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D&D 5E (IC) Rise of the Dracolich


GM: Encounter: Imani's Agents & Oggsbruff vs Old Icy Death in his Lair on Oyaviggaton

(BGs)IcyDeath (???); Skragg1 (AJ34); Sk3 (BR35)
(PCs)Alhana (BA25); Kalorn (BC25); Lorenn (BF23); Primus (AZ30); Sesto (AW22);
(NPCs)Oggsbruff (AN31); Loklafd (BD18); Sooty (AV28);
(Undead)KoboldZombie1 (AW23); KZ2 (AX22); KZ3 (AY21); KZ4 (AY23); KZ5 (AZ22);
Encounter: Mord & Ice Trolls vs Cult of the Dragon in East Lair of Oyaviggaton

(BGs)DragonWing1 (CX38); Skragg5 (CR47); Sk6 (CZ43);
(PCs)Mord (DC49); (NPCs)MordTroll1 (CQ49); MT2 (CZ41); Eko (CK45);
(Trolls)Sargloth (DA45); Oogabooga (CT47); Blurcho (CY46); Oodnadatta (DB43); IT3 (CV50); IT4 (CY50)
Visibility (Dark & Foggy) Darkvision 60'=40' (120'=80'), Light (Sesto & Loklafd) 30'ra (15/15).
Terrain Difficult (Everywhere) (Crampons/Claws ignore) (Slide w/ dc11 Acrobatics).
Elevation 8' per colour (darker at bottom) (Down = 15' move; Up = 15' & dc15 Athletics)
(See OOC post#1034 for details)
Name * AC * HP * Hit Dice * PasPrc * Spells * (Notes)
Alhana AC17 HP 65/68 HD 8/8 PP14*
Kalorn AC16(21)* HP 63/63 THP2/5 HD 8/8 PP15 WSS 1/2 EKSS 2/2
Lorenn AC17(20) HP 54/54 HD 8/8 PP14* SS 2/4 2/3 3/3 Song 2/2 (Mirror)
Mord AC14 HP 45/51 HD 8/8 PP11* SS 2/2
Primus AC12(16) HP 59/59 HD 8/8 PP19 Psi(6) 42/44
Sesto AC18* HP 53/59 HD 8/8 PP15 SS 4/4 2/3 3/3 2/2 CD 2/2 (Light) (C:E.Ability)
Loklafd AC14 HP 58/58 HD 9/9 PP12 (Torch)
Eko AC11 HP 1/1 PP13*
Sooty AC12 HP 1/1 PP11*
Mordtroll1 AC12 HP 28/39 PP9*
Mordtroll2 AC12 HP 23/39 PP9*
KoboldZombie1 AC9 HP 7/13 PP8*
KoboldZombie2 AC9 HP 10/13 PP8*
KoboldZombie3 AC9 HP 11/13 PP8*
KoboldZombie4 AC9 HP 9/13 PP8*
KoboldZombie5 AC9 HP 13/13 PP8*
Oggsbruff AC17 HP 105/105 PP13*
Sargloth AC18 HP 84/84 PP12*
Oogabooga AC16 HP 63/84 PP12*
Blurcho AC16 HP 84/84 PP12* (Frightened)
Oodnadatta AC16 HP 84/84 PP12*
Ice Troll3 AC16 HP 84/84 PP12* (Frightened)
Ice Troll4 AC16 HP 84/84 PP12* (Frightened)
Name * Damage Taken * (Notes)
Old Icy Death 0;
Dragonwing1 0;
Skragg1 0; Sk2 0; Sk3 0; Sk4 0; Sk5 45; Sk6 25;
End Round Three; Begin Round Four

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Mord smiled as he spotted the cultist and heard him trying to reason with the trolls. This wasn't unexpected and he stepped forward. Looking for all the world like Orcaheart and locked eyes across the battle with the cultist. A moment later, the struggling orcs obscured their view and he could be seen and heard issuing orders in their tribes language.

"Go! Slay the interlopers!

Answering tribal battlecries issued out from somewhere behind the ice pillar, seeming to move around as if attempting to get at the cultist while avoiding the struggling trolls.

I took the assumption that Mord could and probably would have cast guidance again before the fight started. If it's not allowed, you can always ignore the roll.

Deception to fool the cultist and Minor Illusion for the ghost sounds application.
Deception: 1D20+1D4+7 = [6]+[4]+7 = 17


The Mordtrolls were far clumsier than their former selves and one stumbled into it's swing while the other took a fairly effective swipe at it's target.

Claw: 2#1d20+5 11 16 2#2d6+3 12 10


Eastern Lair

While Oogabooga and the drowned troll continued to scratch at each other, Mord pretended to be the ice-hunter champion Orcaheart, and called out instructions in the ice-hunter's language. The trolls didn't speak it, and they didn't understand the ruse, but they were busy anyway. Mord didn't speak it himself; he'd practiced the phrases with Loklafd, and he hoped that he'd gotten the inflection correct. In the event, it didn't seem to matter - the cultist spotted him among the trolls and ran back the way he came. Mord could see that the cultist was wearing crampons similar to Sesto's, and as there was no light source, either the cultist was not human, or else the strange dragon-like mask that he wore granted darkvision.

As the cultist ran off, Mord saw Lorenn's familiar Eko fly by overhead. The owl circled above the trolls, and flew off toward the north-west. Mord turned his attention back to his skeletal minions. While he was still not particularly happy with their performance so far, he saw one get a solid rake in on the undead that was fighting the troll sergeant.

Behind him, the other trolls were ripping hunks of ice out of the walls and hurling them at the other undead. Sometimes the ice-hunks missed and slid across the lair's floor, and other times they burst on the body of the drowned troll, like a very heavy, very hard snowball.

Oogabooga stayed & did 6 & 8 (claw) damage (resisted) to Skragg5
Troll3 & 4
both stayed & did 9 (ice hunk) damage to SK5
stayed & missed SK5
stayed & did 10 (claw) damage (resisted) to Skragg6
dashed (flying) to (CQ34)
Cultist DW1 dashed to (DC26)
Skragg5 stayed & did 10 & 15 (claw) damage to Ooga
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Dusty Dragon


Loklafd moved up to the edge of the ridge. And held up the torch to shed a light on the situation.

He's not holding the torch towards the trolls at all, just straight up where it can illuminate as much as possible.


Western Lair

Alhana began to run across the flat, slippery ice-shelf. Her natural elvish balance made it easy enough for her to stay up as she slid until she arrived at one of the higher platforms, where she climbed up to have a look around. She could see the two trolls fighting beneath her, and a ridge of ice loomed out of the fog to the south, but beyond that, all was dark, cold, and foreboding.

Oggsbruff and the drowned troll exchanged mighty blows for bites and scratches.

Loklafd came to the edge of the ice-shelf below her, and he held his torch up to try to see above the fog. At first he could just make out the ceiling, but then the fog began to thicken and the temperature around him dropped. It was already extremely cold, but this was unbearable. His torch flickered, and went out as ice formed where fire had been. Loklafd had trouble breathing as the misty air froze the water in his mouth and lungs. He gasped as his body began to ache, and he found that he could no longer see - it was not the darkness from his torch going out - he couldn't see Sesto's light, either.

The freezing cloud spread up and around the ice-pillars and Alhana could feel it reaching around her legs.

Alhana slid to (AU33) & climbed to (AS34)
Locklafd dashed to (AO31)
Oggsbruff stayed & did 17 & 18 (club) damage to Skragg1
Skragg1 stayed & did 16 &13 (claw) & 6 (bite) damage to Oggsbruff
does 21 cold damage to Loklafd (I rolled his save)
& 10 cold damage to Alhana (dc10 Con save for half)
& creates a cloud of cold & heavy obscurement from (AM26 to AT34)
Alhana can take her next turn (and presumably get out) before taking more cold damage.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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