[IC] M&M 2nd: Gotham Squires


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"Thanks for the heads-up," Brick says into his phone, turning to give an encouraging smile to the others. "I'm good for now. Might want some more intel on these folks when they aren't just a few feet away. Later."

He hangs up the phone and returns to his recent fighting colleagues.

"Got a tip that there might be another ally nearby. Anyone fancy a look on the roof?"

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Octavia replies, "I suppose I can fancy. Apparently I am not needed to deal with the trash. Doctor, shouldn't you be examining the device these fools were looking at? Maybe we should search around inside as well."

The Angel winks into invisibility and goes to take a look.

<<Taking 10 on Stealth for 26>>

[sblock=Mini Stats]Init: +20 Def: +10 (0 ff) Tough: +8 (5 Impervious)
Fort: +5 Ref: +14 Will: +13
Attack: Ring: +12 Chain: +14[/sblock]___________________________________________

Fallen Angel

Voda Vosa

First Post
"A capital suggestion: You and Crrucible follow ourr new frriend to the rroof, and I'll rremain herre making science!" says the doctor. He'll attempt to recognize the device and it's purpose.

OOC: Taking 20 in anything you need me to roll.


Octavia thinks wryly and more than a little irksome, How many people do they think we need to take a look around? One invisible angel should be enough and completely unnoticed. Whoever is out here will surely see Crucible flying around so any surprise is now gone. If that Brick fellow follows it won't even matter at this point.

Being invisible, the angel keeps her distance from Crucible, and Brick too if he followed them outside. She looks for any reactions to their presence

<<Taking 10's: Stealth for 26; Notice for 27>>
[sblock=OOC]I think Octavia's the scout and Crucible is the bodyguard for the Doctor, I figure we both didn't need to go look outside. Not sure if Brick was actually going outside either since his actions were not posted, only his conversation words.[/sblock]
[sblock=Mini Stats]Init: +20 Def: +10 (0 ff) Tough: +8 (5 Impervious)
Fort: +5 Ref: +14 Will: +13
Attack: Ring: +12 Chain: +14[/sblock]___________________________________________

Fallen Angel
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Walking Dad

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Suddenly, a dark clad hero appears on the roof of the other warehouse, waving you to come up. At this distance, you cannot discern, if he has noticed all of you, or only Brick and Crucible.

[sblock= The hero]



First Post

Once he catches sight of the contact, Brick makes a powered leap to the roof.

"Oracle sent you?" he asks.

[sblock=OOC]I recognize him as Nightwing, but not sure if Brick would? A fair number of the Bat characters keep even their hero identity a bit secret.[/sblock]


Looking at the newcomer from across the alley on top of the building, she gives him the onceover. "Cute costume."

As Brick jumps up to talk to him, she returns back to the doctor and gives him a brief description of the man and his costume.


Octavia thinks to herself, Who is this one? Looks like one of those vigilante heroes that tend to be troublesome. Hmm, Brick was apparently expecting him and Crucible is protecting the Doctor. Very well, I will stay and observe.

Being invisible, the angel flies around behind the newcomer and gets closer to overhear the conversation.

<<Taking 10's: Stealth for 26>>
[sblock=Mini Stats]Init: +20 Def: +10 (0 ff) Tough: +8 (5 Impervious)
Fort: +5 Ref: +14 Will: +13
Attack: Ring: +12 Chain: +14[/sblock]___________________________________________

Fallen Angel

Voda Vosa

First Post
Kaltzov has finished inspected the device when Crucible appears and informs him of the newcomer. "Interresting, so you say he's drressed in black, with a cyan eagle in the chest, and pretty boy's face... And no cape? What kind of herro doesn't use a cape? I guess I'll have to go to the roof don't I?"
With that the good doctor walks out and searches a ladder up.

OOC: I think Kaltzov can take 10 with some of these skills and make something up of the machine Shadow was protecting.
Computers: +16
Investigate +15
Knowledge Tech: +15
Craft Tech: +20
Search: +12

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