[IC] M&M 2nd: Gotham Squires


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"You will get information regarding known SHADOW operations in this area as well as activities of the local crime scene. Also you will gain access to some buildings that require special permission. And Chaos, I don't trust you. If someone else would have made the calls and if we wouldn't a bit short of manpower, I wouldn't give you the chance." Nightwing says before firing his grappling hook and disappearing into the night...

"I gotta get me one of those things," Brick says as Nightwing makes use of his grappling hook to travel out of sight. At the sound of sirens, though, he shakes himself out of his reverie.

"Well, we aren't working for the cops yet," Brick says. "So I suggest we make ourselves scarce. Meeting's tomorrow at midnight on the roof of the Gotham Police Department. Try not to get into any more trouble between then and now?" he adds the last with a wink, then leaps off the building in the direction of his motorcycle.

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Voda Vosa

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"Ah, annoying as usual. I wonderr when these vigilantes will actually say something orriginal and not overr clichéd." Chaos says as Nightwing took off.
"Well I think we'll use my teleporrting devices to move arround. Ladies, place come and place yourr hands overr me." After a wink, Kaltzov waits for the two women and then, starts teleporting away, to the nearest hotel, to take a couple of rooms to rest until the next day.


Octavia drops her invisibility after Nightwing and Brick depart. She nods knowingly at the Doctor's remarks about vigilante's and takes the offered hand.

<<Push the button. :) >>

[sblock=Mini Stats]Init: +20 Def: +10 (0 ff) Tough: +8 (5 Impervious)
Fort: +5 Ref: +14 Will: +13
Attack: Ring: +12 Chain: +14[/sblock]___________________________________________

Fallen Angel

Walking Dad

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Chapter 3
Precarious Alliance

The batsignal on the roof is lighted up throwing the bright batsignal at the cloudy sky. In the light rain, you can see five people on the roof, waiting for the arrival of the 'heroes'.

ooc: This assumes you don't come early. How do you want to enter the roof?
Padreigh, I don't need an answer from you, but stay ready. Your character is one of the waiting persons.


Octavia reflects on her examination of the Gotham nightclub scene the previous evening, These people have an interesting fascination with their mating rituals. However watching the bodies writhing and gyrating in the night club stirred up sexual desires I had thought buried. Maybe it was the music or this city.

Never the less, she was waiting at the arranged pre-meeting place the Doctor had set for her and Crucible. Having seen a different color on some of the women the previous night, she kills some time repainting her nails again. This time trying a purple shade, holding her hand up to examine her work while waiting for the color to dry.

<<OOC: Octavia will go along with whatever the Doctor has planned, scouting the meeting place ahead of time while invisible if desired. But expressing no need to do so if the Doctor doesn't request it.>>
[sblock=Mini Stats]Init: +20 Def: +10 (0 ff) Tough: +8 (5 Impervious)
Fort: +5 Ref: +14 Will: +13
Attack: Ring: +12 Chain: +14[/sblock]___________________________________________

Fallen Angel

Voda Vosa

First Post
Having planned all possible outcomes of this "meeting", Chaos had elaborated a complicated, although efficient plan, if the heroes would turn against him. He wanted Crucible and Octavia to reach the roof flying, while he used the elevator. That way, if the vigilantes wanted something else than cheep chatting, they'll be caught on cross fire. Of course, the fact that Octavia could remain invisible was an advantage Kaltzov made extensive use of, so he asked her to remain that way until the so called heroes exposed their true intentions.
As he walks the last steps and opened the door, Dr. Chaos, with a smile on his beardy face, said in his accented english.
"Well, I can't see the bat herre; strrange, he usually doesn't miss a date"

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