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I was a teenaged Grell-kin

Recently been re-reading lords of madness, and really started to like the Aberrant feats. They seem to hit a sweet spot of Mechanics, flavour and character that I'd really like to try out.

It also seems a good potential theme for a prestige class - this one is edged toward the Grell as the originator race. Afraid I don't really know how to format it in a post, so here is the Exec summary - feedback on Balance etc. would be great.

BAB: 4
skills: Knowledge(dungeoneering) 5 ranks
Feats: Aberrant blood (flexible limbs), Inhuman Vision, Deepspawn

Class Features
HD: D8
BAB: as Cleric
Saves: Good Will
Skills Points: 2+ Int
Class Skills: Spot, Listen, Hide, Move Silently, Survival, Knowledge(dungeoneering)

Bonus Feats: at 1st, 3rd and 5th Gain a bonus feat either from the Aberrant list, or Grell Alchemy

Grell Physiology: at 2nd level gain blind sight 10 ft and the ability to use Lightning Lances (and Greater Lightning Lances) as a grell

Electricity Resisitance: At 2nd level gain electricity resistance 5, this increases to 10 at 4th level

Improved Grapple: At 4th level, the Grell-Kin gains Improved Grapple as a bonus Feat, even if it does not meet the prerequisites.

Constrict: At 5th level, the Grell-Kin gains the ability to deal d6+ str mod damage whenever it succeeds at a grapple check.

Design Notes:
Since the individual Hit dice are so lame, in terms of BAB, skill points etc, and the pre reqs are significant, I felt I could be quite generous on the specials.
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Extradimensional Explorer
Well, I can't comment much on PrC balance, but I might think about swapping in Improved Grapple as the bonus feat, rather than Multiattack. Probably avoiding AoOs when you want to start a grapple is more important once you get Constrict (rather than increasing your chance to hit with the tentacles).

I certainly agree that Improved Grab is a better power than Multi-attack, bit concerned it might be rather overpowered even as the 4th or 5th level power.

Are there any other prestige classes that give access to such a powerful ability?


Extradimensional Explorer
I certainly agree that Improved Grab is a better power than Multi-attack, bit concerned it might be rather overpowered even as the 4th or 5th level power.

Are there any other prestige classes that give access to such a powerful ability?
Yeah, I don't know whether Improved Grab (the monster ability) might be too powerful or not. I did actually mean Improved Grapple, the feat, though, which is probably not quite as powerful as Improved Grab.

Doh! Yeah, that does look more reasonable. I like that actually, I'll make the switch.

Since the Grell kin has Natural Attacks, I'll make it the type of Bonus feat where Pre-reqs don't matter.

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