• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 5E (IC) Fitz's Folly


Qawasha said, "The undead menace that plagues the interior comes in many forms. If this Soulmonger is the cause, then I welcome its destruction. So much so, that if you will pledge to destroy it, I will waive my fee and guide you as best I can so long as Weed and I are fed and treated with respect."

Weed sqeaked his agreement.

Qawasha added, "Perhaps we should take the south path after all, and see if we can capture an undead and find any evidence of this 'Soulmonger'. Not that I doubt your word."

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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Miss Imogen stands at the ready. Her bag lies at her feet, and she leans upon an unstrung bow. She is prepared for whichever direction is chosen. It appears her words have swayed some.


Dusty Dragon
Rodrigo looked at the waterfall, rubbing his chin.

"I think that settles it. We won't look for trouble... but if it comes to us, we may learn more from the undead than some jungle goblins."

He made sure that his blades were in the best position for quick draw. "Let's cache this spare canoe and carry our stuff"


"There is much that can be learned from any creature who speaks, but the undead are abhorrent and should be destroyed at every opportunity. This said, I fear that the Soulmonger may gain it's energy from each death which occurs in it's area. I would rather not speed it's progress along any more than necessary. South is my vote."

Harb seemed uncharacteristically passiinate as he spoke about the undead and Soulmonger. After a moment, he seemed to realize his lapse and schooled his features before continuing.

"I would be pleased to scout our path as seems prudent."

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
"It seems it is decided," states Miss Imogen to Qawasha. "Lead us on, as you would have us travel." It is not for her to decide if they portage the canoe up the falls; the guide knows what awaits them above.

She seats herself on a nearby rock, tightens her bootlaces, and again picks up her bow. With a single clean gesture, well practiced with years of work, she strings her bow, her knee serving as a fulcrum to bend it as needed, the sinew and wood bonded together to create her tools.

She stands, and shoulders her pack and quiver. "I am ready to proceed. Let us make a good journey of this."


OOC: We are getting back in the canoe after we get to the top of the falls correct?

Dellrak nodded when he saw everyone resolved and ready. He made sure the axe was lose enough to draw quickly off his back and had the rest of his gear (and the extra camping equipment), stowed in the canoe, and went to the rear and readied himself to carry it once more.

OOC: Put Harb 50' ahead and hidden. Front defense is Miss Imogen, Weed, and Qawasha. With Dellrak and Chrysagon carrying the boats, and Rodrigo watching the rear.

If second boat is empty can Dellrak attach a rope to it and then lop the rope over his shoulders to drag it along behind him?

Does marching order sound good?


The group stowed their second canoe out of sight at the base of the falls and carried the other up the steep slope along a trail that led them into some thick jungle. Harb moved off ahead a ways to keep an eye out for danger. Indeed, it didn't take him long to find some: Half an hour into the climb, he could see the trees moving and hear the leaves scraping against each other; A hundred feet away from his position, something very large was moving through the dense foliage.

OOC: Perception & Stealth might be useful from Harb. Everyone else is still 50 or 60 feet back.

To answer EB's eariler question: No, there's no dragging a canoe over long distances. The idea of putting two 10-foot poles through is good, if you want four people to carry it. Would take a wider trail, though. A strong person front-and-back works best, though.


From Harb's position, he was well hidden, but he could not make out what was moving through the jungle. He could, however, return and warn the others. Or he could slip through the jungle and try to get a closer look.

Voidrunner's Codex

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