you feel about setting DC's, using EL and CR, and the basic combat rules?


First Post
:smile: Don't worry, you're doing fine. I tend to run worse games if I plan than if I wing it, and the rules go right out the window once play starts. Rules are for debating after the event :)

Treasure might be a problem though; if your feel like you're giving too much, cut back a little or you might be storing trouble for later. Overarmed PCs can be a pain in the neck.

If the players are enjoying it, and you've got the pacing right, you're doing great. No, really.

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