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[IC] JM's A Bit of Trouble (Book 2)

Maran flinches at name before she can slip away. "They have her Everett," she enunciates each word with a heavy gravity. "You are going to the east to stop the lizardfolk, aren't you? I don't have to tell you to find her." Tears start to well up in her eyes but she holds them back and her final words are but a whisper. "I know you will."

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"I'll do more than that." He says through gritted teeth. He begins chanting I'm the arcane and after a few minutes he removes his cloak and tosses it on the shoulders of an unseen servant. "Help them." He says in elvish. Immediately the servant moves to carry out the order. He stands and watches in silence.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Brother Pelegon nods.

”Stopping a big lizardfolk from ransacking more villages, right.”

He seems unconvinced. ”There’s more to it, I’m sure. But we won’t know what unless we seek out that lord.”

Then seemingly realizing he was being too serious for appearing so drunk, Pelegon hiccups then smiles broadly, showing remarkably white teeth for only an instant.

”I need a drink, not a rest!”

An exaggerated wink towards Perin follows.


Swithun oberved the others silently, when they were done he said, "To my people, this Lizardfolk is guilty of the High Crime of Slavery - of robbing others of their right to freedom. The punishment is always death. I hold no anger for him, but I will carry out the sentence if I must."

OOC: If no one objects, Swithun will loosen the ropes, throw a loop over the head of the lizardfolk (still tied to the tree). When he is satisfied that it is properly looped around the lizardfolk's neck, he will bow to him, say a few words in centaur ("may your soul run free") and then turn and charge as fast and hard as he can away, with the rope tied around his waist. Like a side-ways hanging.

After dispatching the lizardfolk mage, the villagers are ready to bid the party a farewell. Armed and provisioned on their two carts, the villagers start walking to East End around noon. Before they leave, one of them hands the party a pair of potions they found in the main tent. Zadolix and Valdral will accompany them back to civilization.

The party takes some time to rest and relax after a couple days of near constant action.

OOC: I figured it didn't matter who killed the prisoner. And we can just move the story forward.

I know Perin wants to do a ritual for his animal companion.

Everett might want to spend time copying some spells [post="7595665"]found in this book[/post] into his own spell book. There is appropiate paper and ink in the tent where the book was found for doing the copying.

Not sure what anyone else wants to do. So the PCs should discuss this.

The potions are two potions of greater healing.


Drake approaches the group. He looks at the Dragonborn, and is slightly self conscious being around another dragon kin, but tries to hide it as best he can.

“I understand you all have been dealing with the threat. I would like to help. I have some magic to me, and know my way around a fight.”

With a glance at the Dragonborn’s color, very aware of the red scales on his back and shoulders, he adds, “If you’ll have me.”


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Brother Pelegon laughs for a moment, a jovial laugh ending in a somewhat cynical tone.

"We're all caught up in this, whether we want it or not," he says as if it's obvious. "There is Destiny at work here, moving the pieces. We'd best move where it wants us to move, and we'd best do so together!"

Then, just above his breath, he adds, "That's what Bob told me."

OOC: Edit: Pelegon will sit and rest along with everyone else during that rest. Sure, he sits crosslegged like he's about to meditate, but he's hunched over and snoring loudly. :)



"Well, we could all use a rest. and I would like to try and quite the wolves hunger for human blood and return them to the wild as they should be. Perhaps in the morning?"


Surina nods, "As much as I hate to leave the farm and townsfolk in their hands one minute longer, I think we all need the rest to take on this Ariamhodary and his forces."
OOC: Surina will gladly take a turn a watch, she's not picky about when.

Voidrunner's Codex

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