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D&D 5E (IC) Rise of the Dracolich


Dusty Dragon
"Thanks. We should have hammered a piton in." Looking around Kalorn added "what's going on?" as he drew his sword.

Further away, a troll looked around - Troll one, Blurcho, was momentarily disoriented. "Yo, boss, who am I bashing here?"

edit: troll # was wrong
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Blurcho had just finished healing the bumps and bruises from sliding off the ledge when the drowned trolls lumbered into view. When Sargloth indicated that he should be bashing them, he hesitated. One of them was literally his brother, who had disappeared months before. While he had no particular family loyalty, it made him feel a strange, distracting feeling that he could not name, and he stared at the disgusting lump of flesh that had once been his kin.

OOC: Blurcho is Frightened (the condition, though it's more "repulsed" really) for 1 minute. As is Troll3 & 4. (They have disadvantage on attacking and can't move closer to the Skraggs). IIRC, Oogabooga and Oodnadatta are okay, as is Sargloth, who's already bashing away at them. Case in point...

Sargloth vs Skragg6

Sargloth found that his trolls were reluctant to bash their nekkermunched bruddahs, which frustrated the troll boss as he thumped at one of them with his whalebone club. He got in one good blow, but the creature's meat was heavy and frozen. Then it came for him, biting and clawing savagely.

GM: Damage Taken:
(BGs) Skragg6 11 5 (Sargloth's Club)
(PCs) None;
(NPCs) Sargloth 5 (Skragg bite) & 8 (Skragg claw)

OOC: Trolls are supposed to regenerate at the start of their turn, but I've been doing it at the end of the round, just to keep it simple with the way we do timing. Skraggs lost their regen, but they have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage (and necrotic and psychic, as well as immunity to cold)
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Watching the Skragg brush off even that mighty blow, Mord changed his mind. They didn't have the time for him to wait for the trolls to slowly beat down their brother. Drawing the obsidian dagger, he pointed and fired off a pair of beams of pure force, the first striking true. While the other likely did nothing.

Eldritch Blast: 2#1d20+8 24 12 1d10+4 5 Forgot to include a 2nd attack roll but the 12 probably missed anyways. If I'm wrong, feel free to roll the 2nd Dmg abd continue on.


Dusty Dragon
Blurcho bit on this lip, a habit he had when he was nervous. What to do? He couldn't do nothing and look weak, but he didn't want to move closer to those creeps.

His eyes twitch as he bit through part of his lip. He swallowed. Ah that always cleared his mind. What was rule #1 fighting other trolls? Gang up. Hit the same guy. He could do that.

Blurcho picked up a large chunk of ice and hurled it at the one the boss was pounding on. See he was helping! Being... taktikul and all that. His lip was already growing back

Blurcho is throwing chunk of ice with disadvantage , take worse roll: 1D20+7 = [17]+7 = 24
1D20+7 = [8]+7 = 15

(ooc: this could hit? For damage, I looked at the worse boulder thrower (hill giant, 3d10+5) and I toned it down from there... I think 2d8+4 is reasonable?)

Blurcho possible damage from thrown chunk of ice.: 2D8+4 = [8, 2]+4 = 14




Mord & his Troll Skeletons

Deciding that it was best to get involved in the fight, Mord flung eldritch energy at one of the drowned trolls. His bolt made a low smacking noise as it struck heavy flesh, and Mord sent his troll skeletons to flank the enemy. One went the long way around a large ice-pillar, but the other one climbed over the corner of an ice-shelf and took a swipe with its claws at the drowned troll that Mord had struck, but did only superficial damage. The heavier undead would likely have smashed Mord's skeleton then, but Oogabooga pushed past it.

Oogabooga vs Skragg5

The most aggressive of the younger trolls, Oogabooga did not hesitate on seeing the drowned troll as an undead. Instead, he tossed aside his club and jumped on the creature, shoving Mord's skeleton aside. He bit deep into the neck of the drowned troll, breaking a few of his own teeth in the process. He held on tight, clawing at the creature as it clawed at him, raking his shoulder. It tried to bite him as well, but with his jaws clamped down on its neck, it couldn't turn its head.

GM: Damage Taken:
(BGs) Skragg5 5 (Mord's EB) & 10 5 (Ooga's Bite) & 11 5 (Ooga's Claw);
(PCs) None;
(NPCs) Oogabooga 15 (Skragg5 Claw Crit)


Oodnadatta & Blurcho

Oodnadatta, like his brother, did not hesitate to get into it with the drowned trolls. He moved beside his sarge, and he bit into the heavy frozen meat of the undead creature, breaking teeth. Blurcho, on the other hand, was repulsed by the creature that had once been his brother, but he shook off his troubled mind enough to tear a chunk of ice out of the pillar beside him, and he hurled it at the thing. Sargloth and Oodnadatta were in the way, and his ice-chunk went over all of them, narrowly missing the head of his target.

GM: Damage Taken:
(BGs) Skragg6 5 2 (Ood's Bite);
(PCs) None; (NPCs) None



Flying toward the east, to give Lorenn an idea of the layout of the Lair, Eko spotted another drowned troll, just standing there in a narrow corridor between the lair's northern wall, and a ridge of ice that ran east-west across the middle of the enormous cavern.


With nothing else important to do, Primus carefully made his way down a ledge to keep up with the others.

OOC: There. That's everybody, I think.


GM: Encounter: Imani's Agents & Oggsbruff vs Old Icy Death in his Lair on Oyaviggaton

(BGs)IcyDeath (???); Skragg1 (AJ34); Sk3 (BR35);
(PCs)Alhana (BE24); Kalorn (BE23); Lorenn (BF23); Primus (BB24); Sesto (BB21);
(NPCs)Oggsbruff (AN31); Loklafd (BD18); Eko (BM36); Sooty (AV28);
(Undead)KoboldZombie1 (AZ22); KZ2 (AZ21); KZ3 (BA21); KZ4 (BA22); KZ5 (AZ20)
Encounter: Mord & Ice Trolls vs Cult of the Dragon in East Lair of Oyaviggaton

(BGs)Skragg5 (CR47); Sk6 (CZ43);
(PCs)Mord (DC49); (NPCs)MordTroll1 (CQ49); MT2 (DJ36);
(Trolls)Sargloth (DA45); Oogabooga (CT47); Blurcho (CY46); Oodnadatta (DB43); IT3 (CV50); IT4 (CY50)
Name * AC * HP * Hit Dice * PasPrc * Spells * (Notes)
Alhana AC17 HP 65/68 HD 8/8 PP14*
Kalorn AC16(21)* HP 63/63 THP2/5 HD 8/8 PP15 WSS 1/2 EKSS 2/2
Lorenn AC17(20) HP 54/54 HD 8/8 PP14* SS 2/4 3/3 3/3 Song 2/2
Mord AC14 HP 45/51 HD 8/8 PP11* SS 2/2
Primus AC12(16) HP 59/59 HD 8/8 PP19 Psi(6) 42/44
Sesto AC18* HP 53/59 HD 8/8 PP15 SS 4/4 3/3 3/3 2/2 CD 2/2
Loklafd AC14 HP 58/58 HD 9/9 PP12
Eko AC11 HP 1/1 PP13*
Sooty AC12 HP 1/1 PP11*
Mordtroll1 AC12 HP 28/39 PP9*
Mordtroll2 AC12 HP 23/39 PP9*
KoboldZombie1 AC9 HP 7/13 PP8*
KoboldZombie2 AC9 HP 10/13 PP8*
KoboldZombie3 AC9 HP 11/13 PP8*
KoboldZombie4 AC9 HP 9/13 PP8*
KoboldZombie5 AC9 HP 13/13 PP8*
Oggsbruff AC17 HP 105/105 PP13*
Sargloth AC18 HP 81/84 PP12*
Oogabooga AC16 HP 79/84 PP12*
Blurcho AC16 HP 84/84 PP12* (Frightened)
Oodnadatta AC16 HP 84/84 PP12*
Ice Troll3 AC16 HP 84/84 PP12* (Frightened)
Ice Troll4 AC16 HP 84/84 PP12* (Frightened)
Name * Damage Taken * (Notes)
Old Icy Death 0;
Skragg1 0; Sk2 0; Sk3 0; Sk4 0; Sk5 15; Sk6 7;
End Round Two; Begin Round Three

Voidrunner's Codex

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