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[IC] Dichotomy's Age of Worms: The Whispering Cairn

Amal Shukup

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TiCaudata said:
to Dichotomy:To Amal:

My plan is to have you more or less appear as an hired courier for whatever I decide to buy. If you have better things to do that will take however long we have left, let me know.

I'm pretty easy... I can keep my eyes and ears open while appearing inconspicious...

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Nollan chuckles at Vixtrin's sudden change in moods and takes a tone of mock innocence, "Now now, where did you ever hear anything like that? I am nothing but a paragon of descency and virtue."

Turning away from the warrior's penetrating gaze, and continuing, though now in all seriousness, "I do not mean to make lite of it, because I have pieced together a few less pleasant tidbits from your past, and if I could do anything to change the fortune that's befallen you I would." Nollan turns back to Vixtrin and steadily meets her eyes, "I do in fact very much enjoy the company of a pleasant woman, and a drink from a bottle. I wouldn't trust any man that didn't. However, I treat women with utmost respect, and those that have not chosen a life of ... service, I have ventured to help find a life that they do want. As for change, I don't think I've done that so much as I've finally found something that feels right."

Vixtrin falls silent and for a long while merely seats herself on the floor of the office shanty. Examining each barb and link of her spiked chain and oiling the length of the weapon for the better part of an hour, Vixtrin clearly begins to wrest with something. The woman looks up from time to time at Nollan and frowns, then resumes testing her chain for surety. Looking up for the fourth time, Vixtrin purses her lips in frustration then breaks the silence by irritatedly blurting out, "Well, what of Brother Lartis? Was he injured when you saw him?" Vixtrin rises from the floor and angrily re-coils her chain. "This waiting is interminable! I should have gone to see him with mine own two eyes."


After Sprout and Fintan left Byron sat quietly reading over his spellbook. Or, at least he did until Vixtrin and Nollan began talking. He began to be quite obvious in his ignoring them. After a while, he silently started cleaning up a bit, as he dragged the rats outside and then found something to do outside.

The mage came back inside in time to hear Vixtrin's comment about Lartis. "Oh, no he wasn't hurt. But you were, and he did have any divine magic remaining. He didn't seem to want to talk much about it, but I think he just didn't want to be involved in exploring the cairn anymore. He, ummm, reacted in a manner I wasn't expecting when you were injured..." Byron's voice trails off.
[sblock=TiCaudata & Amal Shukup]Of the places in town, there are only a couple where either of you would think it remotely possible that you'd find a lantern like the others. Given that it would be more than a simple common lantern, Tidwoad's might be a good bet. The other spot to look would be the general store run by Taggin. Other than those two places, only by divine providence would you ever expect to find such a thing anywhere else in town. [size=-2]OOC: I'll assume you'd check both places out.[/size]

When you go to Tidwoad's, Fintan is more than saavy enough to know to keep his tongue guarded. The Tilgast youth knows that the cantankerous gnome Tidwoad is kept on a leash by Smenk and Ghaum Gansworth. But Fintan is also able to play the role of whimsical youth easily enough to make his query for a red lantern seem nothing more than idle fancy (or, at least, he thinks so). Alas, such a thing isn't to be found at the gnome's shop among his gems and fancy things.

Things are generally more comfortable at the General Store. Taggin never asks questions, as he has no desire to get into anyone's affairs. It would be bad for business. When you describe what you need, he says, "Well, son, that sounds like a special order. I certainly have nothing like it here. And based on both the materials and the craftsmanship you describe, it would take a decent sum to procure such an item. I could order it from the Free City. If they happen to have something like it on hand, I'd have it within a week. If not, probably two weeks, unless you'd pay more for a hurried order."[/sblock]


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When Vixtrin starts in about Lartis Nollan starts from the lazy afternoon slumber into which he'd fallen. Realizing that he is still safe among the adventurers, and has not fallen prey to some overly large rat (on his mind because of the smell), he settles into a more comfortable position propped against the wall.

"What Byron says is completely correct. I wouldn't worry about that one at all, though I can certainly understand why you'd miss him." Stifling a yawn, Nollan continues, "You work for Osgood, now though, Vixtrin? I can see that being a very rewarding profession. I, in fact, have of late not found the funds to repair my armor. It's been suffering from a particularly nasty encounter it had with a guard's sword. Not as much as his face is suffering from encountering my shield after he threatened a street urchin, but still, it could use some attention. Would you be willing to take a look? I don't know how much can be done for it without tools, but it could do something to relieve your restlessness."

Vixtrin's face turns mottle red with white splotches on her cheeks, all of which contrasts with the blue spark in her eyes. The lass shoves off the wall. "'Miss' is too strong a word. More that I wouldn't want to be indebted to Lartis any more than I already am." Crossing the room to stand in front of Nollan and drawing herself up to her full height, Vixtrin eyes Nollan's armor from a five feet away. "I'm no armorer. I wouldn't be here, rotting from boredom in this office with you lot, if I had blacksmithing skills worth a fig and a proper wage to Osgood. I know my way around a weapon better. Still, you're right. You're missing a scale or two here or there in your codpiece."

Vixtrin turns away from Nollan and begins to pace the rooms of the office, using her time to do a more thorough search.

Search 22. Taking 20, with +2 Int modifier.


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"I see, 'Miss', I must have blown them out during my last bit of revelry!", Nollan expounds as he jumps up and heads for the door. "You had better learn how to except help without feeling indebted, or you're never going to make it in this kind of life. You'll find that you're constantly in need of aid, healing, advice, or good old fashioned comfort - and if you're not ready to accept it, then you'll be left without to die alone... or worse, to live."

Nollan storms out of the mine office and slams the door behind him. Outside, he quickly settles down and walks out of earshot and begins to whistle a tune, quite pleased with his speech.

Amal Shukup

First Post
[sblock=Dichotomy][SIZE=-2]OOC: I'm kinda surprised the item in question isn't hanging from dozens of seedy doorways - given the generally seedy and questionable moral character of Diamond Lake...

Or, failing that, get a glassmaker to cut some red glass (glass + selenium + cadmium sulfide or a tiny amount of gold particles) into pieces that would fit an extant lantern... But I'm not too hung up on it :) [/SIZE]

During and after the shopping, Sprout will be attempting to find out if there is any new 'word on the street' about any of the Party members, the 'found' map, or the cairn

(Gather Information = +1, Know Local = +4)[/sblock]
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To Amal and Dichotomy:
[sblock]Unsuccessful in his attempts to find a lantern, Fintan looks at Sprout and shrugs. "Well we might as well keep the day from being a total waste, let's go find a pub to play in. We can always hope that the wizard's magic can get us a red light."

Fintan proceeds to head to his usual haunts (excluding the place full of garrison folks) to see if anyone wants to hire him for the evening.

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