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[IC] JM's A Bit of Trouble (Book 2)


Everett stood tall and eye'd the conflict as the panic began to ensue. "Please excuse me, I must protect the people." he says. He wiggles his fingers and mutters something arcane and wills into existence a raging bonfire to ward off the bear from pursuing the fleeing civilians.

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Veit moves quickly but cautiously as he approaches the bear, looking for ways to either funnel it out of the town, or at least move it away from the public as they tried to contain it.

Shouting back over his shoulder he response to Bree, “I agree, we need to take it alive if possible.”
Veit will move 30 feet in the direction of the bear and would also like to deal non-lethal damage.

Veit is examining looking at the bear and situation don’t know if you would want perception or investigation so I’ll include both
Veit investigation: 1D20 = [4] = 4

Veit perception: 1D20+3 = [14]+3 = 17


The bonfire stops the bear from moving away from you. One of the "guards" pokes at the bear with the butt end of a spear. He seems to be trying to lead the bear back to the cart. The cart with the cage on it 20 feet away from the bear. It just has straw on the bottom of it.

GM: Veit, as you get closer, you can tell the bear is probably not treated as well as you would like by its captures. Not that it is treated poorly. But it has a few mangy spots on its fur and they are probably overfeeding it.
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Perin Wolfrider

"Don't do that, you'll make him angry!"Perin calls to the guard poking the bear. He then moves closer to use his affinity with animals to "persuade" the bear to move.

Animal Handling: 1D20+4 = [15]+4 = 19

[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]
AC: 15
Initiative: +2
HP: 12

ShortSword: +4 5ft 1d6(+2) Finesse Light
Crossbow: +4 80/320 1d8+2[/SBLOCK]

The bites at the half-elf but misses widely.
The bear swats with its large paws at the guard who poked it. The first paw just misses but the second one connects sending the bloody man's body flying. He is not likely to live to see morning.

The small halfling carefully approaches the large beast with soothing words. The beast seems to calm a bit at first but instead roars at the halfling, turns, and run off away from Perin but the bonfire causes it to turn and head toward the cart.

GM: Missed it by one, Perin. The guard that was pawed is bleeding out.
The bear is now 10 feet further away from Veit. Valeria can take an AoO if desired.

Also, CG, did you mean to attack normally before or to subdue?

New round, party is first


OOC: Meant to say sorry for the delay in posting, I seem to have forgotten I was in this game.

I didn't think that there was subdual damage in 5e as 0HP only means you are unconscious.

Anyway, has the bear killed anyone yet?

I didn't think that there was subdual damage in 5e as 0HP only means you are unconscious.
Instant death can happen with normal attacks, probably not attacks made by 1st level characters, but if you take damage in excess of your normal hp maximum, you die.

Knocking a creature out is explained on page 198 of the PHB. There's no penalty associated. You just say you are attacking to knock the creature out and if they hit 0 hp, they are unconscious and automatically stable.
Anyway, has the bear killed anyone yet?
There is the first guard that was described as injured. And at the end of the 1st round the bear really whacked the guard who poked him with a stick. His body is lying on the ground at a funny angle. (He took 14 hp of damage from a single claw attack and he is not an adventurer.)


First Post
OOC: How close are we to the edge of town? Would it be feasible to shoo it out?

Bree isn't going to help give it back to these people. She'd like to free it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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