D&D 5E [IC] Against the Slavelords

Forged Fury

First Post
Brak Blood-Bear, 5th Level Barbarian

The roar of the crowd stirred an odd feeling in Brak, both thrill and disgust. The warrior loved fighting for its own sake. While he didn't mind it as a form of sport, he generally detested the lazy weaklings who took such joy in watching blood sport. If only there were a requirement to participate in order to watch.

Looking over the pit, Brak was intrigued. How intelligent was that bear?

OOC: Insight = [roll0]
In case being a gladiator would provide advantage to understand what's going on, [roll1]

...and apparently Brak has great insight into the bear, even without his gladiatorial training. Granted, a bear is his spirit animal. It must be fate!

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First Post
Brak has seen fighters in the pits do such things before... but never a wild animal or even a trained beast... this bear is a lot smarter then it appears...


Kelvyn Black Human Rogue

Kelvyn had planned to get some information, but is sickened by the crowd calling for the bear to kill the helpless man. He sits on his hands to keep from reaching for a weapon. He breaths through gritted teeth and tries to convince himself that now is not the time to act. "I must remember we are here to bring about the downfall of this place and others like it. One man is not worth failing in our task." His self talk is broken by the strange behavior of the bear.

OOC: [roll0]


[section]Levanna felt sickened at the courteous manner of the merchant and the robed man who so casually oversaw such cruel punishments as this one. Though she was careful to keep her expression neutral, she could not keep herself from turning towards the condemned man as he screamed for mercy. She was about to start towards the pit, to do what, she could not say, when she saw the odd behavior of the bear.[/section]

[sblock=roll][roll0] Insight check.[/sblock]

[sblock='Mini Stat Block']
Levanna (Wizard 5) 5th level
Initiative: +1 Perception: +2
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Investigation: 17
Speed: 30'

AC: 14 (Mage Armor + Dex)
HP 32/32

In Hand:Quarterstaff
Off Hand: None

Spell Save DC: 14

Prepared Spells:
1st: Mage Armor, Shield, Feather Fall, Disguise Self, Magic Missile,
2nd: Misty Step, Suggestion, Invisibility
3rd: Counterspell

Spell slots remaining/Spell slots total:
1st: 3/4
2nd: 2/3
3rd: 2/2

Active Spells (c) denotes concentration
Mage Armor

Character Sheet


First Post
Drifting around the room being pleasantly ignored when he wanted to be and involved when he desired it, Evendur found his attention drawn to the bear. From the frowns and concentrated looks of his friends; they too thought it's behaviour was....odd.


[sblock='Mini-Stat Block']
Grigor (Rogue1/Warlock4) 5th level
Initiative: +2 Perception: +5
Passive Perception: 15
Passive Investigation: 14
Speed: 30'

AC: 18 (Breast Plate + Dex + shield)
HP 33/33

In Hand:Rapier Silvered
Off Hand: Shield

Character Sheet


First Post
Kelvyn, Levanna and Evendur can all tell there is something seriously wrong with this bear... it is acting with sentient level of intelligence. Evendur also gets the feeling that that while intelligent it seems off, like if the bear is intelligent and sentient has been drugged or something.

The bear gives another roar and then stomps the man in the pit flat... the crowd gives a final cheer "Goregell!" and the bear starts moving towards one of gates in the wall.

The pit master smiles in satisfaction and looks to Brak "Well nows if'in ye wants to fight with Bloodboar, ye have to wait until after the next fight..."

Brother Kost seems unmoved by the spectacle or the cheers of the crowd. He simply stands by calming watching Brak and Levanna with mild curiosity.
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Forged Fury

First Post
Brak Blood-Bear, 5th Level Barbarian

Brak nodded and then frowned. "Wait... do I have to fight Bloodpig's challenger first? It matters not, either way. Who are the warriors in this match?"


Kelvyn Black Human Rogue

Kelvyn stands the immediate horror show having ended. He sees Evendur and makes his way over. Speaking softly and causally about the upcoming matches, Kelvyn slips into the conversation "Something was off about that bear don't you think? Too smart and yet not quite right?"


First Post
The pit master gives a chuckle and nods "Ayes, ye needs to speak with that fellow over yonder... calls himself Grimblades...". The man that the pit master is pointing towards is a tall human wearing a breatplate armor and leathers with two long swords strapped to his back. The man is talking to another small group of five other men, all dressed similarly too him but armed with a many different weapons.

Kelvyn and Evendur can see that the gate that the bear is going through has a poorly dressed man who opens the lock and stands aside to let the bear pass though and then re-locks the gate. He seems a bit nervous of the bear, shaking a bit as it passes, but otherwise takes no steps to hide from the creature.


First Post
Using the abilities granted to him by Ozzu'ej he communes with Kelvyn.

'Don't draw attantion,' he thinks to the rogue. 'But you are right, it did seem to act as if drugged. Maybe it is a shape shifter that is a slave...condemned?' he adds with a mental smirk.

Out loud, "Blood-Bear has never been quite right, he wants to fight that thing when he could be drinking!" he says softly, sloshing the same drink he had been nursing the whole time.

[sblock='Mini-Stat Block']
Grigor (Rogue1/Warlock4) 5th level
Initiative: +2 Perception: +5
Passive Perception: 15
Passive Investigation: 14
Speed: 30'

AC: 18 (Breast Plate + Dex + shield)
HP 33/33

In Hand:Rapier Silvered
Off Hand: Shield

Character Sheet

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