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I need help with my Abyssal Campaign (Meeting Graz’zt) My players, stay out!


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I need help with my Abyssal Campaign (Meeting Graz’zt) My players, stay out!

My group who has been exploring the Abyss for a time has just recently uncovered a plot by two greater succubi who want revenge against Graz’zt.

The succubi began their revenge by attacking the very source of Graz’zt’s future power. Across the multiverse there are thousands of powerful beings from hundreds of worlds and planes of existence who, for one reason or another, have promised Graz’zt their immortal souls. The terms of their bargains were when they died they would face their final reckoning and forever serve Graz’zt. These powerful souls (as opposed to normal harvested souls) could elevate Graz’zt to true divinity. However, for the past thousand years almost all of those who promised Graz’zt their souls have never died; instead they cheated Graz’zt by becoming liches, hiding their immortal souls within phylacteries he has yet been unable to find. This has infuriated Graz’zt as he has never been able to discover who has been doing this to him.

All this time the two Greater Succubi who are Graz’zt’s greatest lovers, had the phylacteries hidden away within a tiny demi-plane and they were the ones who helped all the mortals cheat Graz’zt and become liches.

While attempting to find a way to defeat the two succubi (for different reasons) the party accidentally stumbled across this information and found the phylacteries. They destroyed a large number of them, releasing the souls to Graz’zt, and collected about 500 of the remaining phylacteries in a portable hole that they now plan to deliver to Graz’zt with the information of the plot against him by the two Greater Succubi.

Now the party doesn’t really want anything in return, they just want Graz’zt to destroy the two Greater Succubi for them (which he most likely will). So they can be on their way and not have to worry about the Demon Prince at a later time.

However, they are correctly guessing that if they approach the demon prince and ask for nothing he will be extra suspicious of their motivations and pay special attention to them.

So they plan to ask for various things (the removal of some powerful curses, some powerful magic items and various other things).

However, my question is how would you handle a meeting like this?

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Hi Lordnightshade! :)

Graz'zt has been extensively involved in our campaign for years. My own character is distantly related to him.

I will see if I can get my DM to jump in and give you a few ideas. ;)


What's a greater succubus?

And have you read Sepulchrave's Story Hour? Graz'zt is quite involved there, too. Especially in the Heretic of Wyre, part II. The threads are linked in my sig. :D


The module 'For Duty & Deity' (I believe that's the name) has a good section with meeting Graz'zt. I stole from it shamelessly on one of my Planescape campaigns, and it worked well. It also gives some good underlings for the characters to meet that they can truly hate. =)

The Serge

First Post
I'm assuming that a "greater Succubus" is an advanced Succubus with levels perhaps?

It depends on the power-levels of the PCs. If they are low to mid-level (1-10th), I don't see Graz'zt meeting with them at all because it's unlikely they would have the power to back up any offer they would make. If he did meet with them, it would be through a subordinate, or he would meet with them for the explicit purpose of doing some sort of harm to them. Chances are he'd just send a Balor to collect the phylacteries (and kill the PCs).

If the PCs are mid-high levels (11th to 15th), I think he'd likely meet with them to see what they're about. Personally, I don't see him meeting with them directly only because he has more important things to do now (like killing the Liches now that he has their phylacteries and hunting down the Succubi). If anything, I see him sending a Neutral evil servant go between or a very trusted (blackmailable) Demon directing them to track down some of the weaker (hah!) Liches to prove their "sincerity," in return for killing the Succubi (who, I assume, Graz'zt plans on punishing anyway). This could turn into a high-level, long-term campaign.

If the PCs are already high to epic level, I would have Graz'zt establish a meeting, offering to see them in Azzagrat (his triple realm). They would be fools to do this IMO but since Graz'zt isn't as immediately dangerous as the other Princes, it would likely be relatively safe. Again, I think he would accept the offer if PCs proved themselves trustworthy. As a Demon, he's not really required to hold on to any part of any agreement, so the PCs should be prepared to find some way to make any deal stick. In this situation, I do see Graz'zt willing to expend some energy tracking down these Succubi.

Personally, I would make things even more interesting by having the Succubi working with the Demon Prince Orcus. Think about it... Succubi typically aren't into Undead matters, more interested in corrupting souls through pleasure and lust. Additionally, Succubi aren't typically that clever as to help mortals find such interesting loop-holes. I think these Succubi, interested in screwing their former master/lover would have approached or been approached by one of his greatest enemies. Orcus, as the Demon Prince of Undeath, would certainly have known of such a loop-hole in the agreement; however, considering who and what he is, many would balk at the idea of following his suggestions. Using a go-between to strip Graz'zt of this opportunity would simultaneously grant Orcus more power by having more Undead in existance, as well as stifle his hated foe's ascendancy. Perhaps now that the phylacteries have been destroyed, Orcus has sent out Demonic agents to protect the Liches from attack until he can find a way to get their souls from Graz'zt...?

Part of the issue is if Graz'zt knows that he now has access to the souls. I think that the destruction of a phylactery typically does not spell instant death for the Lich. The destruction allows the Lich to be permanently destroyed now that the phylactery is gone. Considering the intimacy of the arrangement Graz'zt had with the Liches, it would make sense to me if he did know that they were no susceptible to a direct attack. He may have sent out "hounds" to find the place where the souls were released, then track the PCs from that location for the other souls.

This is a great campaign you have here. Good luck with its resolution!
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If The PC's show up for a meeting with the Big G carrying the portable hole with the phylacteries, they deserve to get screwed.
It should be child's play for him to get this from them against their will, unless they are Uber powerful ( and if they ARE Uber powerful, they would have taken care of the Succubi already, right? )

Before I'd be able to give you any other recommendations, I'd have to know how the PC's are planning on getting in touch with
Graz'zt to set up this meeting.

Another thing: Are the PC's evil? I'm not sure why they would want to give the big G power enough to become a "god." That might become a BIG problem for lotsa folk! :

IMGINE: Dark Cults appear/are strenthened on countless prime worlds, resulting in hundreds of thousands or even millions of increased murders and countless other types of evil over the next generation...

I wouldn't wanna be responsible for that!

Maybe a GOOD power ( or Solar whatever ) was somehow partially involved in making sure that these souls were not passed to Graz'zt... ?


First Post
What's a greater succubus?
See below for stats

And have you read Sepulchrave's Story Hour?
No, but I will now! Thanks!

The module 'For Duty & Deity' (I believe that's the name) has a good section with meeting Graz'zt. I stole from it shamelessly on one of my Planescape campaigns, and it worked well. It also gives some good underlings for the characters to meet that they can truly hate. =)
Great idea! I have this module!

If the PCs are already high to epic level…
They are all in the range of 17-19, so yes getting really close to epic. I really like your ideas about Orcus Serge. I hadn’t thought of that, it just makes the web larger, and more complex. Which is how it should be, especially in the Abyss!

Before I'd be able to give you any other recommendations, I'd have to know how the PC's are planning on getting in touch with Graz'zt to set up this meeting.
They have some insider information. It’s a long story really, but they will easily be able to get in touch with him.

Also a fairly important point, the PCs are not Evil, they are good and are on a specific mission to save their world. However, I have been pushing them morally to their limits and they have found themselves doing distasteful things for the greater good more and more now.

This is just one more of those things, and the way they see it, the souls he is getting now were already damned and so it really makes no difference in the end.

Greater Succubus
Medium-Size Outsider (Chaotic, Evil)
HD: 13d8+52 (104 hp)
Initiative: +5 (Dex)
Speed: 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (average)
AC: 24 (+5 Dex, +9 natural)
Attacks: 2 claws +15 melee
Damage: Claw 1d3+2
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Atks: Spell-like abilities, energy drain, summon tanar’ri
Special Qlt: Damage reduction 20/+2, SR 12, tanar’ri qualities, alternate form, tongues
Saves: Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +10
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 30
Skills: Bluff +56, Concentration +20, Disguise +26*, Diplomacy +26, Escape Artist +21, Gather Information +26, Intimidate +26, Listen +20*, Sense Motive + 18, Spot +20*, Scry +12.
Feats: Dodge, Mobility (2 extra feats)
Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary
CR: 18
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always chaotic evil
Advancement: 13-25 HD (Medium-size)

Tanar’ri Qualities
Immunities (Ex): Tanar’ri are immune to poison and electricity.
Resistances (Ex): Tanar’ri have cold, fire, and acid resistance 20.
Telepathy (Su): Tanar’ri can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.

Succubus Abilities:

Spell-Like Abilities: At will-charm monster, clairaudience/ clairvoyance, darkness, detect good, detect thoughts, displacement, dominate monster, doom, ethereal jaunt (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), hold person, improved invisibility, mass charm, mass suggestion, plain shift, suggestion, and teleport without error (self plus 50 pounds of objects only); 1/day gate, geas, harm, unholy blight, . These abilities are as the spells cast by a 20th-level sorcerer (save DC 20 + spell level).

Energy Drain (Su): A Greater Succubus drains energy from a mortal it lures into some act of passion, she may also use this ability by simply planting a kiss on the victim or blowing a kiss to them. The succubus’s kiss or embrace inflicts one negative level; the victim must succeed at a Wisdom check (DC 15) to even notice. The Fortitude save to remove the negative level has a DC of 26. The blown kiss is treated as a ranged touch attack with a range of 30 feet.

Loving Caress (Su): The caress of a greater succubus will charm any mortal for 1d3 hours. After this time that mortal will be enamored with her permanently. A will save DC 26 negates this ability.
Induce Pleasure (Su): With a wink or a smile or the slightest seductive glance a greater succubus can afflict a subject with uncontrollable blissful pleasure. Upon failing a DC 26 Will save the victim collapses, wracked with convulsions of intense pleasure for 2d4 rounds. The subject can take no actions while in this state and is considered prone. After the effect ends, they may act normally.
Summon Tanar’ri (Sp): Once per day a greater succubus can attempt to summon one balor with a 50% chance of success.

Alternate Form (Su): Greater succubi can assume any humanoid form of Small to Large size as a standard action. This ability is similar to the polymorph self spell but allows only humanoid forms.

*While using this ability, a greater succubus gains a +10 circumstance bonus to Disguise checks.

Tongues (Su): A greater succubus has a permanent tongues ability as the spell cast by a 12th-level sorcerer. Succubi usually use verbal com_munication with mortals and save telepathic commu_nication for conversing with other fiends.

Skills: Greater succubi receive a +8 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks and +30 to bluff.

The Serge

First Post
Greater Succubus

These harlots look nasty!

You know, if the PCs in your campaign are being forced to walk a fine line, I suppose upon reaching 20th level, it would be interesting for them to make a decision that will cause them to make a decision to err on the side of right, or fall head-long into evil.

If you wanted to, you could make their salvation or damnation a part of all of this. It's unlikely that the forces of righteousness are unaware of Graz'zt's plot at this point... and may have, through commune and other spells, determined that the PCs harbor a great amount of hate for the Succubi. This being the case, the forces of good may be concerned about the kind of decision the PCs make in establishing an alliance with a being like Graz'zt. Depending on your concept of good and evil in your campaign, it could be that such a selfish decision to trade these souls for revenge, thereby allowing Graz'zt to ascend to true divinity, would result in the PCs fall from grace. Paladins would lose their powers and good aligned priests would be punished by their gods. It may be that the PCs, rather than being visited or warned directly by the forces of holiness, receive troublesome dreams or the Paladins feel "queasy" when the PCs openly discuss an alliance with Graz'zt.

Orrrr, maybe not. This could instead be an issue of Law vs. Chaos. Do the Forces of Hell want another divine demon running around, especially one almost as subtle as themselves? Perhaps the Gates of Hell will open to the PCs to scoot them along to stop both Graz'zt (who is a threat to Law) and the Succubi (who are clearly powerful threats to the perpetuation of Law on the Prime).

Just a few thoughts. It looks like this could have a fantastic conclusion depending on which direction you go. Have fun and good luck!


If I may, I humbly suggest you visit the Greyhawk web site www.Canonfire.com and read up on various things demonic in my _Excerpts from the Demonomicon of Iggwilv_ series.

In particular, perhaps, the article on Abyssal Geneaology at http://www.canonfire.com/html/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=203, in which I detail Graz'zt's parentage and siblings. It might help inspire other ideas for plots/betrayals/etc. Several other authors on Canonfire! have written demonic articles on Baphomet, Iggwilv, etc. which may interest you, too. I have a few other Abyssal pages on my web site that aren't also on Canonfire, they could help inspire you, too, perhaps.

Note also, that I would personally play Graz'zt as very slightly gun-shy around powerful mortals, after all of the problems he had with Iggwilv. EGG's Gord novels provide a lot of additional background on Graz'zt that you can use to round out his personality, planes, etc. They're much better sources than _For Duty & Deity_, and you can often find them cheap in used bookstores.


Graz'zt (U-K's GM)

The thing about Graz'zt IMC is that he's not 'irrationally' evil - he won't expose himself to danger for no good reason. In the circumstances mentioned I'd say he'd meet with the PCs, be polite and charming, thank them for their aid, give them their requested baubles, collect the phylacteries and get that big power boost - of course this would result in the rise of evil power across countless worlds. There's no rational reason why he'd doublecross here - any trivial gain is not worth the risk of losing something he _really wants_. Probably he'd seek to gain the good-aligned PCs as allies, and call upon them later as aid to squelch hostile demonic and/or diabolical powers - 'good' heroes are great for that! :)
He'd pay them, too - of course the gains he'd give them would be trivial compared to the benefit to him, and they'd be geared towards maximising CE and his own power - eg give them a Marilith assistant, not a LG magic sword.

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