IC [Dungeon World] The Seven Reaches


Day 6, Early Evening, Halfpoint Hall

Warris summons the power of Moradin to enchant his axe. But the dwarf doesn't seem to have the favour of his deity at the moment, feeling his displeasure during casting and then ...

Darkness ...

And in that moment one of the Imps scrambles onto Warris's back. It wraps its boney arms around your neck and squeezes for all its worth.[1]

Flames converge on Sworntree. For a moment the light flickers and dims. When the flames boil away the Light still alive - but on his knees. Sworntree's spell survives, flickering occasionally.

Ilrec suffers the flames of retribution, shrugs it off and unleashes a volley against the Imps killing two.[2] The first explodes in a shower of rose petals. The second disappears to sound of a gong being struck.

Throk evades the attention of the Imps and closes to engage. You close on one of the Imps but fail to kill it. Fortunately you are able to prevent the Imp from getting its claws into you.

Half-Jack evades the Imp's retribution and then proceeds to dispatch it back to hell. The Imp manages to get in a slashing attack before it goes, but to no effect [3]. The smell of nutmeg fills the air.

Arafel dodges keeping herself out of trouble for the moment.

The Thing that was Holtson laughs at the Shield's challenge. He jerks and twitches. He grows. Bones crunch. Spikes erupt from beneath his skin spraying blood. It hisses and splatters. The smell of sulphur hangs think on the air. Abysmal energy radiates forth from demon. The shadows in hall dance and caper in gleeful delight at your pending destruction. Howling storms of pain and desespeir assail your mind threatening to sweep away every thought. You cannot defeat a demon. You should run. Hide. Survive.[*4*]

Shaking and pale, Filip levers himself back to his feet. "My life is but my service to you Crone," he whispers and charges the thing that was Holtson and is now not.

The five Imps that immolated Sworntree, sensing an easy kill, charge the stricken halfling.

What do you do?

[1] Warris - Before anything else, Roll+[choose one physical attribute - explain how you do it]. 10+ You break the Imp's strangle hold. 7-9 You break the Imps strangle hold but choose one: Take 1d6 damage as the Imp gouges your face (ignores armour) OR Lose your grip on your weapon which is kicked away in the scuffle. 6- You fail to break the Imps hold. Take 1d6 suffocation damage. Go back to square one.

[2] Ilrec - Sure. But lets say to do so you have to Put Yourself in Danger to do so. Before anything else: DD Roll+Dex - 10+ Sweet moves. 7-9 You step into the reach of an Imp. Take 1d6 damage (melee). 6- Take 1d6 melee damage plus the Imp clamps his jaws on your bow. Before you do anything you have to get the Imp to let go.

[3] Half-Jack - Damage 2 - 2 Armour = 0.

[*4*] Everyone - DD Roll+Wis. If you hold to a Lawful or Good deity you may Take +1.
10+ You steel your mind and swing back into action.
7-9 You survive the onslaught, but it takes its toll leaving you drained. Take -1 forward on your next three attribute rolls. If you took +1 from your faith, you now take -2 forward instead.
6- Despair overcomes you. Take one debility (your choice). If you flee the hall now you can roll again once outside. Otherwise you have to wait until someone Aides you before you can make roll again. Until you make this roll again you can do nothing (except flee).

Status Summary
Arafel: -
Half-Jack: Wounds 4+0
Ilrec: Mark Ammo 1+1, Wounds 3
Throk: Wounds 4. Mark XP 1.
Warris: Mark XP 1.

3 Imps killed. 9 Surviving (2 wounded).

Imp: Horde, Planar, Intelligent, Organized
Flame gout (d6 damage, ignores armour) 7 HP, 1 Armour
Close, Near, Far.

Demon of Many Barbed Spikes
Solitary, Large, Planar, Terrifying
Spines (d10+3 damage, 3 piercing) 16 HP, 3 Armour
Close, Reach, Messy[/sblock]

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First Post
Arafel goggles as the infiltrator reveals his true form, and primal terror explodes into her. For all her posturing and smug attitude, she is barely more than an apprentice; a novice in the arts of her people. It was never meant to come to this! It was one thing to snipe goblins from their dogs with bursts of magic, but this?

Panic robbing her arms of strength, she can barely lift her wand...there is no choice but to flee!

(Sorry guys! :()

Wisdom: 2D6+1 = [3, 1]+1 = 5

(Arafel gets outta dodge. Lets face it, her magic missile spell wasn't super impressive anyway. :))


Half-Jack & Rat

Half-Jack felt uncertainty and doubt like a cold spike driven through his heart. It took his breath away and he stood frozen for what felt like hours. He felt cold fingers race up his spine. No, just Rat, climbing up to his shoulder where the creature squeeked angrily and bit down on Jack's ear. Jack shook himself and stared down at the dagger glinting in his left hand and the needle-sharp short sword in his right.


Jack dove forward, racing the imps to Sworntree. Rolling to his feet he stood, blades in hand, between Sworntree and the imps.

[sblock=OOC]Half-Jack's Statistics

WIS: 2D6-1 = [6, 6]-1 = 11 Wow, perfect timing for the perfect roll.
Defend Sworntree: 2D6+1 = [5, 3]+1 = 9 Not as good as I would have liked. Nevertheless, Jack will redirect an attack from the halfling to himself.



Ilrec avoids the imps' attacks, but must mentally overcome the onslaught before him. The elf keeps his wits about him, but the sight is enough to throw off his next arrow shot, which flies well wide of the target.

[sblock=Moves & Etc]First, the Defy Danger roll...
Defy Danger: 2D6+2 = [5, 3]+2 = 10 - looks like Sweet Moves
Next, the WIS roll...
Defy Danger: 2D6+2 = [6, 6]+2 = 14 - nothing to worry about there, either
Luckily, these are Ilrec's best stats!
Volley against the imps...
Volley: 2D6+2 = [1, 1]+2 = 4 - looks like some xp is coming Ilrec's way![/sblock]



Seven Reaches/Western Valley/Halfpoint
Day 6/Late Afternoon

Warris swore in frustration as the lights went out. And here he didn’t have his Light spell anymore! Then he felt the imp scrabbling up his back, strong, bony hands wrapping around his throat. Warris choked, reaching up to grab the spindly arm and try to break free. He managed to wrench the imp off just as the demon emerged fully.

The fear of the creature is enough to shake the dwarf, despite his calls for Moradin’s succor. The dwarf stumbles back. He hears Arafel’s scream of terror and Half-Jack’s cry of defiance. Warris tries to muster up his courage, swinging the imp he still held around to bash with his warhammer, Snort charging in to aid him.

Warris’ hammer struck the imp a mighty blow, but not before it clawed at him, though little got through the dwarf’s chainmail.

Strength to break free: 2D6+1 = [6, 3]+1 = 10
Demon fear: 2D6+4 = [3, 2]+4 = 9
Attack imp: 2D6-1 = [5, 3]-1 = 7
Damage: 1D6+3 = [4]+3 = 7
Imp damage: 1D6 = [4] = 4

-1 spellcasting (maintaining Magic Weapon)
-1 spellcasting (distance)
-2 next on next 2 rolls.

[sblock=Warris Stats]
Warris Ironfoot

ARMOUR 3 (Chainmail 1, Shield 1, Boar 1)
XP earned (bad rolls): 1



Day 6, Early Evening, Halfpoint Hall

Arafel is not alone. Several of the halflings at the door also flee outside running into the arms of a small number confused and bewildered halflings heading to the hall for the nights duty. Beyond the demon malign influence, the maelstrom that are your thoughts begins to subside enough that you can try and re-gather yourself. [1]

From outside the hall it is impossible to see into the preternatural darkness within. But the waves of abysmal energy radiating out from within are almost physical. Around a dozen halflings mill around area outside the hall. Fletcher and Newstone are outside as well, stricken with terror, pale and shaking.

Throk manages to resist the overwhelming terror that assails him. You push forward to defend the brave Filip but stumble against a bench in the gloom. Your two-handed sword skitters across the floor only to be grabbed by an Imp which begins awkwardly trying to climb up to the roof. Are you going to try and recover it, or face the demon without it? Of course you still have your dagger.

Filip rushes towards the demon. The creature now stands near seven feet tall. Its arms reach nearly to its knees, and its claws scape the ground. Before Filip can even get close it lashes out its wicked claws shredding armour and flesh. The Shield of the Crone is sent crashing back against the table. The demon steps forward, claws raised. "We are all going to hell little one!"

Half-Jack is pulled back from the edge by his tiny companion. Gathering yourself you leap forward to defend Sworntree from the Imps with your dagger and needle sharp short sword. [2]

Behind Halk-Jack Sworntree whispers words of power through burnt and cracked lips. Half-Jack feels the blessing of the Couple guiding his hand and strengthening his arm. [3]

Half-Jack is not alone in seeing the danger. If the light goes out ... Earthwood and Rolff spring forward to protect Sworntree. [4]

Ilrec casually sidesteps the Imp's counter attack. He strings another arrow but, weakened by the flames, the bowstring snaps. [5]

Warris breaks the Imps grip, hurling it away. After clawing free from the demons malign influence the servant of Moradin sends the aforementioned Imp back to hell with a mighty blow. It disappears with an explosion of toads that splatter against the walls and floors with a series of wet splotching noises.

What do you do?

[1] What do you take the debility on? As for the next attemp to recover, as per the previous resist terror roll (Roll+Wis) but:
6- You re-gather yourself. Not without a cost however. Take another debility. But you cannot bring yourself to re-enter the hall until something happens to inspire you overcome your fear. Tell me what it is.
[2] Umm. Hack and Slash vs 5 Imps (Damage 1d6+4, melee). See 3 and 4 below
[3] Sworntree Cast Bless on Half-Jack, +1 Ongoing during the battle (as long as Sworntree lives to sustain the spell)
[4] Halflings and Rolff (Skill 3 each). GlassEye - you may burn a skill point to add either +1 to your move roll OR 1d4+1 damage. Once their skill is reduced zero, they are removed from fight.
[5] Mark one adventuring gear if you choose to replace. DD+DEX to do so while avoiding being attacked by an Imp (1d6 flames, ignore armour).

But before you do anything else, if you are in the hall:
Roll 1d6. On a 6: DD Roll+DEX to avoid a gout of flame
10+ Sweet footwork. Over to you.
7-9 Take 1d6 damage (ignore armour) OR Take -1 forward on you next roll.
6- Take 1d6 damage (ignores armour). Forget what you were about to try, now you have deal with the Imp that has leapt onto your back an is trying to claw your eyes out.

Status Summary
Arafel: Mark XP 1. Debility on?
Half-Jack: Wounds 4+0
Ilrec: Mark Ammo 1+1, Wounds 3, Mark XP 1.
Throk: Wounds 4. Mark XP 1+1. Take -1 for next 2 rolls (I'll count the Defend move as your first of the three).
Warris: Mark XP 1. Wounds 1.

4 Imps killed. 8 Surviving (2 wounded).

Imp: Horde, Planar, Intelligent, Organized
Flame gout (d6 damage, ignores armour) 7 HP, 1 Armour
Close, Near, Far.

Demon of Many Barbed Spikes
Solitary, Large, Planar, Terrifying
Spines (d10+3 damage, 3 piercing) 16 HP 3 Armour
Close, Reach, Messy[/sblock]



Seven Reaches/Western Valley/Halfpoint
Day 6/Late Afternoon

Clear of the imps, Warris saw the halfling paladin nearly go down. He and Snort charged in at the massive demon, swinging his warhammer. His blow struck solidly, but the rush left his shield out of position and the demon struck back.

Warris placed himself standing over Sworntree’s prone body, shield ready.

Does an imp attack?: 1D6 = [1] = 1
So I’m safe from that.
Hack and slash Demon: Attack demon: 2D6-1 = [6, 2]-1 = 7
Attack from demon: 1D6+1D4+3 = [4]+[2]+3 = 9
Attack from demon: 1D10+3 = [1]+3 = 4
Defend Sworntree: 2D6-1 = [1, 6]-1 = 6
And that will be another XP as my defense fails.

-1 spellcasting (maintaining Magic Weapon)
-1 spellcasting (distance)

[sblock=Warris Stats]
Warris Ironfoot

ARMOUR 3 (Chainmail 1, Shield 1, Boar 1)
XP earned (bad rolls): 2



First Post
Throk yells to the the imp "No ye don't, I'm needin' tha' right now ye damned devil!" and chases after the imp, managing to dodge all the other imps' attacks and catch the bastard. He grabs his greatsword from the little Devil's clutches, and readies himself to assist the halfling.

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First Post
Once outside, Arafel pauses just outside the door. Her companions. Her friends. Her pride. Are these things not worth fighting for?

Were they worth dying for?

She draws a deep breath, fighting her instincts. Trying to think clearly.

If she fled, she would live...but could she live with herself, knowing she'd left them to die? Whether or not they DID die was not relevant.

Arafel let her breath out. So be it. She would stand or fall, here, with those she'd chosen to share the fate of.

Wisdom to gather herself!: 2D6+1 = [4, 5]+1 = 10

(Not sure if she still gets an action!)

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