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[IC] JM's A Bit of Trouble (Book 2)


“Justice is a word that makes people feel better about killing someone they don’t like,” the young fire eater said. “I’ve travelled quite a bit, and everyone’s idea of what constitutes ‘Justice’ is slightly different. In the end, it’s just a way for the weaker masses to secure their safety, by culling any individual that threatens it. Only they give it a fancy name and act self righteous about it.”

He points at the lizards. “Their kind has declared war. If you want to give them a chance to eat you first, then be my guest.” He pulls out a flask of oil. “In the meantime, I’ll be prepared to roast them when they decide they like well marinated monks.”

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Surina looks at Brother Pelegon when he asks the question. Like Drake, she burned with rage at what the lizardfolk had done in town and at the camp. But Brother Pelegon was right. "I agree with Brother Pelegon," she said. "We can't be certain that these lizardfolk are in league with the ones who captured and tortured the townsfolk. Slaughtering them simply because they are lizardfolk, without knowing if they themselves have done evil, is wrong. If we try to follow them, we may learn more." Looking at Drake she adds "After all, if a dragon attacked a town you and I were in, would it be just or right for the townsfolk to attack you--or me--because we too have dragon blood? If they claimed 'our kind' had declared war against the town would they be right?"


the magical equivalent to the number zero
A small smile appears on Pelegon's face as Surina firmly places herself in his corner. But he doubts Drake and the centaur are easily swayed, so he turns to Perin and Everett, who have not committed to either point of view yet.

"And what about you guys?"


Surina looks at Brother Pelegon when he asks the question. Like Drake, she burned with rage at what the lizardfolk had done in town and at the camp. But Brother Pelegon was right. "I agree with Brother Pelegon," she said. "We can't be certain that these lizardfolk are in league with the ones who captured and tortured the townsfolk. Slaughtering them simply because they are lizardfolk, without knowing if they themselves have done evil, is wrong. If we try to follow them, we may learn more." Looking at Drake she adds "After all, if a dragon attacked a town you and I were in, would it be just or right for the townsfolk to attack you--or me--because we too have dragon blood? If they claimed 'our kind' had declared war against the town would they be right?"

Drake’s eyes smoldered. “They’ve tried. They’ve failed.”


Swithun stood silently. He agreed with Drake - this was War, and had entirely nothing to do with justice, however one defined it. He felt that Saurina's logic was flawed - where only a fool would confuse her and Drake for a dragon, there was no reason to think that these lizardfolk were innocent neighbours of the ones that had caused so much trouble. They were far more likely to be a hunting party that scouted for food for a larger army.

However, he did not consider himself to be any kind of leader and did not think that discussing moral philosophy was at all the best current course of action. He simply waited for a decision to be made and he would go along with whatever was decided.


Perin listened to the back and forth among the others. When Pelegon offered a pause to hear the others Perin spoke as Swithun nodded, "It sounds to me like the lizardmen are intent on war. It is hard to seek justice in war as both sides become a great machine set on breaking the other and many who not be enemies are forced to be such.

We need to be careful lest we lose ourselves to passion. This party may be simple hunters, but they could be part of the machine - they supply food and they will report our actions to our detriment. None of this justifies murdering them for being lizardmen, but if it comes to a fight we must be ruthless.

We know there are some lizardmen who would see us subjugated, but we do not know the extent of that feeling. I am reluctant to attack without provocation until we have a clearer understanding of the threat we face. Once we are sure there are no lizardmen who would not do us harm then we can justify attacking hunters, but I feel that attacking these hunters now would make us as bad as what we fear the lizardmen to be."


"Do not ask me such questions. My answer will only bring tension to our relationships. Suffice it to say that I have been wronged deeply and would just as quickly reduce them to ashes as you would greet a friend."


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Brother Pelegon nods, trying to be respectful of Perin's reluctance to speak out one way or another, hard as he finds it.

"So we'll just follow them and as soon as you guys see them act in suspicious ways, we'll kill them," he says somewhat sarcastically, but the monk starts following the hunters despite his tone. Several times he nearly steps on a dry leaf or twig, but every time he just misses it, and the seemingly inebriated aasimar manages to move rather silently.

OOC: Stealth check: [roll0]

GM: Everyone make a stealth check. Also, how much distance to you want to leave between you and the hunting party? The swamp is dense enough that with average stealth (DC 10) you could remain hidden from baseline lizardfolk if you were 60+ feet behind them. If they hunting party becomes suspicious, 100 feet is a better distance.


OOC: Stealthy-Types should maintain 60', I think, while noisier folk can stay back.

As it was decided, Swithun moved to follow the lizardfolk.


Voidrunner's Codex

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