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[ic] nameless I: prologue


Although the wind holds a hint of the coming chill of winter, the afternoon sun is warm. All that needs to be done has been done. So there is nothing for it but to enjoy it.

"All right for some," mutters Cromwell as he watchs some of his peers goof around beside the river.


"Its a knight. A real live one I tell you. He has armour an'all."

The responses are predictably sceptical. Knights don't come to the back end of nowhere. Anyway, no one of interest has passed the town since the gyptians a few week ago.

"He's down by the three falls. I was setting some snares. Come and look for yourself if you don't believe me."

Which, as no one does, and you don't have much else to do, you do. Along the way the story is told a couple more times and by the time you hit the cool shade of the forest, there are eight of you.

And you are wrong. Its the dogs that first alert you. Raised hackles and low growls tell you that there is something. Lucky for you that the you had the dogs. There is a knight. At least, there is a man, and he has armour, and a sword, and he is using both to protect himself from the half dozen or so goblins that circle warily around him. They have armour an'all too. Morningstars and shields. Some even have javlins. Some lie still on the ground. But you don't hear anything until you are almost upon the sunken clearing, cos that is all they are doing. Those that are standing. 100 ft from where you crouch. Circling and staring.

He looks pretty scruffy for a knight. His armour is tarnished and battered. And crusty with dark stains. He moves slowly too. Like a drunk man. Then one of the goblins attacks, throwing his javlin. The knight whirls around and knocks it down with his shield, and carves a bloody wound across the goblin that had leapt in close to strike the knight from behind. The other goblins fall back and the circling begins again.

"I could hit them easy from this range."

And before you can do anything, there is a yelp as one of goblins sprouts a feathered shaft from his leg. Goblin eyes swing around to scan the forest, the knight surges forwards, a goblin head comes from his shoulders, and there is panic in both groups as the goblins scramble backwards to get beyond the knight's reach, and you to get out of sight. But someone loses their footing and slips down the slope, a flailing hand pulling another down with them. One of the goblins yells and waves his arm twice. Two of the goblins break off, loping towards Jimni, his bow still in hand, and Oscar both sprawled at the edge of the clearing.

But you at the top have your own problems. Goblins, two, three, break cover barely 50 ft from your left and right, and bound through the trees toward you.

Before you can move, before you have begun to take in whats happening, Lisa is on her feet and, staff in hand, half running, half sliding down the slope. Maretta meanwhile, pulls outs her sling and prepares it.
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ooc: The goblins go first. The logic of the story kind of dictated that. Each goblin closing on you has taken one Mv Action. They will take their other action in the initiative sequence. (the two girls kicked everyones butts in the initiative. One goblin to the right has left the forest to enter the clearing.

Maretta (right side) 21
Lisa (in the clearing) 21
Archer (right side)18
Goblin Boss (A) 16
Goblins on the Right (K,L,M) 15
Jimni (in the clearing)13
Goblins (in the clearing) (B, C, D, E, F, G) 12
Nathan (on the right)11
Hewik (centre)11
Knight (in the clearing) 9
Oscar (in the clearing) 9
Sadolath (centre) 8

You are lined up along the top of a small slope (5-6') at the northeast side of the clearing. Movement through the forest cost 1.5 times the normal rate. Everyone get 5% concealment for every 10 feet of forest between the attacker and defender. The goblins are about 20 feet away to the front and right, and 30ft away to the left.

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Oscar stands prominently in front of the group. In the goblinoid language Oscar says, "Stop this now. I will not allow bloodshed in this town." trying to intimidate the goblins. He pulls his rapier and awaits the goblins surrender.

ooc: +7 intimidate
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First Post
"Heel" told Hewik to his dog. With his quatterstaff in his hands, he move next to Oscar and he ready action. If a goblin come next to him, he will try to attack him.


First Post
Nate draws his hammer, gripping it firmly in two hands. Anyone trying to get to marietta will have to get through him. (will not use power attack)

Attack B +3, dmg 1d8+4,


ooc: three out of six already. nice work guys.

a quick clarification. Once Archer has posted his actions, I'll run through what the goblins do.

You can hold off deciding what to do until after you see what the goblins do. Or you can let your actions stand as they are (there is nothing wrong with them, just letting you know. Really. I'm not trying to trick you or anything.) Argent - Oscar's got brass ones.

Posting attack/check bonuses etc, like DrZ, helps me respond more quickly and get it right. use a ooc post at the end.


Sadoloth steps slightly behind and to the left of Oscar and Hewik and readies his sling, whispering under his breath a short prayer to the spirits of the forest. He eyes the goblins warily, awaiting for the first one to move into short range. Sadoloth barely knows these fellows, but would wish a death at the hands of lowly goblins to be beneath anyones dignity.

OOC: Sling +6, 1d3(x2) dmg.


First Post
"Real life goblins?!"

Archer's reflex response screams for him to run into the woods. Immediately realizing it would probably be a futile effort, Archer sighs and moves to stand behind Oscar, staff in hand, prepared to defend any would-be backstabbers from flanking the brave (or foolish) fellow who seems to know what to do.

"Yea, you tell 'em mate."

OOC: BAB +1 / d6+1 with staff - Sorry, subscribed now...I'll be faster with the postin'


Archer draws himself up to his full height. Like everyone else, he had been crouching down at the top of the slope to make himself smaller and harder to see. Seeing Oscar at the bottom Archer steps and jumps down the short slope to cover his back.

In the clearing: Two of the goblins {f,i} loping across the clearing slow a little, but it is only to heft up and throw their javlins. Lisa seems to be the target. She vainly tries to evade it but it catches her a nasty blow to the side. She lets out a sharp scream. Blood begins to stain the fabric of her tunic. The other javlin wobbles harmlessly overhead, the goblin who threw it stubling and going down face first into the dirt (two 1's!)

The other goblin lifts his morningstar and charges into the group at the base of the slope. Lisa, at point, again takes the brunt of the attack. The goblin takes her quarterstaff blow {AoO} on the shield, but his blow she also manages to just side step.

At the top of the the slope, from the right: Jimni scrambles back up the slope on all fours. Unfortunately, that puts him right in the path of one of the goblins {k} comming in from the right. Maretta steps back and launches a stone at the approaching goblin. There is a clunk as it bounces off something. Jimni just has time to jump up to his feet before the goblin charges into him. Jimni has nothing but his bow in hand, and he lashes out at, but misses {AoO}, the approaching goblin with that. Fortunately for Jimni, the goblin's attack is also wild and he is able to easily sidestep it. The other goblins {l,m} slow and move in more carefully, unable to close before you can ready yourself (now 5-15 ft back).

From the left: the goblin {h} slows slightly as he takes in Nathan's size, then leaps into to attack. Nathan just manages to get himself ready before the creature closes. Nathan's two handed sweep {AoO} with the hammer slips under its shield and the goblin crumples with a grunt and wet crunching noise. The third goblin {j} slows a little at that, coming to within 20ft of Nathan.

{1} One from the fight in the clearing [f], and one from the forest to the left of you .

ooc: Hewik and Nathan: you have a standard action remaining.
ooc: Oscar and Sadolath - you are up. Given the actions that have happened, you may choose new actions if you wish, but let me know either way. You have the full action set available, but you need a move action to ready yourself as you have been crouching. Sadolath, you have a clear shot (7ft) at l, who has just moved out from behind k.

Voidrunner's Codex

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