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[IC] Dichotomy's Age of Worms: The Whispering Cairn


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Fintan scowls in Vixtrin's direction. "Well I suppose we could have just left you on the floor bleeding your guts out! Instead our cleric used the last of his energy to get you here and then travelled into town to get someone who could do more good." He points at Nollan during the last part.

"Up to the point where you started jumping around half clothed, we all had the decency to not observe your current state! Now you go and BLAME us for trying to take advantage of you? Maybe you should keep your wits about you and stop thinking that every man you see is trying to get into your knickers and thank Cleric Fisher here for saving your fool headstong life!"

With that Fintan storms out of the door, slamming it behind him regardless of whether someone is trying to follow him out or not.

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Outside with Fintan, Nollan, taking care not to be overheard by the indisposed Vixtrin, remarks, "I'm not sure if that's the tack I'd have taken with this particular woman, but I'm sure you know her better than I do. In any case, I do agree with you. Lartis did give a lot of himself to bring her back. He seemed in an awful state when he came to see me. Can you fill me in on what's happened to all of you?"


Having not made it outside before Fintan's outburst, Byron hurriedly opens the door to follow the others out. "I daresay that she might have used Lartis' bedroll to cover herself rather than get so irate."

After Nollan's query, Byron looks at the others. "Umm, do any of you know Nollan here? Lartis said you were former garrison. Do you still have any ties with them?" The mage's voice sounds nervous, and all but Nollan probably know the reason.

Once the others are out of the room and the door is closed, Vixtrin immediately retrieves her armor and gear. With shaking hands and an angry red face, Vixtrin sorts through all her belongings to make certain that everything is in order and that nothing is missing or has been dropped by the wayside. Her face pales when her arm and hands inadvertantly brush against the ragged and scarred site of her life-draining wounds. Hastily jerking her hand from the scar in revolt, Vixtrin begins to search herself for other signs of disfigurement. Thanks be to Brother Lartis for his handiwork. I'd be dinner in a wolf belly, what little there might have been left of me, had it not been for his faith. After deftly weaving her long black hair into a braid, straightening her clothing, re-donning her armor and pack, and re-coiling her length of spiked chain neatly at her belt, Vixtrin heaves a heavy sigh. Feeling at the last more secure, if still a bit dirty, Vixtrin pauses a moment to consider her surroundings and how she got there. Blast it--they carried me. Landing an irritated kick at the wall of the office shanty, Vixtrin clenches and unclenches her fists in anger several times before giving in to calm. Nothing for it, then...

Her head held high, Vixtrin waits another half a moment to marshal her wits then opens the door to find the others. Purposefully ignoring Fintan and instead directing a prideful gaze at Sprout, Vixtrin coughs and says, "You saved me by carrying me here. Others would have left me to rot for the wolves and rats." Clearly uncomfortable, the lass continues. "My thanks. But where is Lartis? And what of that...thing?" By the carefulness of her words and a fleeting glance in Fintan and Byron's direction, Vixtrin betrays herself and reveals that she intends thanks all around.

For the humor of it...Diplomacy -1.


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"Many thanks to you good cleric. I'm sure Lartis gave a brief summary of who we are but proper introductions are surely in order. The bookish looking fellow here is Byron {OOC: crap what was Byron's last name}a mine clerk for Smenk. The young looking lad with a propensity of finding things is Spaul Steepleton of the streets at large, he may need a touch of your attention as well. The lady is Vixtrin Knef local blacksmith and quite handy with that chain. And I am Fintan Tilgast, heir to the Tilgast Empire and general man about town.

"We have it on good authority that this mine shack has been overlooked in the years pass and the Tilgast family has decided to look into the potential re-opening of the mine. I was sent to represent the family, Lartis knows a thing or two about mines, Spaul here is an expert at finding weak areas in floors and ceilings, Vixtrin was brought about in case we ran into some 'local' denizens, and Byron"
Fintan hesistates a moment "...well I'm sure we can trust you to be discrete about a little 'headhunting' operation between the Tilgasts and Smenks finest clerk?

"Unfortunately more creatures had moved in than we expected, two dog sized rats are stacked up right over there in fact, and we were overwhelmed in the mine itself about the time we found a wolf den.

"Now I'm sure this is more information than you wanted to know already! So why don't you tell us a little about yourself. Lartis did mention that you were a former Garrison man?"

There's the story, little truth, little ficiton, I'm going to use my bluff, which I believe is +7 (4 ranks +3 Cha), I need to get a PHB to fix up my numbers on my character sheet still.


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Byron, sir, I assure you that I hold no loyalties to the garrison or its occupants. I did work there for a time as a scout, but the place held no future for me and I have left it behind completely. In fact, I've left most of Diamond Lake behind and was hoping for something just as this to break the tedium of days."

Nollan visibly stands taller at the thought of this, and begins pacing a little, taking in the surroundings, and breathing deeply of the country air.

"I don't suppose it's really any of my business what Smenk's clerk wants to do in his free time... and anyone can see that this office is abandoned. In all it seems like an exciting opportunity for your family to reopen the place, Fintan.

As for me, I am a ... wanderer I suppose. A servant of Fharlanghn, in fact, which makes my wandering very official. I'm glad to see that it can be of some use to you, as well. I don't believe I've met any of you besides Vixtrin - and we only happened to serve at the garrison at the same time. Lartis did mention that you might need more help than patching up the lady, though. I suppose that I could help out Spaul if he desires it? What would really make my day, though, is if there's any more exploring to do, after Vixtin gets..."

Nollan is interupted as Vixtrin exits the office, and he patiently allows her to finish her heartfelt thanks.

If Sprout does decide he'd like some healing, Nollan will gauge whether CLW or just a couple CMW are needed and cast them as necessary.

Amal Shukup

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TiCaudata said:
"...The young looking lad with a propensity of finding things is Spaul Steepleton of the streets at large, he may need a touch of your attention as well.

At this, Spaul will sketch a little bow, although still a bit flustered by Vixtrin's outburst and vaguely uncomfortable with losing Lartis, whom he'd started to quite like...)

After other introductions and whatnot have transpired, Sprout will pull himself together, give the newcomer a lopsided smile and accept his offer of healing:

"I did get nibbled on a bit, sir Cleric... I'd be the better with a little healing, if you have it to spare. A night's rest and clean living should take care of the rest."

[SIZE=-2](OOC: Sprout is down to 2 out of 6 HP)[/SIZE]


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"Certainly, Spaul", Nollan replies, and turning to Vixtrin continues, "In fact, if it's alright with you my lady, I'd like to get both of you patched up as much as I can. If the mine is as full of beasts as you've said, I can't have you going back in looking like you just took a ride through a mill."

If he is allowed, Nollan goes about casting a few more cure spells, nonchalantly muttering a small prayer to call on his god each time.

He then returns to his business of enjoying being about actually doing something, and looking expectantly at Fintan, who he's taken to be the impromptu leader of the group, awaiting any more information or an invitation to aid in some other manner.

Cast CLW again on Vixtrin and 3 CMW on Sprout, leaving one Orison in reserve.

If, alternatively, Vixtrin does not wish to be healed any more, he'll simply let her have her way without comment.

Vixtrin colors and grits her teeth in chagrin of needing anything but nonetheless stands stock still with rigid inflexibility while Nollan lays hands on her and offers the healing grace of Fharlanghn. When Nollan is done with his prayers, Vixtrin shuffles away to the side and wordlessly stretches her limbs, testing each one for worth and surety.

Finding a break in the conversation of the others, Vixtrin voicibly inputs from off to the side, "Where is Brother Lartis? Coming back with supplies from town, is he?"


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CanadienneBacon said:
Finding a break in the conversation of the others, Vixtrin voicibly inputs from off to the side, "Where is Brother Lartis? Coming back with supplies from town, is he?"

Fintan shuffles his feet a little while taking his lute out and tuning it. "Ah yes, Brother Lartis...won't...be coming back. He has decided that life on the road doesn't suit him as he thought it might. He...exacted quite the revenge on the...creature that hurt you. He will be available in town if we need him for extra patching, or...advice on the...mine."

Fintan slowly stops talking, knowing that Lartis was his only real connection to Vixtrin. He lowers his head and starts to pluck out pieces of the tune he was singing when Vixtrin fell.

After a few minutes of composition Lartis looks up at Nollan "I don't suppose you have a red lantern with you? No? Ah well, we'll manage. I feel as though we might be able to trust you a touch more. Are you familiar with the legend of the Whispering Cairn? No? You must not be a local then. The Whispering Cairn was a place for local children to test their mettle, by staying overnight alone in the cairn. Mostly this happened without incident, until 6 years ago when a girl never returned, and the cairn was mostly abandoned. Recently however we happened upon a map that led to this cairn which we took to have a deeper meaning. So we decided to explore this cairn in hopes of finding something as yet unplundered that might manifest into a meal ticket to some magnificient migration from the mouth of the melancholic flow of soul sapping mire that makes up Diamond Lake.

"Are you in? The garrison is likely unhappy that we happened upon this map, although we are hardly of the caliber of cold hearted cat burglers capable of such a crime as confiscating capital from such a combative crowd. If you fear the garrison's wrath we would understand, but wholeheartedly appreciate you not approaching them about such property."

Fintan looks up at Nollan expectantly, all the while idly strumming away at his lute.

OOC: If anyone wishes to persue some portion of discussion in between any of these topics feel free. It will be a good conversation fill for the pauses I feel are needed in the monolog, Fintan will strum away through it all.

Voidrunner's Codex

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