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[IC] Shamutani Hills - psi/gng


Shamutanti Hills
a psionic gng short adventure.​


Far from the centers of civilisation and power that are the Three Empires, borded on two sides by mountains and the third by the Badlands of Kakhabad, the lands of the Kingdom of the Five Kingdoms are pretty much a backwater. The land itself is green but not particularly fertile. Agriculture, timber and minerals are the main resources. But they are exciting, much of the land is still covered with forests populated by wild beasts and more dangerous creatures.

The Kingdom of The Five Kingdoms is a loose alliance of 5 kingdoms under one High King. The five kingdoms are Analand, Ruddlestone, Lendleland, Gallantaria and Brice. A new High King is selected every four years, or when a reigning High King dies, from one of the other Kings. For centuries, The Stone has been the cornerstone of this alliance. Possession of The Stone is the right of the High King.

The Stone has several mystical qualities. Untruths are more difficult to tell, and more easily detected within its aura. But most importantly of all, it grants the one who places his foot upon it great wisdom, insight and charisma. It also compels that person to do what they honestly believe to be in the best interests of all who sit within The Circle of the Stone. It isn't perfect, but its been enough to keep peace for many years.

Two days it was been stolen from the Great Hall of the King of Analand. The Stone Guard on duty were found unconscious and the doors still locked from the inside. The Hall Men heard nothing. There was only an open window on the upper floors, and some feathers. And since then there has been confusion. Some suspect the High King of seeking to extend his ownership of the stone. Some seek ways to use the event to their own advantage. Some maneuvour to prevent others from doing so. Most do all three. Lights burn late into the night, and cloaked riders stream in and out of the city.

Bruscilious, the King's sage believes that it was the work of the Birdmen of Xamen. But the lands of Xamen lie far across the Badland of Kakhabad. In Analand, almost nothing is known of the Birdmen. So a small group of young warriors of good name and psotion are gathered to together to travel to the city of Khare and seek out Xanvier, a sage of great knowledge and an expert in the ways and deeds of the Birdmen and the lands of Xamen.

Thus you find yourself standing before Bruscilious and your King, the High King. You wear you best clothes and carry your best equipment. But appart from yourselves and your mounts, the mage and the king, there is no one else there. The courtyard is quiet and subdued in the cold predawn. There will be no grand send off. You must slip out of the town like ghosts. Even your brothers and sisters are not to know exactly where you are going, or why.

Bruscilious hands you a pouch containing a (woefully inadequet) map of the lands between here and Khare, a letter from himself to the sage (in the secret language of the sages), and a dozen of the feathers found in the Hall wrapped in silk and again in oiled leather.

"Remember, even with this letter, Xanvier is as likely as like as not to leave you standing on his doorstep. Although he was once from the Five Kingdoms, he has been given little reason to love them. Your titles and positions will carry little weight with him. Be patient, respectful and resourceful."

The King wishes each of you God's speed as you kneel briefly before him in turn.
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November 11th and 12th.

Chapter One

From the city you ride nor-east. You have two days ride ahead of you to the homestead of Beck. There you will replenish you supplies before making your way to the Hui river, the edge of the Kingdom and the start of Shamutanti Hills. You pass through a few villages and steads and it is fairly obvious from the responses of those who you see that there has been more traffic along this road than usual. The travelling that first day is uneventful and you make good time. The next morning you set off early. If your luck holds, you should arrive at the homestead of Beck well before nightfall.

After an hour or so the road enters a wood and a short time later, a small stead appears around a bend. The stead is set in the middle of clearing ranging some two hundred to three hundred yards from its center. The numerous ten feet high mounds of earth around the stead indicate that these people make their living by charcoal burning. But what is more interesting is that, as you approach, a small knot of people forms on the road in the center of the stead ahead, growing to a dozen or so in number by the time you get within about 100 yards. Most of them are armed. Axes mostly, although there are a few spears and short bows as well. The weapons are held awkwardly, diffidently almost. They watch you approach, but they are also rather heatedly (but in hushed voices) discussing something.
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Bendyn Human Fighter/Psion

Bendyn makes sure his sword is loose in its scabbard and sets his shield comfortably on his arm. "Well my companions, what do you make of this? Is order breaking down with the loss of the stone or is something sinister happening in this little stead?" He continues to ride confidently. As he approaches within 20 yards of the people he raises Precognitive Defense.


First Post
"Don't be too hasty", replies Eric. "These are no warriors, look at how they hold their weapons. Perhaps something happened here that they're scared of.. a great injustice of some sorts. Let us speak with them."


First Post
Casparan, not entirely familiar with the customs and manners of Analand, is content for now to stand silently to the side and let the others deal with the crowd. He scans the crowd for any threatening movement and to see if he can pick out the leaders.


First Post
Lirithan is startled by Bendyn's actions, the thought not really having occurred to him that these people could want to hurt them. He nods at Eric's words and then rides on a little ahead of his companions and calls out to the assembled crowd "Hail, good friends! Is something troubling you?"


November 12th.

There is a kind of nervous resolve about the group as you steadly approach talking amoung yourself. At this distance there is little chance of your words being overhead. There is a ripple of movement as Lirithan spurs his pony forwards and a few spears and axes jerk up reflexively. But at Lirithan's words there is almost a collective sigh from the group. There is a brief exchange between a small group of four in the center, then one steps forwards.

ooc: Roll a sense motive check. Read all of the listed information with a DC less than your result.

Sense Motive DC10:
They want to talk.
Sense Motive DC15:
They are prepared to make you stop and listen, although they are not very happy about doing it.
Sense Motive DC20:
Lirithan's words have calmed them noticably and the situation is much less volitile now. But they want something from you quite badly.

"Ho there travellers! I am Roak. Be welcome to Tabotty," he cries in reply. But he says nothing more, seemingly happy to wait until you get close enough to converse without having to raise your voices. At this point you are still some 60-70 yards away. Behind him there is still some hushed discussion amoung the others and a few gestures to others.

ooc: As above -

Spot DC15:
As you approach you notice Roak glancing at the houses around him. He shakes his head a couple of times.
Spot DC20:
There is at least a couple of people behind the buildings that line the road ahead of Roak.

You are almost alongside the first building and some 50 yards from Roak.
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Bendyn Human Fighter/Psion

To his companions, "Let us not ride so close that we put ourselves in a crossfire. They seem to want to talk." Then louder to the assembled people. "Good people of Tabotty, what has happened that you must assemble baring arms when simple travelers pass? Well met Roak, come forward and tell us what is on your mind, for we are peaceful travelers and have no quarrel with you."


First Post
Eric looks sideways at Bendyn. "My, you are suspicious, aren't you ? If they wanted a fight, no doubt they would set up an ambush on the road, rather than relying on their prey to come to them. If we must live in fear of any man we meet, I would rather die proudly than live in such a snivelling way."

With a flick of his reins, Eric motions his pony forwards to parley with Roak.


Bendyn Human Fighter/Psion

Bendyn shakes his head and rides forward, but not so far that he will be trapped by the hidden villagers.

Its a fine line between proudly and foolishly, and this mission is too important to play the fool for pride's sake.

Voidrunner's Codex

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