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I think my character is broken. :-(


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I'm playing a Level 1 Elven Rogue (Brawny Rogue, Brute Scoundral)

I have 20 Dex and 18 Str. Tell me if I'm correct in a few things...

Using throwing daggers, my attack roll is 5+3+1 (8) vs ____.
Using Shuriken, my attack roll is 5+3 (7) vs ____.

My sneak attack is +2d6 and with the feat for sneaks, it is +2d8.

I can add this sneak attack damage to one attack per round.

I can sneak attack anyone I have combat advantage on.

Lets say I use my Day Power (Trick Strike) with a shuriken at someone I have combat advantage on, and decide to use sneak attack with it. Am I right to assume it looks like this:

Attack: (+5, +3, +2 = [+10 to hit]) Vs (REFLEX)
Damage: (3[W] + Dex [3d6+5 {+} 2d8+3])

Lets also say I have an action point and I spend it.

I choose to add the attack action and perform Torturous Strike.

Attack: (+5, +3, +2 = [+10 to hit]) Vs (REFLEX)
Damage: (2[W] + Dex + Str [2d6+5+4])

Meaning the max damage I can do this turn will be - 63 damage.


1st of all, none of the other characters can get anywhere near that kind of damage output, so I know I must be doing MANY things wrong. Secondly, my attack is SOOOO high. The spellcasters are getting like +5 or so to hit with powers, but I get a +10? I must be doing something wrong still.... Lastly, I would love if someone could help me in making my character sheet legal. This character killed a level 9 NPC solo in only a few turns. It really makes the game suck being too strong, imho.

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Your strength and dex can't be that high unless you're using some unusual stat generation system.

Neither trick strike nor torturous strike target reflex. Trick strike targets AC. Torturous targets fort.

Apart from that, you're right. This level 9 NPC must have been a weed.


First of your ability scores are way higher than the rules recommend. If using the standard array your dex would 18 and your str 14, if using the recommended point buy the best you could do would be dex 20 and str 14 and the rest of your scores would be 10's (with one 11).

So the problem could be that rest of the characters have significantly lower ability scores than yours.

If they have equivalent scores, then there shouldn't be a problem. The rogue (and the Ranger) is designed to do a lot of damage, but on the other hand can't take a lot of damage in return.

Other classes are designed with other goals, so they should not be able to do that kind of damage (that said a 1st level Maul fighter with Str 20 burning a Daily Power, Action point and Encounter Power could do 10d6+12 damage = a maximum of 72).

On Puget Sound

First Post
Your STR and DEX are way too high, costing 32 point buy points out of the 22 you are allowed. Fixing that will solve part of your problem.

Your formulas are mostly right, though your Brutal Scoundrel damage bonus with STR 18 would be +4, not +3,

Trick strike targets AC and Torturous strike targets Fort.

Daily + action point + encounter power is a huge wallop; it should only be possible about once every 3-4 encounters. If your DM is letting you regain dailies after every fight so you can do this routinely, he/she is being too easy on you.

And yes, you are a striker. When you get all medieval on some bad guy, you can hurt him a lot. Rangers can do similar damage. Warlocks do a bit less but tend to also inflict status effects. Other classes can't match your damage output, but they have abilities that keep you alive to do it.


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Okay I meant to write Vs. AC and not Vs. Dex, so thats not the problem. And my stats were rolled. 2 18's, 1 12, two 8's, and a 6.. add all mods up to get +5 which is higher than 4 and lower than 8, which is a legal roll according to the PHB. Then I added my dex bonus to the 18 and my str had 18. All of my other stats suffer dramatically, but its fine since I wanted to design the character to basically kill :):):):) bad.

The DM doesn't let us rest more than 'short rests' which means we only get dailys... each daily. (we do sleep, but still only get dailys after sleeping, and once every 24h)

It just seems broken to be that strong when our wizard and warlock can barely pass attacks w/o rolling 15's and I rolled a 5 and succeded in an attack.


First Post
Usually you need to roll about a 10 to hit. Weapon attacks are a bit easier, typically.

AC is generally much higher than the other defenses. For some opponents this is not necessarily true, of course.

Wizards often target defenses of 12-14, so their lower attack isn't truely a problem.

Only against the tougher solos, attacks are more likely to miss, since the defenses are much higher for those.

Besides, your role is Striker. You are meant to do more damage than the rest.



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The attack bonus for a rogue using a dagger will seems somewhat obscene, but the tradeoff is damage potential (compared to for example a rapier) and that you will often be targetting AC, which is higher than other defenses. That said, a well played rogue will most likely outdo most anyone in the striking department but it takes careful tactical planning to achieve combat advantage on the majority of your attacks.

In your case, the problem is your rather skewed stat array (which might be very fun to play, where did you put the 6?).

And Torturous Strike targets AC. At least in my PHB, and I haven't seen any errata on that.


And my stats were rolled. 2 18's, 1 12, two 8's, and a 6.

You have identified the problem right there. Because the stats are higher (or rather more polarised) than the game system is designed for, your character will find it easier hit and damage level appropiate opponents in combat than he is meant to.

If the other player characers do not have several 18's in their important ability scores you risk overshadowing them in combat.

If they do not have at least a 16 in their primary score (due to bad dice) they are severely handicapped.

On the other hand you either have lousy HP and Healing surges (because of low constitution) or a lousy Will Defense (due to low wisdom and charisma). So maybe your DM just needs to target your weak spots a bit more.


It just seems broken to be that strong when our wizard and warlock can barely pass attacks w/o rolling 15's and I rolled a 5 and succeded in an attack.

If this is true, your DM doesn't understand the rules (or the other players put like an 8 or a 10 in their prime stat). Something doesn't add up.

Bond James Bond

First Post
First of all, a rogue usually has the highest +hit chance in 4ed of all characters.

However, as said before, your alternative system of generating stats is what caused the real problems here.

With these scores, you character has far better attacks then the system would assume (=broken). On the other hand, your defenses and (role playing) skills are worse than the system assumes.

I strongly suggest that your group reconsideres their way of rolling abiltity scores, if they really want more balance, both in and out of combat.

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