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I need your opinions please

Eosin the Red

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I thought your reply in the other thread was tacky and embarassing to ENworlders as a whole. We like to treat people well here. That doesn't mean you can't disagree, just try not to be an ........ well, you know.

If you want to talk about what you think of Todds art start a topic in THE ART FORUM - if you want to talk about how the art has impacted D&D start a topic in the GENERAL FORUM. Don't talk about it on a thread about getting the pink slip - even if it is delayed. It is not polite.

This should have stayed private. Your bad, again.

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You're only allowed to be belligerent, meanspirited and rude if you're in a thread where the whole bandwagon is being belligerent, meanspirited and rude, you didn't know that? :D

Seriously though, I can see how posting 'I don't like Lockwood's art' in a thread Lockwood started is a bit rude, just start a new thread in the publishers forum about which artists you do or don't like.

I'm far from perfect, I've been dealt with before for posting things that were innapropriate. I'm not trying to talk down, just trying to help you avoid the further action that you (correctly, IMO0 assumed would come if you don't follow the moderators advice.

BTW, I agree, I hate WotC's 3e art look.


First Post

I have to agree with FullTinCan you post would have been better served in own thread (either in that category or in another).

As far as being insulting I didn't see anything that was overtly insulting. Now that doesn't mean that someone wouldn't take parts of it to be insulting but you can go around trying to please everyone with everything you say (type).

I have never been so honored to receive a nasty-gram (that's what we like to call them at work, even if they aren't really that nasty) from a moderator. That being the case I don't know if yours came from one mod or all, but keep in mind that it is in his/her (or their) opinion that your remarks were considered rude. Since his/her (their) opinion is the one(s) that counts its the one by which all of the replies get measured. Just because someone (or a group) says its rude doesn't mean it always is. Here is an analogy, the umpires in baseball never get all the calls right, but they get most.

For the good of the boards the average poster must (or should at least) rely on the moderators to get most of the calls they make right and try to the best of their ability to get them all right.

Well, that should really muck things up. :) Good luck in your future postings.


Airwolf said:

I have to agree with FullTinCan you post would have been better served in own thread (either in that category or in another).

As far as being insulting I didn't see anything that was overtly insulting. Now that doesn't mean that someone wouldn't take parts of it to be insulting but you can go around trying to please everyone with everything you say (type).

I did see somethings insulting.

He sqid ENWorld discussions were bland and banal. He came here to tell us how bland and banal we are and to help us to be less bland and banal with his insighting discussions....

It was at least rude to arrive to a new community insulting people who are here. And as I don't like to repeat myself :))):
Originally posted by me
Perhaps if you see these forums as bland and banal you should go posting another place, like RPG.net, and leave us with our banal and bland community.
Last edited:

the Jester


First off, I don't want to see you chased away from the boards here. I like having different points of view presented and have noticed your posts and found them interesting.

That said, I do think your posts in the thread in question were a little rude, but hey, we all make mistakes. I try hard to be civil and polite here; the generally civil and polite tone is something I cherish about ENWorld. I like vigorous discussion and debate, but without getting snippy and personal (not that your posts necessarily were, btw).

Stick around, give it a try, be polite. I have noticed a tendency towards heavy moderation here (huh huh) but I don't find it so oppresive that I can't post how I feel about an issue. I just need to make sure that I post my feelings without getting personal or insulting.


Thanks to everyone for their replies. I will take your advice and apologize for my 'rude' comments, even if they weren't that bad.

My apologies to EricNoah for being so insulting. I promise I'll try to behave more appropriately in the future.

My apologies to Henry Link for my insulting behavior. I should have just listened to your email and left it at that.

My apologies to all the posters on the thread in question. I behaved badly and I sincerely hope you can forgive me.

And most of all, my apologies to Todd Lockwood. I should have started a new thread and not criticized you in yours.


First Post
Dinkeldog said:
Welcome back, Chatdemon. Still bitter. Nice to see that some things never change.

Bah, that wasn't bitter, that was just good hearted sarcasm. I wasn't referring to anything in particular. Just rapping with Bones as one naughty poster to another :p


First Post
Horacio said:

I did see somethings insulting.

He sqid ENWorld discussions were bland and banal. He came here to tell us how bland and banal we are and to help us to be less bland and banal with his insighting discussions....

It was at least rude to arrive to a new community insulting people who are here. And as I don't like to repeat myself :))):

Ah, my point has been proved. I didn't take it as insulting just someone who expressed is view. Thanks Horacio! :)


Airwolf said:

Ah, my point has been proved. I didn't take it as insulting just someone who expressed is view. Thanks Horacio! :)

I know it proved your point, but it was true, I felt insulted.

No hard feelings now, and let's forget it, o.k.?

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