[IC] M&M 2nd: Gotham Squires

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Walking Dad

First Post
Not caring one bit what Nightwing thinks, she looks up and suggests, "But rather than attacking either of SHADOW's victims, just let them eliminate these other scum and follow them back to their lair afterward."

"You should intercept if innocents are threatened and if they start killing anyone. They might be scum, but they are still Americans and have certain rights!" Nightwing says, getting a weird look by the agents.

OOC: Sorry if this becomes comedic, but just thought of an old Batman movie... And after all, this is the man who spent his youth fighting crime in his underwear...

Walking Dad

First Post
"It's a nightclub owned by the Penguin. Many criminals are using it for meetings."


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Voda Vosa

First Post
"Perrhaps. Split up would seem unwise, although it could get us quite coverred in the prrobabilities deparrtment. I can teleporrt me and a grroup to the otherr team, but I do not know what capabilities you have. Explain to me, it is vital for a good planing to know with what kind of materrial arre we worrking with." Hands in his back, Chaos awaits for the information.


First Post
"You should intercept if innocents are threatened and if they start killing anyone. They might be scum, but they are still Americans and have certain rights!" Nightwing says, getting a weird look by the agents.

Schmidt also looks at Nightwing rather weirdly. "Right ... due process and such. So we should also not hurt the Shadow guys. They might be Americans as well, no?"

Walking Dad

First Post
"Perrhaps. Split up would seem unwise, although it could get us quite coverred in the prrobabilities deparrtment. I can teleporrt me and a grroup to the otherr team, but I do not know what capabilities you have. Explain to me, it is vital for a good planing to know with what kind of materrial arre we worrking with." Hands in his back, Chaos awaits for the information.
"Maybe you shouldn't talk about this on a roof in the rain. Where do you stay in Gotham, Chaos?"

Schmidt also looks at Nightwing rather weirdly. "Right ... due process and such. So we should also not hurt the Shadow guys. They might be Americans as well, no?"
"You can hurt them, but don't kill them!"

Voda Vosa

First Post
Chaos Shield appears to be good at stopping the rain, as he is well dry. "In a motel, lousy and cheep." states Chaos, looking down at his gloved hand, frowning at some dirt he hastily removes. "Why? Do you expected my to have a huge laborratorry full of trrinkets and devices? I had, some of your herro comrrades blew it to rubble." he barks, remembering the events at his former facilities. More calmed, he ads "Don't you have a hideout orr something? And why is not the Bat arround?"

Walking Dad

First Post
"That doesn't has to concern you. So, I will call this meeting finished. Brick knows how to contact us."
Nightwing simply says, trying to avoid this subject.


First Post
"Fine. How about going to a pub or something? We can just sit down, have a chat about what we can do and agree what to do next ..."

Schmidt pauses and then looks at the assembled "heroes".

"Any suggestions?"
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Walking Dad

First Post
ooc: Actually, I think they are all wearing their 'no-costumes' (not sure about Crucible). I know a nice pub in the Irish quarter... 'Noonan's'.

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