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D&D 5E [IC] Adventures in Middle-Earth – ‘Where Rivers Run With Gold’

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Beldor thanks each of the heroes individually, saying "The day we meet was truly a blessing for me and my whole family. I am forever in your debts." Belgo is of course ecstatic and practically hops up and down in front of Ursa about continuing his 'lessons in the ways of the warrior'.

Lindar also thanks the heroes, adding if you can make yourself ready I will return in an hour and lead you to the Forest Gate which will take you to the Elven Path. We have had Beldor's goods and supplies moved to there already. The journey should take you two weeks to pass through the Mirkwood. I must advise that you stay on the path for if you falter you may never find it again. These days the wood is not so dark and the path is safer then in days past but danger and shadows still lurk under her leaves."

After the heroes gather their belongings and gear and meet again with the Elf. He leads the heroes up a broad staircase carved into the stone that opens to a majestic forest grove. At first all the heroes can see are the beautiful trees and well cultivated forest floor. But then, blended masterfully into the trees and forest, they see elegantly carved silver staircases leading up many of the trees, with softly glowing white doors shine brightly under silver hanging lanterns. Thin towers of gray stone are seen under a soft blanket of green mosh. Soothing voices of intermixing songs seem to flow through the entire area as Lindar leads the heroes through only one small section of the Elf-Kings Realm!

All to quickly the heroes have past beyond the city proper and find themselves at a large beautiful wooden gate that seems like it might have been grown instead of carved. Beyond is a narrow stone path that leads to a fast flowing river. Two long Elf-Boats were moored on the docks with a crew of two green clad rowers each. "Behold the Enchanted Stream my friends." proclaims Lindar. "A great pride of our King but bewarned. Do no drink from the stream for it can enhance even an Immortal."

The Elf boatman take the heroes across the river -- yet another beauty to behold -- to a wide forest path. On each sides of this path stood two ancient stone status of Elf Warriors of Old and yet, so fine was the work, that each almost looks alive and frozen in stone. Their armour and finery perfectly represented as their gaze seems to meet passerbyes to tread wearily beyond this point.

"Fare thy well" Lindar says at this point "Beyond is the Greenwood of Old and how we weep for its passing. The trail is well marked and relatively safe, but maintain your vigilance. If you pass this way again know that you have proven to be at least allies of the King and mayhaps one day... you will be known as friends." With that he and the Elf boatman turn and leave the group for the journey ahead.

The path stretches out before them and at least here the light from the sun easily penetrates down through the
canopy. But all can sense the change -- that somewhere beyond -- are things that have only hate in their hearts from a spite that has poisoned their hearts.

GM: *Travel through Mirkwood, even along the Elf-Path, is arduous. This journey has a Peril Rating of 3.
*The road from the Enchanted Stream to the Forest Gate is 160 miles (on the other side of the Mirkwood), making it a Medium journey. Roll 1d2+1 for the number of challenges. The DC for any journey events is 15.
*The darkness of the forest weighs heavily on the company’s spirits. Travellers in wild lands like the forest must make two Wisdom saving throws (DC 15); each failed saving throw gives 1 point of Shadow.

The adventures has the events already planned. How the heroes come upon them depend on rolls, etc.
The results of your rolls below have an effect on the encounter, surprise, etc.
*1/2 the Guides Wisdom Modifier will affect the encounter (already taken into account). The Guide must make two DC 15 Survival checks.
*If you have a Scout, you must make two DC 15 Investigation or Stealth (player's choice) checks.
*If you have Hunter, you must make two DC 15 Survival checks.
*If you have a Lookout, you must make two DC 15 Perception checks.
Remember you have a +1 to all Skill rolls for these checks.

Finally everyone must also make DC 15 Constitution saves or Athletic skill check (player's choice). Failure can cause Exhaustion levels BUT remember you can ignore both BUT they can still have an affect at certain points along the path for each failure.

We are going to have some role-playing along the journey also but the rolls might as all well take place right now and their affects applied during the events ;)


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“What a place!” Ulfred exclaims as he resettles his pack. “Oh there will tales to tell at the best taverns in Dale of this adventure. Walking through Mirkwood, just the five of us.”

Ulfred looked around at the group, “Well best be going the sooner we start, the sooner the tale of our adventure can be spread. “ Ulfred smiled “Well the adventure will spread as long as the liquor flows am I right?”



the magical equivalent to the number zero
Ursa smiles at her companions, though she remains silent. The beautiful scenery has made her feel small, and she feels both blessed to experience it and sad that she will be but dust long before these ancient trees wither.

Also she feels a familiar pressing sensation at the back of her neck. Something, just beyond the line of sight, is watching, waiting. And it's filled with hate and evil.

OOC: Hunter survival checks: [roll0] [roll1] - both successes
Two Wisdom saves versus Shadow: [roll2] [roll3] - both successes
Two Athletics checks: [roll4] [roll5] - one success, one failure

[*Travel through Mirkwood, even along the Elf-Path, is arduous. This journey has a Peril Rating of 3.
*The road from the Enchanted Stream to the Forest Gate is 160 miles (on the other side of the Mirkwood), making it a Medium journey. Roll 1d2+1 for the number of challenges. The DC for any journey events is 15.
*The darkness of the forest weighs heavily on the company’s spirits. Travellers in wild lands like the forest must make two Wisdom saving throws (DC 15); each failed saving throw gives 1 point of Shadow.
Does that mean one of us players needs to roll that 1d2+1? [roll6] Not very familiar with those travel rules yet. :)


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OOC: Does that mean one of us players needs to roll that 1d2+1? [roll6] Not very familiar with those travel rules yet. :)

GM: No the effects come later in the adventure and gaining Shadow can lead to Shadow-Weakness and a new Condition BUT not yet.

Also @Tesseract you need a second Stealth check (also at advantage), plus the Wisdom and Constitution/Athletic save please


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The Mirkwood was still a beautiful and majestic forest to behold, even though a shadow of some evil had fallen over it like a cold blanket. Might trees from ancient days cloaked the sky above and strange smelling pollen seemed to fall everywhere. And yet it was still so wondrous. The party with Beldor and Belgo shouldered their their packs and set off down the trail in high spirits. That first day uneventful as the walked deeper towards the heart of the forest.

Before nightfall, Ursa had scored a couple of small pheasants and a patch of tasty forest carrots to add to their evening meal. After the camp had been established and watches assigned, the party rested easily that first night. The next two days and nights past much the same. Walking down the Elf-Path and through the forest. At times the forest grew close to choking off the trail, but so-long as a traveler was vigilant and heeded the Elf-Warnings, the party easily remained on the trail. Ursa continued to supplement the party's stores with fresh vegtibales and the occasional small game animal - the forest full of great bounty.

On the third day under the leaves of the Mirkwood, Caranthir found an excellent place to rest that eve, where the path opened into a pleasant, grassy forest clearing. He realized this spot as one of the open-air feast-halls of the Elvenking, although this particular field has not been used in many years. A sparkling stream of fresh water ran along the edge of the clearing. As company made camp young Belgo threw himself down on the grassy floor with great joy at the discovery.

GM: Still waiting for @Tesseract's extra checks but they don't affect the first part.
Assuming you are going to set watches, in what order might you want to set them?

Good place for RPGing also as the first event is about to begin


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Ursa smiles. "This is a great place ye found, elf. I just hope that's not the infamous man-eating elf grass of legend."

When Belgo looks at her, shocked, Ursa bursts out laughing. "Fooled you! There's no such thing as man-eating elf grass."

Then she looks at Caranthir. "Right?"

GM: Still waiting for @Tesseract's extra checks but they don't affect the first part.
Actually he edited his post to add the extra checks, right after your last post.

GM: Assuming you are going to set watches, in what order might you want to set them?
Ursa can use her special ability to scout around in spirit bear form at night, although that means she cannot take a watch. At least, the rules do not specify if it counts as a rest when she does that, but it seems logical that she's sort-of awake.

Would anyone object if Ursa scouts around at night instead of taking a watch?


Ulfred laughed as Ursa joked with the boy. “Man-eating elf grass, now that would be a tale. Not exactly the heroic way I would want to be remembered though.”

Ulfred chuckled as he looked around waiting to see if Caranthir would put the tale to rest, or string the boy along.


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Caranthir squints at Ursa for a long moment before answering her. ”No! No such a thing. At least in my experience.” Then slowly glances around at the others for effect.

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