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[IC] Dichotomy's Age of Worms: The Whispering Cairn

Amal Shukup

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TiCaudata said:
Assuming nothing jumps out to eat us, Fintan leads (without getting more than 10 feet ahead of anyone) the group down to the lantern room.

Sprout raises an eyebrow at this, wondering if he should assert his established role as scout; but keeps his thoughts to himself, remembering how easy it was to get injured out in front. He contents himself with keeping a close eye on proceedings.

Upon reaching the sarcophagus area, Sprout muses: "Seems like we have some options... We could keep turning the sacrophagus and see what happens, we could go down that hole and see where those nasties came from, or we could resume searching the alcoves for some other way through."

Pausing... "I think we ought to go down the hole, see what's there. What d'y'all think?"

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Nollan edges toward the hole in the floor and examines the possibility of climbing down.

"I suppose it depends on what sort of shape this hole is in. I don't imagine I'll be able to do a very good impersonation of a mountaineer in this getup.

"On the other hand, it does seem wise to explore what there is before causing more trouble by moving things about. You said that some sort of... chamber appeared when the sarcophagus was first moved? Is it even possible to move it back into that position?"

Nollan scratches his head clumsily with the butt of the torch.

"Well, they must head to the same place, or close to it. Lets try to find a way down."

Nollan works with the party to get themselves down and have a look around. If the descent requires some sort of technical climing, he'll make do with the tools at hand (namely, his rope).


As you look down the hole, the shaft extends down past your torchlight. From what you can see, the side of the shaft is quite pitted and scarred. It looks like it would be fairly easily to climb, but not it's not completely safe, and you don't know how far you might fall if you slip.

Vixtrin gives Fintan a menancing smile. "Hope you don't fall." The warrior then shrugs her shoulders, pulls out a torch, and lights if off of Nollan's. "I've climbed trees with less handholds than this wall," she says confidently. Vixtrin then seems to easily climb down the shaft with the torch.

After she is down about 25 feet or so, you can tell that her light has reached the bottom. Between the lot of you, you easily have enough rope together to make a long knotted rope that will reach the bottom. With the wall to brace against, even the less confident climbers can easily reach the bottom without worry. The shaft extends 40 feet down, and then opens into a room with 20 foot high ceilings. After some time, you all make it to the bottom.

Dozens of bas-relief figures similar to the one on the sarcophagus lid in the room above stare disapprovingly from the walls here. Many sport crossed arms and stern expressions. A few of the statues' heads are missing, and some have huge chunks torn out of them. Others have a wierd melted appearance, as if they'd been sprayed by something terrible. A large glyph that looks like a stylized arrow points down a short corridor to the north that leads to a four-way intersection. Strewn about the floor are broken pieces of the floor from the collapse above.


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Fintan looks rather perplexed.

"Wait! A chamber appeared? When did THAT happen?"

"I wouldn't dream of debilitating my dear body in such a way as would demand my being drug back to our delapidated dwelling until I can be doctored back to a durable embodiment of health."

The latter comment is spoken to Vixtren after everyone has safetly reached the bottom of the chamber. Fintan then looks around at the statues to see if he can identify any causes to the missing pieces or the melted facades.

Fintan also closely examines the glyph to see if it bears any similarities to the glyph on the mirror.


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"It appears I could have been less wrong..."

Nollan keeps watch over the hall as Fintan examines the details of the wall, and attempts to puzzle out which direction might lead toward the origin of the metal cylinder the group spoke of seeing earlier.

And, if no gruesome fate befalls the heroes in this area he suggests, "Perhaps we should head toward the other areas below the room above to reveal the rest of its mysteries before heading off in another direction."


In response to Fintan's alliterative statement, Vixtrin simply stares at him with a blank look, but she says nothing.

As the bard examines the statutes, it seems probable that the melting occurred as a result of acid. Given that the swarm you fought yesterday came from here, it was likely those creatrues that did it.

The arrow-like glyph looks to be the same alphabet as both the others you have seen (on the mirror-like apparatus and the sarcophagus). Like those, Fintan also guess that this one is also a name representing a person or place. While the glyph on the apparatus was the most important or highest ranking, the glyph here seems to be more important than the one of the sarcophagus above.

As Nollan tries to figure out where the other cylinder would be in relation to this one, he guesses that, if it went straight down and to the same level as he currently stands, it would be perhaps 50 to 60 feet west and 10 to 20 feet south of your current position.


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"Come to think of it... that chamber is the only method we know of so far that the missing girl might have wandered further into the cairn. She certainly didn't come down through this hole, since it wasn't here until yesterday. Now... I fully doubt that she would have used the vessel herself... but still. Let us head west and see if we cannot find where it leads."

Nollan waits a few moments for agreement and begins down the hall to the left, though he'll allow others to scout if they wish it.


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Satisfied with his inspection of the statues, Fintan looks up at Nollan.

"The girl likely died at the snouts of wolves. It was more than long enough ago that any evidence would be long digested and disposed of. Finding the terminus of this chamber has its merits though. However that" he points at the glyph, "is reminiscent of a signpost to yet another tomb."

Fintan goes to the crossroads and looks for another glyph, if none is to be found he will go the same way as Nollan, also allowing for scouts if they wish to lead.

Amal Shukup

First Post
TiCaudata said:
Fintan goes to the crossroads and looks for another glyph, if none is to be found he will go the same way as Nollan, also allowing for scouts if they wish to lead.

Shaking off his odd malaise, Sprout perks up and resumes standard scouting mode - trying to keep about 10 feet ahead of the party, torch aloft and dagger drawn.

"I'll keep my eye out for traps and the like if you educated folk keep working on these squiggly rune things..."

(Spot +2, Search +4)

Voidrunner's Codex

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