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First Post
Saw an early matinee of Matrix Reloaded yesterday. I thought it was cool.:cool: Definitely more action than the last movie.
There was no crazy head trip ideas presented though:( The only ideas presented were already hinted at in the first movie.

I thought the twins were cool, but I don't think they used them enough.
I had an idea though, if the twins were supposed to be ghosts and the guards for the Veringion(or whatever the french pervert programs name was) were supposed to be werewolves (the lady did say they had to be killed with silver bullets), what then will vampires and aliens be? The oracle clearly named vampires and aliens when she was talking about rogue programs.

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Did anyone notice in the scene with Neo and the oracle, the soundtrack seemed just a little "off"? It might have been the place I saw it. Also in the fight right after,, why did Neo stay when he could have just flown away at the start? I know it was a cool looking fight, but why stay and risk it? Also if Neo is basically a god in the matrix, why would he want to leave it? Trinity KNOWS She is in a computer simulation, so if She knows the bullets are not real, why does the bullet hurt Her? The said in the first movie its mind over matter.
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First Post
I think he stayed to fight because he didn't know there was going to be a ton of Agent Smith's. Plus I am sure he was curious as to how he was back after Neo killed him and wanted to know why he gave him his ear piece at the beginning.

As for Trinity getting killed, she isn't as tough mentally as Neo is. Neo is the only one that can fly, stop bullets and what not. The rest are just super strong and kind of fast. They can bend some of the rules but not break them. I think stopping a bullet, and dieing would be breaking the rules.

Also I want to know if Neo is going to recognize that guy on the table as the one in his dream that Smith took over.
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Epic Commoner
Neo stayed and fought simply because he thought he could beat Agent Smith. When you think you are a god why not show off.

The "rave" scene was so freaken stupid. I was waiting for Blade to be in the audience or some stupid MTV VJ doing those lame Spring Break thing.

The twins are not the werewolves, I think they are the ghosts. Persephonie was talking about the 1 gaurd she shot and the one she let run away. Those were the werewolves.

The ending was... well don't know what to think of it.

My score 8.5/10


First Post
I figured out what's up with the Merivingian. I think. Ok, see, the Merivingian is Hades, lord of the Underworld, because he hangs around with all the rogue programs. The werewolves, ghosts, vampires. His wife's name is Persephone b/c that's what Hades/Pluto's wife's name was, except she didn't really love Hades, she was his wife cuz she ate the fruit of the underworld. And, considering how perverted the M is, it seems obvious that Persephone wouldn't love him.

I was a bit confused about something. Is Zion toast, or not? I didn't quite catch what happened.


HalfElfSorcerer said:
Is Zion toast, or not? I didn't quite catch what happened.

No, I don't think so. It's gonna happen soon, though, I think. The "sole survivor" was the Agent Smith dude from that other ship explosion, not from Zion being destroyed.


First Post
Maybe it was the hype, but I left the theater a bit disappointed. It's by no means a terrible movie, but it's not as good as the first - and inferior to X2, in my opinion.

The fight with the Smiths looked very, very phoney, I thought - this is the "revolutionary virtual cinematography" that the tech people who worked on the movie have been hyping in the trade press. Bah - the same thing was used in Blade II, and looked better.

The highway sequence did rock on toast. But the encounter with the Architect was, I thought, a massive chokepoint - it dropped me right out of the film.

I'm still going to see the third one, mind.


Can someone explain to me what the Architect was babbling about? I understood that the Matrix and Zion have been rebuilt six times, and that "The One" is the catalyst, by WHY? Why rebuilt Zion?

Ashrem Bayle

KChagga said:

There was no crazy head trip ideas presented though:( The only ideas presented were already hinted at in the first movie.

You sure we watched the same movie?

The ending had a major spin on it. "The Prophesy" was created by the machines. There have been 5 other "The One"s. Zion was created by the machines as a holding pen for the 1% of the humans who couldn't except The Matrix. Neo has powers that can effect the real world. The other rogue programs.

I think those are some pretty astounding revelations and I'm sure I'm forgetting a few.

Almost everyone I talked to had a hard time deciphering the ending. Here is my two cents.

Neo meets the Architect.
The Architect reveals a series of facts not previosly known.
  1. The Oracle came up with the idea that humans had to be given a choice, even if only subconsciously, of whether or not to except the Matrix as reality.
  2. 1% of people reject the Matrix
  3. Those who reject the Matrix, end up in Zion. Zion is allowed to exist by the machines.
  4. "The One" is a flaw in the program that can't be fixed. Instead, the machines try to control him. they created the Prophesy to guide him to the Architect.
  5. Five other "Ones" have been through this all before.
  6. The One has a choice. He can visit the Source and restart the Matrix. If he does this, he will get to choose 23 people to rebuild Zion and restart the human race. His other choice is to destroy the Matrix. Doing this will kill everyone still inside and the machines will attack Zion in full force killing everyone. Neo chooses option 2 so he can go after Trinity. Oddly enough, the Matrix was not immediatly destroyed. Maybe soon?

    Now, after he ressurrects Trinity, they leave the Matrix and are attacked by sentinals. Neo does something, and kills them.


    A few possibilities

    1. They are not, and never have been, in the real world. Zion is yet another layer of manufactured reality.

    2. Neo is more than human. It seems Neo has two "gifts". The ability to manipulate the matrix, and The Sight, the ability to predict the future.

    The Sight was revealed directly from the Oracle and Neo's dreams.

    Ok. So now we know that Neo is a psychic. This is probably the reason why he can do what he does to the matrix. His mind is evolved a bit further than the norm. I'm thinking that it is the next step in his mental evolution.

    Step 1: Neo always knew there was something wrong with the world. He sensed it.
    Step 2: He is awakened by Morpheus. He learns that he can control the Matrix, in effect, he learns to use his mind to manipulate "reality".
    Step 3: His acceptance of his powers in the matrix acts as a training ground for the real world. Through everything he has been through, he has become "enlightened' and has some measure of control over the real world.

    The movies have a lot of Eastern influences. Many Eastern philosophies teach that, once you acheive total enlightenment, you can manipulate the laws of reality.

    3. When Neo was almost assimilated by Smith, something happened that linked him more intimately with the machines.

    4. Neo can influence the machines by remote. His affinity for the Matrix allows him to "jack in" remotely and gain a messure of control over the machines.

    Another thing not immediatly noticable is Smith's presence in the real world. I'm not real sure where they are going with that, but I assume it came from the fact that he "assimilated" a "free mind".

    Personally, I LOVED the movie. It was much deeper than the first, and the action was great. My only complaint was that the "rave" scene was a bit too long.

    And no, Zion is not destroyed yet. In the previews for Revolutions, they say that they have something like 9 hours before the attack. Evidently, Revolutions will take up exactly where Reloaded ended.
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