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[ic] nameless II: the seventh from seven

Argent Silvermage

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Oscar comes running when called. "Please my lady we will help as we can. Now, lets get you out of here." The young lord takes ahold of the woman and helps her to her feet and out into the hallway and down the stairs if he can get her that far.

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Nac Mac Feegle

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"Is anyone still trapped up here?" Craddoc asks. Then he'll look for doors that haven't been checked yet and begin to check each room for unconscious members.


Oscar arrives moments later. A quick glance at the situation is enough to see the problem. He nods to Nate and moves into the room. Cromwell and a Bremenn pass by the door. Cromwell has a dazed look and doesn't really seem to be clearly aware of whats going on. Nate steps outside to coem face to face with the Ubersaxe. The man glances at Nate with his mace, then the splintered door and realisation dawns.

"The rooms on the other side are all clear. I don't know about the ones in the middle section. Some of the doors are still closed, but I didn't hear anything." With that he strides off after his men.

Between Oscar and the Breman soldier, they manage to get the family up and moving down the corridor towards the stairs.

Nate moves on. The two doors on the left are open somewhat. The door at the end of this section of corridor remains closed. Nate frowns for a moment, then remembers. Its Lisa and Archer room. There is no sound from within, and no response to his rap on the door or shout. Nate gives the door a shove and it slides in a about a half foot before coming to a halt. A vaguely familier funky smell hits him. A good kick sends the door crashing back against the back wall. The room is a in much the same disarray as the others. The floor is stained dark from the washbasin water. Lisa lies sprawled on the floor, Archer tangled in his blankets.

Nate steps into the room to check on his companions. He decides to forgoe formalities and reaches down to roll Lisa over so he can carry her out. The blankets fall away revealing the knife buried up to its hilt in he chest. The penny drops*. That smell is the smell of butchering time. When the pigs are slaughtered for the winter. Nate turns slowly to look at Archer. That's no leather thong around his neck. His throat has been slit from ear to ear. Sadolath is not here. It is Sadolath's daggar buried in Lisa.

Craddoc sees Nate steps out of the room on the right. He pauses a moment as the Ubersaxe says something to him, then moves further into the building. Craddoc moves down the hall after Nate. The first two doors on the left are open, and a quick glance suggests that they are empty. In the first room on the right, Oscar and a Bremen are busy getting a small family up and moving. Craddoc moves on.

ooc: * yeah. nate had a really bad series of rolls initially. lovely.


First Post
Lisa? Wake up Lisa. C'mon, wake up. It's me. Just wake up, will you.


Looking wildly around him, mace grabbed in two hands, nate stands inthe middle of the room, looking for someone to pound into a bloody pulp. As the red mist slowly clears away his brain starts to work again. Pale as a sheet and trembling with anger he looks around, trying to search for clues.
Sadoleth? No, impossible. Why on earth would he kill them? Who would want us to think Sadoleth killed her. And why on earth did someone kill archer and Lisa? They didn't do anything wrong. Are they robbed? Violated? Where on earth is Sadoleth? Did someone do magic in here?


Nate smashes a chair out of the way with his mace before begining to rip the blankets and sheets from Sadolath's bed. The bedsheet gets caught under the matress causing Nate to stumble. With a scream of fury he begins ripping and jerking at the offending sheet. Suddenly it rips in two. Nate staggers back a step or two, panting. Sweat drips into his eyes, blurring his vision. He scrubs it away with the end of the sheet he still holds in his hand. In that small moment of calm the tiny voice of reason manages to get through to Nates rage clouded brain. He gulps a few deep breaths. He begins searching again.

Sadolath is indeed gone, as is his gear. But lying up against the wall under the bed are his googles. It the entire time that Sadolath had them, Nate had never seen him without them. For the first couple of miles out of Seven the halfling had walked head down scouting the road ahead and calling out all the tracks he had identified - carts, wagons, tall people, short people, lame people (Old man Hooseni?), children, dogs, cows, goats.


First Post
Basterds , Basterds. Do they think we're stupid? Blind? Someone's going to get hurt. A lot. Over a long period of time. No, I must stay calm.

Nate carefully pockets the goggles. He then walks out, his face as still as it was cut from stone. He takes oscar by the shoulder, and takes him to a quiet corner, almost lifting him of his feet.

"Oscar, we have a big problem. Someone killed archer and lisa." His voice breaks as he fumbles over the last name Oooh Lisa, Gods. "Sadoleth has disappeared, and all his things are gone, but something isn't right. He didn't take his goggles, and why would he kill Lisa and Archer? I think something happened to him. We gotta find him." And find out whoever killed Lisa. And do unspeakable things to him.


First Post
"That crazy old man. Didn't he say something about half-demons, sniffing evryone and saying that he was here when he sniffed Sadoleth? Maybe he had something to do with it, and killed 'em just to prove his point. Well, He'll have answers for us one way or the other. You coming?"

Murder in his eyes, Nate walks out , shouldering anyone aside who gets in his way, not caring who he offends.


First Post
In his room, Hewik was asleep. The noise starts to wake him up.

"Please mom, it is my day off... I want to sleep a bit more." he mumbles in his dream.

Hewik opens his eyes and see he is in an Inn. As every time he wakes from his dreams, it makes his heart goes weird. He is missing his family. Than he hear noise and see Oscar isn't in the room. He wakes up and fetch hastly his thing and start to search for the others.

Falling on them, Hewik looks a moment at them, trying to understand what happening, and then he ask: "What happened?"
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Clean up post.

Nate stalks out side and through thee town. He ignores questions as to where he is going or what he is doing. He moves through the frightened people that crowd the streets. It does not take him long to find the house of the old Gump.

Hewik and Craddoc follow Nate.

The is no answer at the door. Nate forces it open and heads inside. Hewik and Craddoc hover uncertainly outside the door. Then they hear shouting. They arrive just in time to see the old Gump unleasing vitriolic violet bolts of light at Nate.

The two side hunt each other through the house. Finally the old Gump is cornered in the attic. He unleases fire magic, or perhaps some form of trap was sprung. But regardless, the house begins to burn. Nate, Craddoc and Hewik make it outside. Of the old Gump no sign is found later.

The inquiry is held quickly and behind closed doors. Under the Justicar directed Zone of Truth, Nate insists that the Old Gump admitted to being involved. But he refuses to say more. Hewik and Craddoc can add nothing to that - they were not there at the time. But they testify that Nate didn't have his mace drawn when the Old Gump cast his first spell.

Nate, Hewik and Craddoc are found guilty of several infingements of military law. They have the book thrown at them - failure to report their findings and actions to a superior, willfully endangering themselves, etc, etc. But for the most part is just show. The current crisis is cited. Sentences are withheld til a more appropriate date.

The Seventh is reassembled. Craddoc is assigned to it, along with another. Now it is six - Cromwell, Nate, Hewik, Oscar, Craddoc and Fredar. They are told to speak of the mornings killings to no one. They are assigned to different units to help around town for the rest of the afternoon. They are told to be ready to march for Killingtom in the morning.

*Insert* It back breaking and heartbreaking work pulling the remains of people lives from the broken buildings that they once called home. The people work mechanically, and there is little chatter. Only the small children seem unaffected, scambling around and making castles out of the furniture stacked in the streets. Twice during the afternoon Cromwell blacks out without a sound. The priest can find nothing wrong with him, but mutters about a darkness on his soul, the stain of his parentage. It takes three men to haul the snarling Cromwell of the bloodied and bruised priest. From that moment Cromwell says not another world and his expression is unreadable as he is locked away. *End Insert*

During the night, Oscar's dreams turn sour. He thrashes and screams. His body is cold and clammy, seeming to barely contain any of the spark of life. His old wounds open. His healed wounds. Blood soaks and splatters the bed and walls before the priest arrives. A sedated Oscar is taken away.

*Insert* It a grey faced Captain that assigns two more men, Gwender and Hadarook to the Seventh. If it even can be called that any more. It clear that he sees the Seventh as some form of nightmare that just keeps getting worse. And that all he wants to do is be done with it. Corporal Gwender is given command.

So dawn sees the rump of the Seventh plus two new faces - Nate, Hewik, Craddoc, Fredar, Gwender and Hadarook - passing out of the gates of Trolluc and heading north towards Killingtom. *End Insert*

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