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I need help with an antagonist I want to make.


Staff member
I'm usually pretty expansive in my reading of rules, but I wouldn't allow Practiced Spellcaster to be used that way.

Choose a spellcasting class that you possess. Your spells cast from that class are more powerful.
Prerequisite: Spellcraft 4 ranks.
Benefit: Your caster level for the chosen spellcasting class increases by 4. This benefit can't increase your caster level to higher than your Hit Dice. However, even if you can't benefit from the full bonus immediately, if you later gain Hit Dice in levels of nonspellcasting classes, you might be able to apply the rest of the bonus.

Note that the intro says that the spells cast from that class are more powerful, not that you gain the spells of that level, or that you are a caster of that level.

For a more complete version of the Feat's text, see here:


There, it is clear that you cast your spells as if you were of a higher level- more damage dice, higher DCs to save against, etc.- NOT that you get more spells per day or spells known...as a caster who is truly of higher level would.

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First Post
Ah well I'm not going to argue with people who know the rules better than I do, off topic how do you do those hide away things like Theroc had in his signature.

anyway truthfully actual magic isn't to important to me(unless for healing or buffing he is going to be on his own against three to four PCs) and it hurts my brain so...

I do however like the unarmed(gauntleted) combat, but flexiblity is key, meaning quickly switching between unarmed and armed combat. As well as being good at both types of combat. When using weapons they would probably be either the great axe or Scythe(he is a character of extremes to say the least)
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First Post

Well I have an idea, you said that he was worshipped as a demigod from where he came from right? What if he opened up a portal from back there and all his powers come rushing back, in a addition to that a whole bunch of his followers and worshippers come through the portal to help him. That would be one hell of a fight, a portal the makes the boss stronger with each passing minute and an army of cultists rushing through!


First Post
Ah hahaha! Freebiewitz I think you just channeled a completely different character of mine, and don't think I haven't thought of that I mean who doesn't want to see their favorite villain dominate but thats not Rave's style. Please keep suggestions possible, and not born from the improbability drive!!! thats what got me in trouble last time.


First Post
ooook new idea, Rave tries to go back to his own dimension but the portal opens up and spits someone else out the other side, it turns out this new guy is more of a badass then Rave and wants to kill him and the party has to team up with him to fight the new boss but Rave gets killed, the new boss is injured and flee's and the party are left with nothing but the knowlege that the new guy is way more powerful then Rave and will keep on getting stronger.


First Post
Better Freebiewitz but remember the thread is about building Rave(classes, feats, skills, and abilities) not Ultimate boss showdowns(good name for a game show though.)

altered fitting line "Stay on topic, Stay on topic aaarrgghhh!!!" There a star wars reference.


First Post
Here so you get a feel for the character...

"I guess I get some practice after all." The weaponless fighter said with a wicked grin. The knight placed his left hand on the hilt of the katana. "It doesn't have to be like this." The swordsman said to the warrior, who responded by cracking his neck and saying. "I think Destruction and Chaos belong on the battlefield." Drawing his sword the silver haired knight closed in, he lowered his eyes and said. "Will it never end." The knight then slashed powerfully at the fighter, deflecting the two hand attack with the reinforced wrist of his right gauntlet. The brawler followed through with a left hand jab aimed to the temple of the knight, ducking the armored warrior made a sweep to the dark eyed one's knee with his sword. This attack forced the weaponless warrior to back peddle, a disgusted look crossing his face.

"You and your damned swords." The blue haired fighter Roared, as a great axe materialize. The warrior grabbed the weapon and rush the knight with a series of blows that pushed the swordsman back. Each was less and less effective because the knights own weapon was changing from a katana to an extremely large oar like sword. "Face it Rave we know each other to well." Rai said with a sigh. Rave responded sarcastically with. "Really Rai, I never would have guessed." Now it was Rai's turn to attack with a series of blows ending in the two face to face, Rave using his axe as a shield with Rai's sword pressed against it.

Rai flashed his grin this time. "We are brothers after all." Rave reacted by sliding Rai's blade off the flat of axe and attacking maniacally. "No I'm a clone, a being of chaos!" Rai laughed. "Well we know Thrya created you using my DNA and regenerative ability. Manipulating and altering it the way she did changed it enough to make a completely different personality. Like you said earlier I am Destruction and your Chaos even our potentials are similar but separate entities." Rave smirks, "Are you done with the philosophy lecture." he remarked, leg sweeping Rai while he was distracted. Rai hit the ground with a thud and laughed.

"Hey I'm just saying more like a brother less like a bad copy." Continuing to laugh as he sat up, his hands out, palms forward. "Seems so." Rave barked. While Rai picked himself up he ask. "Would you take some advice from your brother?" he looked at Rai questioningly. Looking up at Rave after cleaning himself off, he answered. "Just remember to pull your pants down and slide on the ice, every once in a while. Which means for being a creature of chaos you take things way to seriously." Great horns are heard in the background."Well I guess it worked." Rai saluted Rave, turned and and walked back the way he came leaving Rave to grumble.

And here's another from the same story.

"You know the plan right Rave?" Talon asked."Yeah, I got it." Rave responded. It was mid-mourning the next day.The battle had been going on for several hours, Rave left the camp in the general direction of the fight from the day before. Entering the fray, Rave quickly challenged a group of the enemy. First a swordsman slashed at him, an attack he easily blocked with the gauntlet of his right hand. He slid down the blade past the guard and grabbed the swordsman's wrist, then twisted it so the warrior was forced to drop his weapon. Rave wrenched the arm so that it went behind the challenger. Then put his left arm around the attackers neck and kicked the legs from under him pushing the warrior to his knees. Changing his hold slightly, Rave whispers in his ear "You were brave, sleep and know death has passed you by." The dark warrior dropped his would be challenger after making sure he was asleep.

Rave next encountered a young but confident spearman."What no shield, ah well you'll learn." Rave taunted. The youth charged full tilt, shaking his head and side stepping this attack Rave slapped the spear down and pushed the boy forward. This resulted in a loud CRACK breaking the spear and sending the young man tumbling."That's the problem with weapons, they sometimes break." The chaotic knight mocked. Infuriated the soldier beat the ground, got to his feet, and ripped the ruined spear out of the ground wielding it like a sword. Rave blocked a wild swing with his left hand and made a jab to the face of the warrior with his right. Slyly the spear wielder dodged, and pushed Rave back. While off balance the speared warrior changed his grip on the weapon, so that the tip pointed down, then stabbed at Rave with the full force of his weight. Rave regained balance and narrowly side stepped, then stepped back as the tip of the weapon dug into the ground again."Oh, so close." Rave said and chopped the fighter at the base of the skull. "Who's next!"

The sound of an arrow whistling through air reached Rave's ears, he turned reflexively and the arrow bounced off his mail, he grabbed it. "The things I hate more than swords are ARROWS!" Rave roared as he snapped the ammunition in two. The sniper knocked another arrow and let it fly, Rave kept the head of the first arrow and deflected the second one. Releasing more projectiles the archer started to panic, Rave slowly approached catching, blocking or deflecting every shot. The archer used his last shot as Rave closed in on him. Stunned the soldier stood there as Rave placed his right hand on his shoulder and said."You should think about what you have done." he went to stab the archer, and familiar voice said, "I wouldn't do that you know." Rave smiled." Today is your lucky day." The chaotic knight growled while he backhanded the warrior and dropped the arrow, then turn to face Rai.
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First Post
Abilites hey? Well how about this.

Give him a shield that absorbs spells, every time he's hit by one he recieves the normal hit damage and so forth but the next round he can then cast it back as if a free action.


First Post
Alright I will be completely honest... not bad that could consivebly be a secondary effect of his Right gauntlet both in and outside the game, thanks for intriging the hell out of me freebiewitz. but I'm serious I need a straight up preferably official class multiclass PrC for the character before I go giving him roids jeeze!

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