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D&D 5E (IC) Scourge of Daggerford


GM: Encounter: Doughty Daggerfordians & Elf Guards vs Orc Attack at the Floshin Gate

(General Features) Difficult Terrain: the trees & bushes;
Elevation: Cliff (30 foot drop); Visibility: Dim light (dawn)
Name * AC * HP * Hit Dice * PasPrc * Spells * (Notes)
Angis AC14(15) HP 30/49 HD 5/5 PP15* SS 3/4 2/2
Dandin AC14 HP 22/31 HD 5/5 PP15 SS 4/4 BI 2/3
Escella AC14 HP 20/29 HD 5/5 PP18 SS 4/4 3/3 SP 4/4
Lionel AC14 HP 38/43 HD 5/5 PP14
Tommi AC14 HP 2/33 HD 5/5 PP17
Vairar AC18*(20*) HP 8/38 HD 5/5 PP13* SS 2/4 3/3 1/2 (C)
ORB5 AC13(18) HP 5/10 PP14* Shock+4,1d8; SS 2/3 fly60
Sgt Ryallan (EEG) AC15 HP 0/52 PP14* AE 0/3 (dead)
SunElf Guards AC16 HP 16ea PP12*
-SEG1 HP 16/16; SEG2 HP 7/16; SEG3 HP 0/16 (dead)
(Objects - Gatehouse)
Door (destroyed)
Arrow Loops AC17 HP(6)25
-AL1 25/25; AL2 (destroyed); AL3 11/25; AL4 0/25 (destroyed);
Name * AC * HP * PP * (Notes)
Auroch AC13 HP 34/38 PP11
OrcAurochRider AC16 HP 29/52 PP13*
DireBoars AC14 PP8*
-DB1 11/42; DB2 42/42
OrcBoarRiders AC15 PP11*
-OBR1 2/32; OBR2 19/32
Ogres AC11 PP8*
-Ogre (dead); Ogress 23/59
OrcEye AC16; HP 17/45 PP11* SS 2/4 0/2
Orogs AC18 PP10*
-Orog1 34/42; Orog2 0/42 (dead)
OrcArchers AC13 PP13*
-OA1 (dead); OA2 (dead); OA3 16/16;
-OA4 16/16; OA5 16/16;
Orcs AC15 PP10*
-O1 (dead); O2 4/15; O3 2/15;
-O4 (dead); O5 (dead) O6 15/15;
-O7 (dead); O8 15/15; O9 15/15;
GM: End Round Five; Begin Round Six

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Vairar finished strapping on his shield and he stood tall as his elf-host moved in swift retaliation. They killed the boar-rider at the gates, and cut down his boar as well. That finished, they leapt improbably high, onto the roof, and they surrounded the ogress, stabbing at her from all sides with their ghostly, shining blades. The ogress fell, and she slid down the roof taking tiles with her, before plunging to the ground below.

OOC: I just realized that the ogress is less than 30 feet over Vairar's head. And I didn't want anyone wasting attacks this round on enemies that would die to spirit guardians so I threw it in now.
Ogress's saves for 3 rounds of spirit guardians:
Save: 1D20-2 = [8]-2 = 6 for 3D8 = [4, 6, 1] = 11
Save: 1D20-2 = [4]-2 = 2 for 3D8 = [8, 7, 3] = 18
Save: 1D20-2 = [6]-2 = 4 for 3D8 = [3, 3, 6] = 12
Very Dead Ogress

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
OOC: Initial positioning: Tommi had been at Z23, and with 45' movement, he should be at AI43. It's important for him to be still on the road, as without that 5' difference, he doesn't have a chance to get our of range.

Tommi is scared, and for a moment he considers a final, desperate leap at the rider. But what good would dismounting him do? None.

Instead, he runs in front of the boar's tusks and hot breath and as the boar rider swings his spear around, Tommi grabs it and ducks underneath. And then he runs.

In his hand, he thinks he hears Gutter whimper, and say "Thirsty."

Open ground, on the gravel of the grand approach to the gate, making for the trees. Regretting his foolhardy climb of the cliff that put him outside the walls, regretting being noticed by the rider. Regretting the time he kissed Alison Hardcheese who had always liked him, but for whom he had felt nothing but a desire to make Sherlen jealous when she heard about it.

His socks feel wetter than they did before. Was that a false sensation, he wondered, his senses suddenly hyperacute? More than likely, it was just more blood pooling, and he thought of his poor mother, who would have to clean the boots afterwards.

He drew in a breath, his lungs heaving, and it tasted better than air ever had before.

OOC: So Tommi is standing and I'm assuming at AI23. He will move North on the map, disengaging to avoid opp attacks from the Boar, the pike, and (if needed) the raven. 60' north of that will be AI 11. If the boar has 40' movement then his top position would be row 14, 15' away. (If it's 50, then I'm hosed with another gore attack. I know there's an archer there, and I just hope his attention is directed elsewhere; otherwise Tommi is within 60' but at least in plain sight of the others). If it's possible to slide over a bit (to AJ or AK) that potentialy increases the range, but probably not enough to change things.

I think that's the best Tommi can do, keeping the boar guy entertained.


Angis Honack
Floshin Estates/Main Gate roof
Round 5

Angis harrumphed with disappointment as the ogress went down to a swarm of ghostly elves from below. Then again, he was still shaking cobwebs out of his noggin as he put his axes away. He saw Tommi far out, running across the road, with a boar rider after him.

“Fool boy!” Angis growled, stepping up to the crossbow again and taking aim at the orc rider, firing.


Mounted Crossbow: +6 2d6+Dex 100/400
Bolts: 58
Bolts used: 4

Marauding gnolls (Ardeep Forest, noble hunting party hostage)
Orcs in the north (Harpshield Castle, Floshin Estate, Newfield)
Lizardfolk with steel weapons and armor (Rock Tower, Crom’s Hold)

Free Object Interaction: Sheath both axes
Action: Attack OBR2 - should be just within first range
Mounted crossbow: 1D20+6 = [7]+6 = 13
2D6+1 = [4, 1]+1 = 6

Hunters Mark: 1D6 = [2] = 2

Using Dandin’s Inspiration die
Inspiration die: 1D6 = [4] = 4
This makes it 17 to hit the orc for 8 damage.
Bonus Action: Hunters mark OBR2
Horde Breaker:
Reaction: Opportunity Attack
Hunter’s Mark (if needed): OBR2
Concentration: Hunter’s Mark (OBR2)

Initiative: +1
Perception: +5
Speed: 30
AC: 14/15 (dual wield)
HP: 30/49 HD: 5/5d10+2

Bolts: 51
Bolts used:
Handaxes: 2/2

1) 4/4 Absorb Elements, Cure Wounds, Hunter’s Mark
2) 2/2 Pass Without Trace
4/4 Boon of the Elk. Can cast Knock four times (without the loud sound) as an Action. Until he uses the last one, non-good aligned Fey count among his Favoured Enemies.

Vairar - elven cleric
Tommi - human rogue urban bounty hunter
Dandin - halfling bard guild merchant
Enseth - warforged war cleric shield guardian
Angis Honack - dwarven ranger outlander merchant
Titus - human Waterdhavian noble fighter
Lionel - halfling rogue folk hero
Escella - Human sorcerer


The boar rider was grazed by Angis' quarrel as he pulled hard on the pig's reins, turning the stubborn beast around to chase Tommi, who was crossing the road as fast as he could. The raven appeared to be following Tommi, who half expected to feel the claws dig into the back of his head - he could hear the wings beating right behind him. But then, the bird swooped over his shoulder and as it landed, it twisted its shape into that of an elven woman, her face marked with tattoos.

"Take cover, brave but foolhardy boy." she said to him in a thick accent that Tommi had never heard before, "The Crescent Circle has come when called."

She raised a gnarled staff, and the road erupted in vines that wrapped themselves around the boar and rider, stopping them in their tracks and wrapping them tight.

Then, bursting from the woods came a half-dozen animals: An enormous ram; a sabre-toothed tiger; a black panther; a massive vulture; and a wolf the size of a horse. In addition, scuttling along the ditch at the side of the road, staying low to the ground was a spider the size of a large dog.

Raven's Entangle (dc15 Strength Save)
OB2 Save: 1D20+2 = [12]+2 = 14
Boar2 Save: 1D20+3 = [10]+3 = 13

Both fail

Vairar watches in satisfaction as his hated enemies fall around him. But as the boar settles down he sees the valiant elf sergeant on the floor. Flicking part of the power invested in him toward Ryallan, he advances on the host.

"Come on, everyone, let's finish this!"

Coming outside, face to face to several orcs, Vairar walks calmly outside, the elves of the celestial host coming forward with him. Looking around, he adjusts his steps so he can catch multiple orcs into the spell area.

Seeing more of them than he thought possible are still alive, he sets his shield and waits for the worst they can throw at him.
In orcish, he calls out:
"Come now, rejects! One little elf, all yours for the taking!"

He grins at the orc he walked up to.
"You die first, beast, watch your back."


Prickly Pear

The arrow only just missed Lionel but hit the elf guard instead. In horror, Lionel saw the guard slump to the floor with masses of blood coming from the wound. Oh no, Lionel thought frightened, next arrow could come for me! No arrow came but two orcs showed up where the oroc had fallen, chipping away at the wall. The hole was now large enough for one of them to push through. Lionel raised his sword again and brought it down on the approaching orc. The orc fell down next to the fallen elf guard bleeding from the fatal wound.
Before Lionel moved back into cover, he located the archer on the road. Further down the road he saw Tommi scrambling to safety and, what appeared to be reinforcement, turn up in the forest beyond. The tide of the battle might change, Lionel thought to himself and started to feel a little less frightened as he switched to his crossbow.

Round 6
Action: sword attack and damage: 1D20+7 = [10]+7 = 17
1D6+4 = [5]+4 = 9

Bonus Action: Disengage
Move: back to O23, out of sight from orc archer.
Reaction: Uncanny Dodge, if hit by an attacker Lionel can see, damage halved.


Vairar, surrounded in ghost-like elf warriors, charged out of the now-broken door, leaping over the rubble. His elf-host fought with the orcs, who did their best to hold them off. The one closest to Vairar fell to the glowing blade of an ancient elf warrior.

The large orc who rode the great bull retreated a few steps and he called to the other orcs to put an end to this elf and his priestly magics. Though harried by the elf-host, the orcs surrounded Vairar, and they swung their axes with ferocious intent. Vairar spun around, staying low under the protection of his shield and he successfully fended off each and every blow as they rained down on him.


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