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the magical equivalent to the number zero
Aanzu hardly listens to the Teraphim, as the prince considers the suggestions to be just that... suggestions. The dragonborn is a prince, one day a king if he manages what he has set out to do, and he gets to make the decisions. At the moment he trusts Harfik to judge the outsider's advice.

So Aanzu shows more interest in the gnome holding on to his arm and what she knows her familiar discovered.

"The lizards can use the weapons and armour," he announces with the tone of voice of one who expects to be obeyed. He himself expects to need nothing but his sword, but the prince knows that his allies have the advantage over whatever they'll facing with the Teraphim weaponry.

OOC: Is the gear easily accessible, or do we need to figure out a way to reach it?

And Aanzu truly wishes to find Ella Ravenblade first and foremost, which means heading to Nova Palatine if I understand correctly. At least that's what Aanzu thinks; he understands she has been spotted at Palatine Waterworks, which is in Nova Palatine.

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
And Aanzu truly wishes to find Ella Ravenblade first and foremost, which means heading to Nova Palatine if I understand correctly. At least that's what Aanzu thinks; he understands she has been spotted at Palatine Waterworks, which is in Nova Palatine.

OOC: That is very literal understanding. Shouldn't he, as a prince, understand nuances a bit more? And sacrasm?


the magical equivalent to the number zero
That is very literal understanding. Shouldn't he, as a prince, understand nuances a bit more? And sacrasm?
Well, perhaps it stems from my own non-English background. I see that 'waterworks' can mean several things, and I wasn't completely sure which of those is true in this case. So... yeah. I, as a player, may have misunderstood, and therefore Aanzu did, too. :blush:


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Well, perhaps it stems from my own non-English background. I see that 'waterworks' can mean several things, and I wasn't completely sure which of those is true in this case. So... yeah. I, as a player, may have misunderstood, and therefore Aanzu did, too. :blush:
OOC: As I understood it, with soldier sneering, it is ermmm...lady of the night...and in poor neighboorhood...that's why she wouldn't be likely to know a prince.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
OOC: ...I honestly didn't realize that. Makes sense. Although I think it's a fun thing that Aanzu does not completely realize this, because he never needed to go to such a place. ;)


Harfik Human Monk

Harfik listens closely to what the captain has to say, knowing that it is everyone's best interest to work together but still not completely convinced that the Teraphim understand that we are more than subordinates. Leaving the Giantess with them in exchange for Ajax seems very much to him like an exchange to ensure cooperation than a kind jesture.

OOC: Insight check on the captain [roll0] and Ajax [roll1] trying to catch Ajax's reaction to being offered up as our guide and see if there is anything underneath what the captain is actually saying. What he thinks about their intentions will greatly affect his reaction so I will hold off on that.

The second Aanzu speaks Harfik responds excusing himself from the captain with a quick bow and walking quickly over to Aanzu, Lilly and Poe. "Yes my Prince."

Harfik waits obediently, looking over what he can see, that might be something he is comfortable carrying. These strange tools were powerful for sure but only if he could figure out how to make use of them. Mostly he was thankful for the extra moments to think about the Teraphims words, being creatures and a culture he is unfamiliar with extra time to try and put the pieces together was nice.

Archon Basileus

First Post

The weapons are easily accessible. It seems that the rack was left in a hurry, thus remaining unsecured - a very irresponsible and strange attitude, considering the mass of protocols followed and presented by the Teraphim. As the overhears the prince and sees Lyllie's and Harfik's interest, the captain rises to his feet, opening the rack and offering the weapons to the visitors.

"Please, go ahead." - his own eyes widen as he sees what's on display, as if pleasantly surprised. He measures the prince, reaches out for one of the vibroblades and brings it to Aanzu, offering it with a bow. "Your Highness, if it pleases you, go ahead. These are fine weapons that we considered lost to us. Made by one of our skilled artisans, they hold special qualities that might please you and your entourage. We'd be honored if you accepted them as a gift." - surely the Captain learns the rules of a game quite fast, as Harfik notices. He turns around, doing the same with a crossbow and presenting it to Thulwar. "We call them lasguns... These ones are... Special, emissary." - he eyes the gnome as if he had noticed what had happened with the cube. "You might notice a certain pattern to these engravings here..." - all weapons seem to have some sort of magical language woven into them. "Our Semiomancers participated in their confection. You might find it satisfying to employ" - he gives one to Yttrian - "...or to reverse-engineer..." - he smiles, and throws a third one towards Ajax.

Harfik notices great complicity between the warrior and the Captain. Apparently, the offering does not have a sort of hostage-exchange tone to itself, but Ajax' selection is not at random. Odds are that the soldier can survive if left alone amidst enemies, and Harfik thinks he understands why... Ajax is not exactly a fighter... He doesn't move like one, at least. He doesn't access any situation with a straightforward attitude, more concerned with studying the area he's about to enter first. There's some edge to his actions, some detachment to his gaze... No, he's used to feed on advantages, attacking the field when he has the upper hand. He's a survivor, for sure, and should he be in danger, he might find ways to escape. Odds are he already figured out an escape route from here.

Beyond that, the Captain's intentions seem to be true. After sharing equipment, this becomes even clearer. The Teraphim's actions are cautious, but they do not seem to prepare for future conflict. In fact, they seem to feel responsible for the stray giantess, her baby and the miners, as much as they feel compelled to help the heroes. Despite their history and their past actions, something noble seems to emanate from them: genuine guilt, a strong sense of duty and the will to see everyone through this ordeal.

JustinCase and @Neurotic, I have left the term "waterworks" vague on purpose, hehehe... As for Neurotic's conclusions on the lady's activities and whereabouts.... I'll keep it as a surprise, hehehe. Funny part is that, between the three of us, I guess there's no native english, hehehe. God, I hope I got the right meanings for the word, hahaha!]

@JustinCase @Neurotic @Shayuri @industrygothica @Greenmtn


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Aanzu nods as the Teraphim offers him the blade so respectfully, and he accepts the gift. Giving it a few swings in the air, the dragonborn is obviously comparing it to his greatsword.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Thulwar takes the device, his eyes shining. "Don't worry, Captain, I have figured out basic controls. By their very nature they have to be simple and quick to use." He expertly checks the battery, checks the lock on the weapon and puts it away.
"I'm interested in this finely woven metal. How do you do it? And why? Wouldn't metal plate offer better protection especially with advanced metals? I'll figure out the language especially if you offer some tips. In return, I can teach your Artificers few things about our resident magic and its laws. You didn't look long or hard enough to see the benefits. A question about Chton. Is there a material it cannot subsume and can be stored safely? I believe organics and metal are out of the question, but what about ceramic or glass? Maybe silver or cold iron?"

Spending some time taking samples he ignores others until someone calls to move out. Or suggests alternate way out.

OOC: Eberron, here we come :)

[roll0] - LOL
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